Always Into-you ღ | Oh ChangMi


Always Into-you


Always Into-you

Oh ChangMi

The Intro:

Username: Park_Jen_ah

Nickname: Jen

Activeness:  10




The Basics:

Name: Oh ChangMi

Nickname(s): OhMi-her bandmates call her this because when she was still in the testing stage she would glitch and say OhMi instead of Oh ChangMi. (Told by their creators)

Birth date: April/15

Age: 21

'Oil' type: AB

Height: 163cm





The Core:

Personality: ChangMi is programmed to be the leader. Naturally, she is supposed to lead, govern and guide her group. She has a very motherly personality. It is her job to be the strong one and to make sure that everything goes smoothly. When things do not go as planned, she's programmed to worry. If one of her members is not feeling right or is glitching, she does her very best to tend to them and fix them.


ChangMi is also a very mature android. She talks mature and acts mature. She's programmed to have complex thoughts, to be wise. She's the go-to for advice. However, nothing, no matter how they came to be, is perfect. ChangMi has one glitch. Her glitch is that she absorbs information from her surroundings. She, if exposed to a certain behavior enough, will try to adapt and mimmick it. She tries to blend in. Be something that she's not. 


- Charging-There's just something about being on full energy that she loves

- Rapping- It's what she was created to do, so she's most happiest when she's rapping.

- Walking-She likes to take long walks around the city, just observing and watching the world pass her by. She finds it calming.

- TV- ChangMi finds the TV fascinating so she loves to watch shows on it.


-Being low on energy

-Getting a tune up (eventually she won't like being fixed should something glitch)

-The Dark (She will develop this later in the story when she longs to become more human)


- Flower Pressing

- Imitations-anything from animals to people

-Cooking (She will develop this later in the story. Even though she cannot eat human food, she will grow a desire to cook it.]


-She tends to carry a portable charger on her so that if she feels too low, she can self charge herself.

- She tends for forget to lock doors and whatnot so she always leaves her house door unlocked. Usually another member has to remind her or do it themselves.

-She wears warm clothes even though she doesn't physically feel cold (in the winter)


-Never being able to feel human emotions. Her fear (later in the story) will be that she will never truly know what its like to experience happiness and sadness, and most of all, love.

-She's very smart

-She paints her toenails and fingernails a different color every day. She also has a special outfit that she wears every wednesday.





The Visual:

Ulzzang Name: Kim Seuk Hye

Ulzzang pictures:    

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Back up Ulzzang Name:  Park Hyemin
Back up Ulzzang Pictures:  

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Clothing Style: ChangMi likes to dress nicely. She always wears dresses and heels, and wouldn't be caught dead ln jeans outside of work.

[1] [2] [3]

Number: 001-She has this tattooed on her left hip and it is green in color.





The Performer:

Stage name: MiMi

Personal Fanclub name:  SimJang

Personal Fanclub color: #33cc99

Position: Leader, Main Rapper, Vocalist

Singing: Yoona-SNSD [1]

Dancing: Chorong-A Pink [1]

Rapping: Lime-Hello Venus [1]





The Social:

Member they are closest to: Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer

Member they are awkward with: Main Dancer, Lead Rapper, Vocalist

Opinion on Leader:

Opinion on DAN-B: She is a very cheery girl. She seems like she could get into trouble, but nothing serious. And ChangMi feels like she's always going to be pranked by her.

Opinion on Main Dancer: ChangMi thinks she has a lot of skill and is a dancing machine. She seems to be hiding something, because not much is really known about her. She seems innocent enough, but ChangMi still feels awkward around her.

Opinion on Lead Vocalist: She is very competitive. ChangMi likes that in her and thinks a little competition is a good thing.

Opinion on Maknae: Because ChangMi has a motherly feel to her, she thinks that the Makne's cute and curious attitude is adorable and feels the need to look after her the most.

Opinion on being an Android: ChangMi loves being an android at first. She loves getting dance routines right on the first try and being able to rap like it's nobody's business, but as she experiences more contact with humans and see's their actions and feelings (i.e joy when they win an award, a sense of accomplishment when they work really hard on a difficult routine, and experiencing sadness)  she starts to wish she were human instead of being an android so that she can feel what it's' like to really work for something. (later in the story)





The Lover:

Love Interest: Kim MinSu (Boys Republic)

Personality: MinSu is eye candy. He's a model and very sought after. He knows he's good looking, so he tends to think highly of himself. He keeps his emotions to himself, and infact wished he never had them at all. To him they were a nusiance. He's very grumpy when not on camera and arrogant (offstage). When MinSu is on stage, he's a happy and goofy boy who does the stupidest or says the stupidest things. He's always joking around with his bandmates and smiling.

Relationship: ChangMi and Minsu were paired up on a team for a Rookie group variety TV show. It was a competition program where you competed against other Rookie pairs for a grand prize of two tickets to Disneyland in California for one night and two days. ChangMi really liked his personality (on screen) and they clicked really well together during the TV show. She was confused by his real self though and how they totally didn't get along at all. How can someone be one way onstage and then be completey different off? It intrigued her. As ChangMi longs to be more human (she'll long to feel the emotion of love) and as her interest in MinSu continues to grow, she'll try to be closer to him. MinSu, who doesn't like emotions, will try all he can to get away from her. He just wants to be by himself (and flirt). But he is still human after all...and humans matter how much they do not want to.

Back-up Love Interest: Choi JongHyun (TeenTop-Changjo)

Personality: Cold.Quiet.Calculating. He's the manly Makne of Teen Top. He's rough around the edges and has quite the temper. He's really good at sports and dancing, and unfortunately, he is caring. He like's to care for people secretly. Especially pretty nonna's. He want's to be able to take care of his noona's. He doesn't like being an Oppa.

Relationship: ChangJo see's ChangMi performing on stage and becomes entranced by her. She's beautiful to him. ChangJo tries all he can to impress her, to be manly, and proove that even though he's younger he's perfectly capable of taking care of ChangMi. ChangJo and ChangMi meet at the music awards as they are both nominated for the same award. ChangMi finds ChangJo looking at her and confronts him about it off stage. ChangJo becomes all flustered and ChangMi finds it cute. ChangJo keeps making advances towards ChangMi because he's attracted to her maturity. But because ChangMi is programmed to be motherly, she just finds him child like because he's younger than her. But as ChangMi longs to become more human, she will realize just how manly he can be.




The Goodbye:

Comments/Questions:  If it needs to be fixed let me know!

Scene Requests: I think a cool scene for ChangMi would be a scene where she longs to feel true, genuine, real emotions. Seeing  a couple experience so much joy makes her wish she could experience it too. She walks around Seoul, and each person she passes only strengthens her want to be human like.

Song Recommendations: Any song is gonna be good ^_^





picture credit goes to google and tumblr.



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