
Seo Mi Jung
  "If you love two people at the same time choose the second one because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second one."

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Welcome To Reality

 Username: YukiBoo
Profile Link: Clicky<3
Nickname: YukiBoo
Activity of AFF: 10

Name: Seo Mi Jung
Nicknames: Junggie, YeppeoMi,Mimi,Cheonsa
Age: 23
Birthday: November 24,1989

Mijung is a witty girl who has comebacks for everything that is thrown at her. She is careless , of what anyone thinks of her. Also,she follows her own path and does not let others bring her down. She is thick-skinned , and she does not sweat any overwhelming stuff. She can be very defiant , when authority tries to push her agains't her morals. She knows who she is, and to be held down by someone who doesn't know a damn thing about her, it makes her blood boil. She is persistent , when it comes to standing up for what she really wants.Independent is what she is, and doesn't mind secluding herself in order for herself to think. She is not as friendly when you first meet her.She carries a cold , and distant aura which can stop others in their tracks. When she is pushed passed her limits, she can be  unforgiving. It only happens when you betray her on a certain degree, but when she is crossed she is passive , and she can easily supress her anger.
Besides her guarded aura, there are times when she turns into a laid back , and understanding  kind of girl. Getting passed thecold and combative personality, she is an observant  person who can really tell when someone is feeling screwy. She has a mature way of thinking ,and does not result to an immature spite that includes vulgarity. She is respectful to her elders,and any elderly person that is in her town. She gets guilty when others take on arduous tasks,when they are not even able to handle it.So she  takes it upon herself,to do it for them.She doesn't like to get mushy or cheesy romantic ,but she accepts a sweet kind of love and attention.When you get passed the first few days,she turns from cold to a warm kind of personality that you would like.She is a big thinker , so you can sometimes catch her in her own world. She is not as eccentric as some happy go lucky people,but she is open-minded and open to new things. She may not understand it at first ,but then she will warm up to it in the long run. When it comes to her being around guys,she is very cautious doubtful and fearful that her heart may be broken.She is level-headed around guys,but she does not let them in so easily.
Characters Secret: "I'm in love with two people."

Strengths: Reliable,Honest

Weakness: Indecisive,Naive

[Ahn Jung Woo | 54 | Step-Father | Lawyer | He treats MiJung like she is his blood daughter. He loves her very much, and she is like a daughter that he always wanted. | Alive]
[Seo Eun Sang | 50 | Mother | Teacher | They are both very close, and they've been through a lot since the biological father left them both. So they always stick together. | Alive]
[Ahn Jae Hyo | 22 | Step-Brother | He is always out and about , so she doesn't know | They are both very close with each other, way before their parents got married. Now, Mijung is kind of suspicious as to why Jaehyo is leading her on like this. | Alive]
[Seo Kyu Ri | 4 | Sister | None | She is a cute little baby, that Mijung adores so much. They like going every where together, because she wants to spend time with her little sister. | Alive]
[Sarangi | 4 months old | Female | Husky/Dog | With You | Hyperlink to Photo]
[Oni |4months old | Male | Black Munchkin/Cat | With You | Hyperlink to Photo]
Best Childhood Memory: "When Kyuri was born."
Worst Childhood Memory: "When my father left us.."

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Plot Choice" The DongSaeng and The Noona."
Face Claim: Moon Hyun Ah of Nine Muses

Comments: I hope you don't mind that I choose her. She seems more noona-ish to me.
Password: I'm very very good.



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unf at Hyunah ! <3 ;w; I just didn't know any good noona lookers LOL.