Skylight | Lee Kirari

s k y l i g h t !
thatstheway + ttw | gmt-7 | 4.8/5


name: lee kirari
> jiji - from her korean name, soonji. shortened and made cuter.
> soonie - also from her korean name.
> rara - from her japanese name, shortened and made cuter.
other names: japanese name: ninomiya kirari; korean name: lee soonji. she combines them to get lee kirari.
date of birth: june 18th 1991
age: 22
place of birth: kanagawa, yamato, japan
ethnicity: korean-japanese
nationality: japanese. she doesn't hold citizenship in korea for shopping personal reasons.
languages spoken: japanese and korean (fluent)

faceclaim: lee ho sin / riho
gallery link:  gallery
backup ulzzang: jung roo
height:  170 cm
weight: 48 kg

style: kirari's high school experience might as well be described as "let's shop in shibuya and give no craps about how much things cost!" even now, she only ever shops when skylight goes on tours to japan, since then she can go to shibuya 109 and shop there. kirari is, and always makes sure she looks, stylish. she's all about big, bold, girly fashions; she almost always wears big accesorries and bows, and she always has her nails done. she leans towards dark, bright and pastel colors, but she'll never mix those three. she also loves short miniskirts. loves them.
> casual: 1 2 3 4 5
> wintertime: 1
> formal: 1 2 3 4 5
> practicing: 1 2 3 4 5
> day off: 1 2 3 4 5
> swimsuits: 1 2 3 4 5
> airport: 1 2 3 4 5
etc.: in addition to having her lobes pierced, kirari has a helix piercing in her right ear. she also has a collection of wigs and circle lenses, which she often wears to airports.

character traits: selfish; confident; tsundere; materialistic; caring
expansion: kirari has no issues with self-confidence, let's say. she certainly loves herself, and fancies herself the prettiest member of skylight. she used to be a model, after all. she also has no doubts about her stage presence; she knows she isn't the best rapper in the group, but she also knows that she's pretty far up there, compared to the rest of sme's female trainees. she can be very self-centered, though. her #1 priority most of the time is kirari, kirari, kirari. she thinks of herself before others, and sometimes her "i'm the fairest of them all" act gets on the nerves of both the members and the fans of skylight. she doesn't care. in kirari's own words, "if people don't like the way i act, there's no use bothering, is there?" (note: kirari's large, large, large amount of fanboys tend to defend her feverishly if somebody dares hate on her. just...note that.)

that isn't to say that kirari doesn't have a kind side; she does. often, she lets slip little morsels of kindness - telling the members she's proud of their work, for example. she'll quickly cover it up, though, or change the subject. kirari simply doesn't know how to be nice without having to be like "what. i mean. ..what." she's known for being a tsundere, which is completely bowlderdized in fanfiction, but other than that. she's also surprisingly caring to her friends - that is, the members of skylight. she makes sure they're okay (after she's made sure she's okay. kirari
always comes first in kirari's book, remember that.) and she makes sure they haven't over-worked. she also works as their fashion counselor - making sure that they look really, really good - before they go out. especially the less fashionable members...they, in kirari's opinion, require personal help. her passion, after idol-ing, is modeling.

> j-pop music; she actually likes it more than k-pop.
> fashion. as you can tell.
> cute lingerie.
> t-ara, who she's a huge fangirl of.
> tokyo girls collection. she uses her days off every year to go to that.
> the color pink.
> sunglasses.
> cute video games.
> cute choreography.
> rilakkuma.
> cell phone cases and straps.
> akb48.
> people that don't make an effort to dress well.
> people that don't like video games. how can you not like video games?
> fried chicken, and really, greasy food in general.
> korean food.
> flats.
> loud noises.
> people that chew on their nails.

hobbies & habits:
> doing her hair, nails and makeup.
> coordinating outfits.
> pushing her hair out of her face, especially when she's wearing fake nails.
> cracking her knuckles.
> making peace signs without knowing it.

> she auditioned for akb48 when the group was initially being founded, but she didn't make it past the first round.
> she has a pink and white 3ds xl; her favorite games are style savvy: trendsetters, pokemon x, and animal crossing: new leaf.
> before becoming a trainee, kirari was a swimsuit model for the japanese magazine egg.
> shibuya is her favorite place in the entire world.
> loves reading long novels and manga, especially ones with storylines she can relate to.
> doesn't know all the words to the korean national anthem.
> her twitter (@kirarilee) is mostly pictures of her clothes and nails. and her hair, sometimes.
> really likes dangan ronpa.
> in her opinion, t-ara is the prettiest girl group.
> well known for her s. and legions of male fans who are after her s.
> her closet fills up a lot of her dormitory.
> she says her ideal type is makoto nagano, but as to if that's true or not...
> shortly predebut, kirari modeled for seoul fashion week.
> smokes to keep skinny. she knows it's a bad habit but can't really stop...


background: despite being part korean and part japanese, kirari was born and raised in kanagawa, japan. she's the oldest of three, and all three ninomiya-lee kids had very different personalities growing up. kirari was always the girly and fashionable one; rei was into sports and cheerleading; nanami always was bookish and a bit nerdy. in school, kirari was always pretty popular with the guys. she had her skirts shortened and her uniform worn in a provocative way, and before she became a popular swimsuit model with a purity contract, she had a lot of boyfriends. her first succesful (she failed an akb48 audition in 2006) experience in the industry was modeling, in fact; while shopping with her friends on the streets of shibuya one day, she was scouted by the japanese magazine egg, where she became a swimsuit model. that was when she was 17. after two years of swimsuit modeling, sm entertainment was having auditions in japan. she went ahead and went for it, figuring...figuring that being an idol would be fun. there there.

family:  ninomiya hareta (father) | 51 | fisherman | caring; jolly; snarky; proper | 4/5
lee yuri (mother)| 54 | housewife | traditional; feminine; permissive; submissive | 5/5
lee rei (younger sister) | 19 | college student, track teacher | tomboyish; fun-loving; reckless; obsessive | 2/5
lee nanami | 15 | high school student | bookish; quiet; kind; spacey | 4/5

best friend: tanaka rui | 22 | model | 5/5 | tanaka rui was kirari's fellow egg model and mentor when kirari was just starting out. since then, they see each other as shopping buddies and best bros.

friends:  kazehara momoko | 21 | model | 4/5 | through modeling, way back then.

takahara junko | 2 | model | 4/5 | wild, wild guess.
jung jessica | 23 | idol - snsd (main vocalist) | 3/5 | during skylight's debut stage, snsd went out to support skylight.

rival: {can be a friendly rival! nothing wrong with that. include some positive traits too.} name | age | occupation | closeness | how they met

stage name: kirari
onstage persona: the bubblegum model
position: lead rapper, sub-dancer
backup position: main rapper, sub-vocalist

vocal twin: jiyeon
dancing twin: jiyeon
rapping twin: eunjung

stage personality: none.
trainee years: 3 years

love interest's name: lee jong suk
groupn/a (he's an actor and model.)
date of birth: september 14th, 1989
backup love interest: kim woo bin
personality: much like kirari, jong suk's kinda selfish. he's confident in himself, he thinks he's handsome, he thinks he's a good model and a good actor - and he is. his claims aren't false. he's also more understated in his confidence than kirari; if it comes up in a conversation he can talk about it, but he won't be like "ayo i'm the best actor/model ever later losers." jong suk is really nice, though. when he's working he's kind to his seniors and isn't afraid to help his juniors out if they need to be helped. and to his friends, he's like an awkardly tall and clingy baby monkey.
how they met: remember how kirari modeled for seoul fashion week a litttle bit before skylight debuted? so did jong suk; kirari was incredibly nervous and jong suk was like, "dude, you need help?" and kirari was like "yes". they bonded over modeling experiences and their friendship just increased from there.
relationship status: these two are like those popular kids in every class that nobody actually likes because they smoke cigarettes during breaks and judge the crap out of everyone. which they actually do, sometimes. she's a queen be and he's her king, and if they could just break past the deep friendship they have already, they'd be the cutest/weirdest modely couple ever.

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