Skylight | Melanie Wu

s k y l i g h t !
DreamAndDance + Ariana | UTC-8 | 8/10

name: Melanie Wu

> Phoenix - In Chinese mythology, it is said that dragons and phoenixs are opposites of each other, and since Kris is sometimes called Dragon, fans call Melanie Phoenix, his other half
> Mel - a short form of her name from friends and members
> Melmei - from her brother, it's a combination from her shortened name and mei, Mandarin for little sister

other names: Chinese - Wu Minli (吴敏丽) or Li Jiating (李嘉廷). Korean - Woo Miyung (오미영)
date of birth: October 24th, 1994
age: 19
place of birth: Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
ethnicity: Chinese
nationality: Chinese Canadian
languages spoken:
- Mandarin (native)
- English (fluent)
- Korean (fluent, it was absolutely mandatory for her to take several classes, plus Kris helped her out)

faceclaim: Baek Su Min
gallery linkclickeu
backup ulzzang: Kang Ji Won
height: 164cm
weight: 49kg

style: Melanie doesn't really have a distinct style. There are times where she loves wearing girly clothing and times where she just wants to be a total lazy bum and dress in sweats. She does have a fondess for wearing Exo's merchandise and Hello Kitty. Melanie can tolerate skirts but she feels uncomfortable so she rarely has them in her closet. Sneakers and boots are her usual choice for shoes. No heels for her unless it's for formal events or a music video. Melanie has a preference for bright colors, but she's fine with dark, bold tones as well. When it comes to the airport, she dresses in darker colors to prevent from attracting attention. But for regular days, she mostly sticks to the brighter colors. Melanie loves to wear beanies with her outfits as well.
Formal - 1 2 3 4 5
Casual - 1 2 3 4 5 
Airport - 1 2 3 4 5
Practice - 1 2 3 4 5
Sleepwear - 1 2 3 4 5
etc.: She has a normal ear piercing on each ear lobe, as well as a belly button piercing, but ssh, her brother isn't aware of that. She is always seen wearing this bracelet (Kris has the black one)

character traits: Social, daring, blunt, witty, outgoing
expansion  : One word to describe Melanie? Loud. Don't be fooled by that mysterious aura and frosty glare in her eyes. This is the girl who laughs the loudest in the group and loves to have fun. Melanie's laugh is very contagious. She has the ability to lighten up any tense situation or arguments. Like her brother Kris, Melanie is a social butterfly and loves to make new friends. Whenever her friends are upset, Melanie immediately jumps to the rescue. She's fiercely protective of them and isn't afraid to hurt whoever harms them, both physically and verbally. Melanie may not be the best person to ask for advice, but she's an excellent listener and will lend her shoulder for a cry. Although she keeps true to her promises, it's not advised to trust your deepest and darkest secrets with her, because she has a notorious reputation as a blabbermouth. Melanie loves to be in the center of attention, although she'll eagerly share the spotlight with her fellow members. She's a show off sometimes but she won't brag about it out loud.

Melanie is a daredevil and loves thrilling things. She can be a rulebreaker too and occasionally sneaks out of the dorms to sit on the rooftop. Melanie enjoys sleeping in, though she obediently rises with a little bit of whining. She'll even get up before sunrise and climb to the rooftop to watch the sun. Even though Melanie enjoys having fun, she takes her work very serious and isolates herself from others when she needs to practice. Melanie often stays up very late to practice her dancing, and picks up choreography quickly. But staying up daily does take a toll and startled members sometimes find her sleeping in the oddest places, such as the middle of the dance room or the kitchen table.

However, there is a twist in her bright personality. Melanie tends to be blunt and works faster than her mind, speaking without thinking. She's not trying to be mean, it's just in her nature to be blunt. Melanie also has a sassy and sarcastic mouth, so don't try to sass her or she'll say something extremely clever and it'll make you look stupid. She loves arguing with people just to avoid getting in trouble. When angered, Melanie swears at and stomps on the feet of the people who made her angry, whether it's a member from her group, her manager, or even a sunbae. Still, after two or three hours she calms down and is seemingly forgetful about the blowup. Melanie normally is very forgiving, but she'll still hold grudges depending on how serious the situation is. She is free spirited and stubborn as well, if she doesn't get her way she refuses to budge until you give in. Melanie obeys the rules only until the manager threatens her or bribes her, usually the latter.

Melanie may seem strong and cheerful on the exterior, but inside hides an insecure girl afraid of failure. When she was a trainee, many of the girls told Melanie she'll never make it as an idol. Melanie pushes herself to the limit to prove them wrong, but at the same time she's terrified of proving them right. When her progress does not meet her expectations, Melanie becomes short-tempered and sometimes pushes people aside, mumbling 'get out of my way.' She locks herself in her room and listen to depressing songs while sitting down with her hands on her head. Melanie always refuses to cry, because she believes that it would show her weak side, and Melanie never shows her weak side. She cannot handle criticism well, and although she gracefully accepts the criticism, something inside her shatters. She tends to scold herself for being the way she is and forces herself to work harder until she is deemed perfect.

- Dancing
- Romcoms
- Roses
- Chocolate
- Sassing people
- Hugs
- Amusement parks
- Motorcycles
- Video games
- Basketball
- Magic tricks
- Ear cuffs
- Boy group choreography

- Clowns
- Sasaeng fans
- Boredom
- The smell of cigarettes
- Nosy people
- People who don't have the authority to boss her around
- Makeup
- Failure
- Those who bash her brother

- Showing weakness
- People pitying her

hobbies & habits:
- Playing basketball
- Choreographing short dances
- Reading fanfictions on her phone (it just fascinates her to read about her idol friends as different characters in different scenarios)
- Automatically laughs out loud when someone farts, but turns it into a cough to avoid getting caught
- Squeezes the people she hugs
- When posing for pictures with fans, she tends to do a 'gangsta pose' cuz she thinks she's cool
- Has to fluff her pillows at least ten times and toss around three times before sleeping (her poor roommate)
- When she's nervous, she starts reciting tongue twisters in Mandarin or fiddles with her ears
- Her eyes darken when her mood starts to get ugly
- Before going on stage she cheers, "LEGGO!" and must have someone do it together with her

- As much as she hates to admit it, she's a huge romantic
- She gains weight easily so she fights hard not to eat a lot but...chocolate is her kryptonite
- Draws a music note after signing her autograph
- Ships Taoris, but there are times when she finds them annoying. The reason? "Well, imagine going out with this two giants. Suddenly they're on a freaking date and you're the awkward third wheeler. And they have matching earrings too...oh gosh."
- She was the female cameo in SHINee's 'Juliette' MV (Japanese version), BtoB's 'Wow' MV, and recently in BTS's cover of 'Beautiful'
- Often asks Kris for fashion advice and he sometimes helps her out with her wardrobe
- She's a terrible artist, but is still better than her brother
- Had braces as a teenager for three years
- She changed her name with Kris, and she refuses to state the reason
- Instagram account is: @wuhoomelody, weibo is: @melody&harmony
- Keeps several packets of gum in her pockets, but she doesn't even chew it
- Has a ferret named Titan, she loves showing him off on her Instagram
- She shares the same birthday as f(x)'s Krystal
- Secretly wants someone to write a fanfiction about her because she's interested in seeing what they'll come up with
- When she's feeling a little mischievious, she imitates a witch's laugh to scare her friends she's crazy
- During interviews, she never misses a chance to tell embarassing stories about Kris
- Melanie thinks her smile isn't pretty, so she won't smile in pictures and that's why people think she's hard to approach
- She uses the pictures of the people she doesn't like as ferret bedding
- Her homescreen on her iPhone is a picture of Jimin from BTS
- She wants to get a tattoo of a music note when she is old enough to do so

Melanie was born as Li Jiating in October 24th of 1994 in Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. She already has an older brother Jiaheng, four years older than her, who would later change his name to Yifan, or Kris. Their father is a businessman, while their mother used to be a schoolteacher who quit to raise her two kids. While growing up, Melanie was treated differently from Kris, since she was the younger child and a girl but was nevertheless loved by her parents. When Melanie was aged three the Wu family decided to move to Canada. There, she and Kris were enrolled into elementary school in Vancouver. Melanie's parents tried to make her learn the piano, but she hated it and quickly lost interest. It was her mother who put her into dancing classes to release all the energy young Melanie had. She loved dancing and showed natural talent in it, unlike Kris.

After spending four years in Canada, the Wu family traveled back to Guangzhou. Melanie continued elementary school, while Kris began middle school in Guangzhou. Melanie's beloved dance lessons were put on hold, and instead she picked up basketball with her brother. Over the next couple of years Melanie followed Kris's school basketball team to their tournaments and competitions. Melanie was 10 and Kris 14 when their parents made the final decision to return to Vancouver. It was difficult for the Wu siblings to leave their birthplace for the second time.

When the family returned to Vancouver, Melanie finished middle school and went to Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School, the same high school Kris attended. Once she entered high school, Melanie joined the school's hip hop club and she learnt locking, popping, and breaking from the members. Melanie was also active in the dance team and choir. She and Kris became engrossed with rap videos on YouTube, and were often seen in the house practicing. K-pop walked into the siblings' lives after Melanie's obsessed friends showed her a video of Super Junior a year after their debut.

In 2007, Kris decided to audition for SM through the Global Auditions held in Vancouver. Melanie wanted to audition alongside him, but Kris told his little sister she was too young and persuaded Melanie to try again in another two years. So when Melanie was fourteen, she auditioned for the Vancouver Global Auditions. She passed the audition on the first round, much to her surprise. Melanie could join her brother at SM, except she had to enter a new country in order to do so. And her father strongly opposed to the idea of both his children being idols. Melanie's mother however, quietly pushed her daughter to accept the contract. There at SM, Melanie slowly strengthened and polished her rapping and dancing skills, while also improving her weak vocals.

family: Li Zhi Wei | 55 | Businessman | Strict, logical, ambitious, harsh | 3

Li Mei Quan | 55 | Housewife | Protective, loving, patient, gentle | 4.5

Kris Wu | 22 | Member of Exo | Warm hearted, caring, responsible, open | 5

best friend: Chen 'Alyssa'
 Qianyi | 20 | College student and part time worker at a clothing store | 4.5 | Alyssa was Melanie's classmate in the Chinese school back when Melanie was living in Canada. Since Alyssa was a fluent English speaker and Melanie had just recently moved, she helped Melanie with English

friends: Kim Jongin (Kai) | 19 | Member of Exo | 4 | The two were in the same dance class back when they were both trainees. The dance teacher was making the class form groups of two to choreograph a short dance to present to the CEO and since Kai and Melanie were standing next to each other they decided to be partners

Eric Bernard | 21 | Dance major student | 3.5 | Eric went to the same high school as Melanie. He was also the president of the hip hop club she joined, and he was the one who mostly taught Melanie

Krystal Jung | 19 | Member of f(x) | 4 | The girls were briefly dormmates before Krystal was part of f(x). On her first day at SM, Melanie was having difficulty locating her dorm, and Krystal happened to be in the hallway. After showing Krystal the room number, Krystal told Melanie that they were dormmates

Jung Ilhoon | 19 | Member of BtoB | 3.5 | They met when Melanie was filming 'Wow' with them. After finding out they were born on the same month, they immediately bonded on set

Meng Jia | 24 | Member of miss A | 3.5 | They will meet at Inkigayo, when Skylight makes their debut stage. Jia will pull Melanie offstage and congratulate her on her debut in Mandarin

rival: Kim Hyoyeon | 24 | Member of SNSD | 2 | One night, Melanie was practicing her dancing in the dance room, and she couldn't get this one specific dance move right. Hyoyeon heard her groans while she was walking pass, and decided to check out the frustrated dongsaeng. After asking what was wrong, Hyoyeon perfectly executed the move and Melanie tried to hide her annoyance. Instead of thanking the SNSD member, Melanie said, "I didn't need your help." But she did fail again, and Hyoyeon smirked and replied, "Yes, you do." Hyoyeon always points out Melanie's mistakes. She's not being a know-it-all or rude, she just wants Melanie to improve. Melanie understands that Hyoyeon is only trying to help her out, but her stubborn nature makes it hard to accept the advice and Melanie just ignores Hyoyeon.

stage name: Melody
onstage persona: The Beat Freak
position: Main dancer, vocalist, rapper
backup position: Main vocalist (will change twins and some parts of the background if needed)

vocal twin: 4Minute's Hyuna, Sistar's Hyorin (for backup)
dancing twin: Hyuna
rapping twin: Hyuna

stage personality: On and off stage Melanie is very charismatic and possesses great charm, making her likeable among fans. She loves corresponding with her fans and does her best to reply to all fan mail. Melanie isn't be afraid to make a fool out of herself on variety shows because she wants fans who like her as she is. Her anti-fans like to say she doesn't care about image at all and criticize her for being too carefree. During interviews, Melanie's quite talkative and always has something to say. She'll normally play along with the MCs' jokes and doesn't mind them poking fun at her. 
trainee years: 4

love interest's name: Park Jimin
group: BTS
date of birth: October 13th, 1995
backup love interest: Kim Jonghyun (SHINee)
personality: With a cheeky smile and perfectly scuplted abs, Jimin has the ability to catch every girl's eye. He is a huge flirty mcflirt, no doubt. Out of BTS, he is the member with different personalities. Onstage, he oozes out charisma and performs with a fierce passion. The real Jimin is a little ball of cuteness. He is a dorky boy who enjoys telling corny jokes to lighten up people's spirits. No matter how many obstacles he faces, Jimin has a strong will to never give up and pushes himself to work to the very limit. Even though he carries a confident attitude onstage he has his insecurities. He does not feel quite confident about his looks, especially since there are some people who believe he isn't the best looking without makeup. Though there are times where he's so chatty he won't shut up, Jimin can be introverted and shy. Other than that, he has a pure and good heart.
how they met: They met recently on the set of 'Beautiful.' Melanie had discovered BTS over the summer, and Jimin became her bias. So imagine her excitement when she was chosen as the female cameo. During a break, she quietly followed Jimin to the bathroom, hoping for a chance to actually talk with him, but she tripped over the camera wires and let out a very girly shriek. Jimin turned to see Melanie lying flat on her face and quickly ran over to see if she was alright. Melanie gave him an embarassed smile and said, "Oh, I just thought the ground needed a hug." Jimin gave Melanie a weird look before helping her up and asked for her name. After the filming was done, they exchanged phone numbers to keep in contact.
relationship status: They haven't been friends for long, but they're close enough to give each other little pet names; Melanie calls him 'Minnie' while he calls her 'Mellie,' so people like to call them M&M's. Whenever she greets him, Melanie throws her arms around his neck or affectionately pinches his cheeks, and Jimin awkwardly pets her head. He tends to be more flustered around Melanie, since she's his noona and he also feels the need to act maturely and manly in her presence. 
She is quite flirty around him and tries using cliche romantic tricks to catch his attention, but they often fail and he thinks she's just messing with him. He is usually the only person other than her brother she heads to rant or to cry, and he even allows her to put her head on his lap when she's in a rotten mood. Anyone can tell Melanie is passionately in love (and maybe a bit obsessed) with Jimin. She often declares on variety shows and interviews that Jimin is her future husband. Although he expresses discomfort at being called, 'Melanie's future husband,' he makes no move to deny it when people about it. But he only views Melanie as an older sister figure. Or so he thinks...

comments: I know Baek Su Min is used a lot as a faceclaim but I feel like she suits my character, plus she's similar to Kris since they both look cold and intimidating. I had to dig around quite a bit to match Kris's history, and I heard Sir Winston Churchill was the high school Kris went to, so I hope her background is somewhat accurate. I also heard rumors that Kris has a little brother, but I didn't want to put it down just in case xD hope you like Melanie! ^_^
questions: n/a
scene requests
I'm kind of short on ideas right now but I'll add them once I get some inspiration!
(I was going to request WGM with Jimin but that won't be happening since BTS and Skylight are both newly debuted groups)

- Happy Camp for Skylight!
- MTV Diary



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