09. if you ask, my dear, you shall be given my honest answer



"Just a question TaeSee, there's this girl who calls herself as a graphic designer but I don't know what's her problem... She requests to different shops AT THE SAME TIME and don't pick them up. When the designers figured it out and tried to talk with her. SHe'll block them (their account). I don't know, this is bothersome to me since some of those designers are my friends too. I tried to talk with her in a nice and calm way but she didn't replied. So what do you think?" -goodlynlyn 


To answer, by the way, thank you for the question, it's good to know that someone actually reads my updates lmfao. I think that she should be embarrassed. The fact that she is, too, a graphic designer, with probably a shop, if not, working somewhere, that most likely has a rule stating: "do not request for a poster here if you had already requested from another shop." (or vice versa), and still had the guts to request at more that one shop is VERY disappointing. You know, if I was the designer that went up to talk to her / PM her, I'd rather have her lie to me then block me. Like, what's that going to do? It does annoy me, and I'm sure it bothers most of the designers out there. When people don't come and pick up their poster, I get mad and VERY disappointed at myself. I usually try to never take it out on the requestor because, I don't know. That's just ... me? But, I get mad because, it's like ... "How dare you come request from me, but not even pick it up." You know? But whatever, that's their problem if they want to pick it up or not. 

But, overall, I think that I'd, personally, would just drop it, because she's not the only one like that, like, yes, she's a designer herself, and she should be mature enough to be able to handle a serious conversation with the designer him/herself, and she should've known better, not to do that. I mean, if she was afraid that the poster would come out ugly, then she could: 1.) talk to the designer and ask for a redo, and tell the designer specifically what she wants changed, and she and the designer could work something else. 2.) she could use the poster for however long she's required to use it for, and then look for a new shop.

What annoys me more is when a person (regardless if he or she is a designer or not) requests for a poster, with the main story title, but uses it as a chapter poster .... WHAT? To be honest, I put in a lot of effort to make all my designs for requestors (if I'm doing posters out of boredom, I usually don't care too much what I do, but yeah.) But honestly, if it's a chapter poster, I don't stress about it as much, because let's be honest, it's on chapter, and most people usually don't look at the poster for any longer than 30 seconds, you know. But a main / title poster is always being looked at and judged on, first impressions, and what nots. I usually look at the poster before I decided if I want to read it or not. I don't mind people requesting for a chapter poster, but if you're planning on using it as a chapter poster, at least tell me so I don't have to stress about it to the point where I want to pull out my hair, okay? LOVE YA! lmao.

Anyway, I know this got kind of long, lol. Sorry. But yeah, hopefully this answered your question.








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