Skylight | Character's Name

s k y l i g h t !
your usename + a nickname | time zone | activity level

{replace the two gifs above with one of your faceclaim; delete all the brackets, including this one.}

name: {lastname, firstname. unless your character has a foreign first name, in which case...plan accordingly.}
nicknames: {who calls her that and why.}
other names: {english names if her name isn't inherently in english, korean names if it is...}
date of birth: {month day year}
age: {15-22}
place of birth: {anywhere in the world.}
languages spoken: {five at the very maximum, and remember...not every idol knows english.}

faceclaim: {ulzzangs preferred. go for ones with a lot of hq images if possible, it just makes things look neater. byeon seo eun is taken.}
gallery link
backup ulzzang
weight: {i actually don't expect your character to be a healthy weight. this is the idol industry, after all, and the thinner = the better.}

style: {links if you'd like. what your character wears, usually - formal occasions, airport, practice, on a rare day off?
etc.: {anything about your character's appearance that differs from the ulzzang you used; piercings or tats, for example.}

character traits: {4-6 basic words that describe your character's personality. thesaurus = good.}
expansion: {a few paragraphs extending on the traits you just described. be consistant, if entirely possible.}

likes: {5+ semi-specific things your character is interested in.}
dislikes: {5+ semi-specific things your character does not like.}
hobbies & habits: {more habits than hobbies, if possible; idols don't have time to do a lot of things aside from practicing and practicing and practicing. especially if they're a newly-debuted group.}
trivia: {an unlimited amount of facts about anything you haven't said above.}

background: {not every character has a sad, tragic and touching past; remember that. one paragraph at the very least, though. no maximum. include how your character became a trainee in this paragraph too.}

family: {idol siblings are allowed if you absolutely must have one. you can even have more than one as long as they're actual siblings - i.e., jessica/krystal or the jo twins.} name | age | occupation | four traits | closeness out of five

best friend: {one only. i'd prefer it to not be an idol but who am i to judge?} name | age | occupation | closeness | how they met

friends: {if they're idols, include how they met, or if they haven't yet how will they?} name | age | occupation | closeness | how they met

rival: {can be a friendly rival! nothing wrong with that. include some positive traits too.} name | age | occupation | closeness | how they met

stage name: {optional. you can make something up that's different (like leo for jung taekwoon), just go by your first name (like hongbin) or make up a new full name altogether. or go by your normal full name. i'm giving you some freedom here.}
onstage persona: { princess or aegyo queen, but don't use those since they're horribly unoriginal ew.}
position: {lead vocalist/sub-rapper is taken.}
backup position:

vocal twin: {in accordance to your position. in order of best to worst: main, lead, sub, no title.}
dancing twin: {same as above.}
rapping twin: {mostly optional, unless you're a rapper.}

stage personality: {if there are any of your character's traits that are over or underexaggerated on camera, put those here.}
trainee years: {no maximum but be realistic.}

love interest's name: {doesn't have to be from exo; vixx's leo is taken.}
date of birth: {four year max age difference.}
backup love interest:
personality: {like, 1-2 paragraphs here would be okay.}
how they met: {on a collaboration? backstage? somehow before skylight debuted? be realistic. 1 paragraph.}
relationship status: {don't just give me a "dating" or "friends"; how do they act around each other? is it platonic or are there romantic feelings there? 1 paragraph.} 

scene requests


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ElleAlstreim #2
Heyy! I've applied. Hope you like her and good luck. :) Hwaiting!
Hey :-) Since I didn't see any lead dancers in the list of the applicants I've decided to try applying myself;
I hope that you'll like her :-))
--geeniee #5
hope you will like this rapper :)
xExoGalx #6

Sorry.. Its a mess. But please take a look at it :)
AliceHwang1 #7