Sakura Arts school/Natalia Seong Yoon Lee


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Natalia Seong Yoon Lee ⊱ Kind Umma ⊱ Lay


 What's your name?

Username: Jewel_ELF

How can I call you?: Krissy

Activeness: 9

 I will show you!

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Name: Natalia Seong Yoon Leetumblr_mfluxxB6AR1qdnkxso1_500.jpg

Nicknames: Krissy, YaYa

Age: 18

Birthdate: 31.10.1995

Birthplace: Aratu, Brazil

Hometown: Seoul 

Ethnicity: Brazilian Korea

Languages: Spanish, English and Korea. All fluent

 This is me

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Plotline: The kind umma

Back-up plotline: 

Personality: Growing up, she had a rather sheltered life. Once she was out in the real wold she was very suprised at the amount of partying and drinking her peers did. She doesnt like going out to drink, but wants to spend time with her friends. Every time she goes out, she volunteers to be the driver so that she wont have to drink and to make sure her friends get home safe. She likes being around people. She really wont talk when she doesnt like the people she is around. However when she is with her friends its difficult to get her to stop talking and she likes touch; hugging or sitting close to someone. She smiles almost all the time, even if she is upset because she doesnt want others to get down because of her. 
Her peers like talking to her because she care for people and wants them to be happy. She will go out of her way to make total strangers as happy as she can. If she gets down, she will dance her frustration out. 

Background: Seong Yoon was born in Brazil, but her parents divorced soon after her birth. Her mother moved back to Korea, but she stayed with her father in Brazil. He was able to pay for her and her two brothers to fly to Korea to visit their mother every month for a week. She had to learn Korean because her mother refused to speak Spanish in her house. Her brothers stopped wanting to visit their mother after a few years, but she loved Seoul. 
Her father was a very well off lawyer at one of the most prestigious law firms. Seong Yoon could have everything she wanted, but didnt live as elaborately as her brothers. Her mother was not as well off. She worked at a store and as a waitress at a club. She lived in a roof top house, but that never bothered Seong Yoon. She felt more at home in her mothers house than her fathers. 
Once she got out of middle school, jumping between counties was hard. Her friends in Brazil wanted to hang out with her, but she loved going to Seoul. She spent her summer with her mother and visit every month. A month before her freshman year she decided she was going to go live with her mother in Seoul for high school. 
When she got there and started school she found it harder than she thought it would be. Her mother got her a tutor and once her class work got on track her mother offered to get her acting lessons. Seong Yoon enjoyed acting since she was a child, so she took up the offer. 
She jumps into things irrationally and her speech is wrong often. She only knows informal Korean and she offends people often with out realizing she is. She doesnt like sleeping alone, so she will sneak into her mothers bed and sleep with her. She did the same to her father.

Class: Theatre, dance


Likes: 1. sleep
2. coffee
3. autumn
4. winter
5. night
6. naps
7. peanut butter

Dislikes:1. bright lights
2. morning
3. heat
4. war
5. having short hair
6. being alone
7. tears


Habits: 1. sleep talking
2. Wanting to sleep in others beds with them
3. Sleep talking
4. Doing things in sets of eight
5. Playing with hair
6. Letting her own health deteriorate 

Hobbies : 1. Drawing
2. Reading
3. Dancing
4. Singing
5. Cooking
6. Napping

Fears: 1. Drowning
2. Losing her loved ones

Trivia: 1. She is allergic to cats
2. Her left arm is shorter than her right
3. She has never had a dog
4. She hates sleeping by her self
5. She wont eat pork 
6. She wants to learn to play the piano
7. She needs glasses, but doesn't like wearing them
8. She likes dying her hair
9. She has a soft spot for animals
10. She talks and sings in her sleep
11. Her father taught her how to ride horses
12. She is in love with Disney

 My mirror

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Ulzzang name: Park Hye Min

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 

Back-up ulzzang name: Park So Ra

Links: 1 | 2

Height: 178 cm

Weight: 62 kg

 My style

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Style: Looking nice is more important than being comfortable, at least when the public can see you. If she is at home, she will wear sweat pants and anything comfortable. She still holds on to here more Americanized look though. Jeans are a must in her life. 

Casual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 

Formal: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 

Work: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 

Sleep/home: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

* Others?: 1 | 2 | 3

 My family, my love

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Mother » Jae Youn | 45 | Waitress/clerk  | enjoys being surrounded by people and very very giving 
Father » Alan | 47 | lawyer  | loves his family very much. very good at his job
Siblings » Parker | 23 |Student | Snob who blows his fathers money
Joel |22 | Student | Stuck up, but is still kind



Jang Dongwoo | 23 | singer | cries easily and likes taking care of people

Kim Min Jae | 19 | student | childhood friend/neghbor. always smiling, can make anyone laugh


Hanna Woo | 19 | student/delivery girl | very childish and rash | Min Jae


 So lucky to have you



Love interest: Lay

Age: 20

Personality: Lay almost always has a smile on his face. He wants to be around people all the time and is a dork some times. He has all kinds of friends and girls flock to him because of his dancing skills

How do you they interact: Seong Yoon sees Lay as the popular person that everyone loves and he looks down on everyone. She avods him when possible, but in the one class they have she has to sit right in front him. 
That class is the highlight of Lays day. He likes Seong Yoon, but would never be able to tell him that. 
Lay gives her personal dance lessons every week and some get m rated. 

How / Why did you start to like him? And he?: She saw a younger student being picked on and bullied after school one night. Before she stepped in, Lay flew in and helped the kid. After that, she saw him in a different light. Saw how he helped his friends and classmates. 

Back-up love interest: Chanyeol


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 My moment

Scene request?: 

Scene request with her love interest?: They are hangingout in his room when she falls asleep. He doesnt want to wake he up so he lets her sleep. Its his bed, so he sleeps with her. When she wakes up, she realizes she is in his arms. 

They have a private dance off in a studio late one night and it ends with a kiss...well you could call it a kiss.

 Don't say goodbye to me!


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Comments/ questions?:


Password: Cracks of my broken heart 


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