16. teach me how to be pretty.



- "Can your talk about tutorials? Like what's your opinion on them? I feel like they're great for people to explore ways and other techniques of skilled designers, but some people do the tutorial step by step and the results are awesome like the tutorial promises, then they use it as an example. When the requestor sees it, they're like Hmm she's good... Requesting. Then the poster that comes back to her is like LOLOLOL just kidding //trollface" -BunniesOnTheMoon 

Sorry I just used "BOTM" as the title, your username is too long for my title space LOL. But thanks for the question! To answer:

I think that tutorials are, or should basically, be a basic. Like, just the basic fondation. Like, lets say that the designer is making a tutorial on an angst poster, right? Well, I PERSONALLY think that the "teacher" should just show us the basic, like how they set their characters, how they recommend you blend the characters, the extra tetures, and small stuff like that. Once the teacher gets into how she/he uses the layers and how they present the layers, or highlight a part of the poster, they're telling you what the visioned the poster to look like, they're showing us THEIR style, what they're personal take on the poster is. By all means, if you ever come upon a tutorial you like, and don't like the style of the original designer, go ahead and adjust it to your liking. Tutorial are not meant to be represented in the same exact way, you know? 

But, that was paragraph was messy, lol. wth. I agree, tutorials are great for people to explore, it's a chance of rookies to get a taste of the "trend" & designers' "style," or see what other designers have up their sleeves. It's a great experience to see "Oh, this designer's style is new!" or "I've never seen this technique before!" And things like that. It's great for everyone, honestly. Tutorials should be a fun experience for you.  

Of course, requestors judge the shop by looking at it's cover, the cover being the example that the designer has set out. HOWEVER, I strongly disagree on putting it as your example. If you personally did not make the poster, I don't think you should be putting it as your example, because there could be problems with that. BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT, if you like the outcome of the poster SOOOO much, I do suggest that in your credit mark, you put "tutorial made by: username" It just makes sense, you know. If not, then, I'm sorry. OTL.

If you're a requestor who isn't satisfied with your poster, don't be a about it and not use the poster, it was YOUR decision to request at that shop, if you aren't satisfied with it, you can't really blame anyone else, right? You can always PM the deisgner and nicely, and calmly explain why you don't like it and ask if he or she is able to redo your poster, if the designer declines to redo your poster, then leave it like that, don't be nagging, that's not cute and it get annoying and really bothersome. Just say "okay, thank you for the poster." And use the poster for the required length, after you're done using the poster for the required time/length, feel free to go request at another shop (:

I hope this answered your question, if not, I'm sorry, lol. <3








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