Nayeliand'ra is joining the new generation.

Nayeliand'ra Tatiana PAva

Yukiboo — Yuki


name —  Nayeliand'ra Tatiana Pava

nickname(s) — 

⤞ Nayeli - It is basically her name shortened. It is a name for those that she considers to be close with. She is not someone who is cold and is distant towards people that she just met, but you simply need her to be comfortable with you so you have the priviledge of calling her this. Only General Leia Organa, Jessika, Nova and Kato call her this. Poe would call her that just to bug her, but she doesn't really do anything about it..

birthday & age — 10/23 (28)

homeplanet — Dandoran

face claim & backup — Song Quien "Victoria" + Kim Tae Yeon

which side are you on ? — Resistance First Order 

profession  — Fighter

apperance — Nayeliand'ra stands at five feet and five inches, but she found a way to use her height to her advantage (despite what people say). She is seen with slim-yet muscled body due to training and conditioning. She has blemish-free, ivory toned skin. She has long hair that falls above her . She has pretty brown eyes and youthful and doe-like looks. A lot of people underestimate Nayeliand'ra because of her short height and her innocent looks, reducing her to eye candy and nothing more. However, that kind of judgement pushed her to work harder than any other fighter the Resistance has ever had. It even caught the attention General Leia Organa. 


Personality begins where comparison ends. 


"Are you okay?" Nayeliand'ra looks over with a look of sadness and concern towards her comrade.

"Yeah, I'm fine." The soldier nodded, before his lips curled upward into a grin towards her. "Thanks to you, girly." 

"Oh, thank goodness. I thought the Stormtroopers had you for sure." She pushes her hair from her face and a smile of relief washes onto her face, with her eyes form into downward crescent moons. 


Positive (+): Easygoing, Fiesty, Loyal

Neutral(=): Aggressive, Maternal, Cynical

Negative (-): Variable, Diffident, Stern,

Personality Type: ISFJ - The Defender

Moral Alignment: Chaotic Good 




"Nayeliand'ra is someone you would want on your side." - Nova Matina

Nayeliand'ra would be someone that you would first describe as easygoing. Even in the high-stressed situations that come with being in the Resistance, is that she is usually easygoing. Yes, there are times where a situation is overwhelming for her and she is stricken with an episode of daunting anxiety, but most of the time she is a lowkey kind of person. She is not the kind of person who would have a short-fuse whenever she is faced with something that tests her resolve, or simply annoys her to no end. Basically, it takes a while for that to happen. Someone would have to poke at her constantly to get a reaction, or in other cases throw an ambiguous situation where she is not sure that the Resistance will win or lose and most importantly, or let her down. Only then, she will respond negatively to the situation at hand. Next, you can define Nayeliand'ra as a fiesty personality.

"Nayeliand'ra is the first person that I would see meditating before the sun rises." - Kato Kwon

"There will be times where she will need some encouragement." Jessika "Sissy" Pava


likes — 

✤ Her sister

✤ Positive Energy

✤ The First Order losing

✤ Comfortable clothing in order to move quickly and efficiently on the field

✤ Teamwork

✤ Meditation

✤ Starry nights

✤ The color blue

✤ Nature

✤ Wild flowers


dislikes — 

✤ Womanizers

✤  Disrespectful attitudes

✤  People abusing their power

✤  Very cold seasons

✤  Thugs

✤  Criminals

✤  Innocents put in danger

✤  Unkempt rooms

✤  Disorganization

✤  Loud noises


trivia and nitbits —

✤ The first person that she became friends with is Nova.

✤  BB-808 was a gift to her by her sister.

✤  Yes, she is short. However, that does not mean that she can't kick someone's .

✤  She considers herself girly, but she does not have any qualms against getting her hands dirty.

✤  She can speak Shyriiwook, Ewokese, Jawaese and droidspeak.

✤  It is easy for her to remember things, which helps her to pass on information to her team members.

✤  The only person that she can trust with her personal secrets is obviously her sister.

✤  She never had her first kiss.

✤  Although, she would constantly say that she would never want to be around Lux but there will be contradicting thoughts that emerge whenever he is around.

✤  She is biual.

✤ She is physically flexible.

✤  She does not understand ual innuendos. Seriously, she doesn't.



stuff that my caracter says/Does — 


✤ "Damn it, Dameron!!"

✤ "I will send your to infinity and beyond!" - When she is really angry. 

✤ " You be good to me and I will be good to you, plain and simple."

✤ "I am going to leave the room before something bad happens." -- When she feels like someone is going to get angry, or they are going to get their kicked. 

✤ "Go! I got your back!"

✤ "Do you really think that this is a good idea?"

✤ "Be honest with me, please."

 ✤"Oh, stop! You're embarrassing me!" - It is when she is complimented and she tries to be modest about it. 

✤ "Come on! We can do this!" 

✤ "We will never surrender!"

✤ "Send The Supreme Leader our warm regards!" She yells out in rebuttal before shooting a Storm Trooper. 

✤ "Grr....." - She tries to contain herself before shouting.

✤ "Can you not?" - She is rolling her eyes, before sighing in defeat.


✤ When she is busy working on something, like improving her weapons and someone is trying to grab her attention. She will wave her hand, brushing them off as a way to say, "Not now, I am busy!"

✤ When she is out on the field, and she is waiting for a signal from her leader she takes deep breathes and mentally prepares herself for whatever she needs to do.

✤ When she yearns for affection (mostly from her sister, or sometimes Poe), she would go from behind and hug them. - She is short, but how can you blame her?

✤ She bites on her bottom lip while she is concentrating.

✤ Whenever she is bored, she likes to whistle. Her droid would simply roll beside her to keep her company. She watches the stars or the clouds, whenever her sister, Poe, Kato, Nova and even Lux are away on a mission. She should at least get some exercise in.

let go of the past and the past will let go of you. 


"On a starry night, a baby girl was born."

Nayeliand'ra Tatiana Pava is the first daughter in the Pava family, she is was brought into this world to be the older sister of Jessika Pava and the daughter of two loving parents. They were both born on a planet called Dandoran. It was a watery planet within the Hutt space, but it was breathable and habitable for the human species. Jessika and Nayeliand'ra were born as polar opposites, however they clicked very well. Sure, they fight like normal siblings would've, but that was what helped them become close as a family. Nayeliand'ra was the quiet and calm daughter of the family, who would only cry when she hurt herself or was upset. On the other times, she would simply look around and or see what she can figure out when she is still on the ground. She grew to like hearing stories or the Jedi Knights and how they were a symbol of hope and all that is good. It amazed her and it inspired her to be a part of the good as well. Although no one in her family was force sensitive, they believed that they all had something to offer. Her parents were part of the Alliance, who worked with members of the resistance. For the first eight years of her life, she had it made. She had a sister and parents by her side with her eyes toward the future. She was ready to take on the world, until an attack was made on their peaceful planet.

"Darkness looms around the young star, but that star will still shine in the face of nothingness."

When she was just about nine years old, she was simply playing with her younger sister Jessika and running down the fields were wild daisies bloomed. Her mind and her soul was full of happiness and light, fully naive to the darkness that was out of the safety that was their planet and their parents. However, all of that was going to change, when her home land was attacked by storm troopers who worked under the Sith.

Things went from good to bad, within an instant. Occurences like these should never be presented infront a child, but even children are not protected from things like this. 

"Sissy!" Nayeliand'ra at nine years old, screamed in fear as she witnessed many of the townspeople running from the assault of the storm troopers. It was a move to exert their power against the non force-sensitive and the Jedi who strive to protect them. It was, what you would call a nightmare. Jessika's eyes widened to see her older  sister trying to run as fast as she could in order to avoid being spotted by any Stormtroopers in fear of being captured and enslaved. "Come on!" Jessika grabbed her hand and the two ran towards their home in hopes to be reunited with their parents from their once pure world, now tainted in darkness.

Fear, Anger and hatred was spread on the once lush and green fields, leaving only the smell of smoke and ruins in its wake. Darkness was emerging within the shadows

"She will rise from the aftermath of fear and become a symbol of courage."

It was until that day, she knew that nothing will ever be the same and how her once pure and bright world will dwindle to the state of fear and distress. Despite the efforts to find her family, she and her sister Jessika were separated from them and to only find shelter with a friend of her father named Jaxon. It was soon known that he was with the resistance and he took it upon himself to take them into their care and to raise them as his own. Although Nayeliand'ra, who was still shaken from her family being torn apart thanks to the Sith, wanted to see her parents again and go back to the way things were..she had to put her naivety to the side and be honest with herself.

It was until she reached the age of thirteen, the age of a newly grown teen, she had a choice. She will continue running from the Sith, or will she grow and become capable of fighting back. The thought of even seeing members of the Stormtrooper or even the Sith terrified her, but with the darkness spreading throughout the galaxy, she came to the realization that running would not make the evil go away. Within those four years, she would ask as to why they would want to initiate that kind of order or rule on the galaxy. Her new family member, now father figure would sometimes try to avoid answering the question because she was so young. From an outsider's perspective, you would agree with him because a child should not be exposed to that kind of violence.

However, as curious as she grew to be, it wasn't that easy for him to even ignore her on the daunting subject. Day in and day out, Nayeliand'ra would ask this.

"Why do the Sith they like hurting people?"

"Why are people scared of them?"

"Why do those white armored people , threaten people who are defiant?"

She wasn't a total brainiac, but with her curiosity and habit to watch she couldn't help but ask him. Initially, it annoyed Jaxon because he intended to keep his promise to the girls parents and keep them away from the danger that threatens the freedom within the galaxy. However, after a while of thinking and a little more incessant pestering and quiery from Nayeliand'ra and now Jessika, he finally gave in and made a promise to both of them to start teaching them how to fight with basic weapons before taking them to the next step. Even if he agreed to help train them, thanks to his experience within the Alliance as a fighter himself, he could not help but feel regret this? What if they die in cold blood like his comrades who go out their every day with the possibility of that being their last breath? The future is uncertain, but he later realized he could not really stop it because they needed more fighters down the road to stand against them.

"She needed a hero, so that's what she became"

For her stature, it took a while for Nayeliand'ra to become what she is now. However, with how much work she puts into building herself physically and emotionally, she felt like it was worth it in the end. Her family friend Jaxon started her off with wooden staffs, due to the fact that she may have to start off with swords, which she initially believed that it was something that she could possibly accomplish. However, after the first week she ended up with bruises that could possibly pass off a berries even from a distance. She felt drained and emotionally conflicted, due to the fact that he was harsh with her in training. He promised that he would train her, but he never promised that he would be fair because if he were to become a fighter, she will have to accomodate to the harsh conditions on the battlefield.

The battle will never be fair.

Letting your guard down would mean death.

Death is defeat.

Defeat is not an option.

It will never be an option for her, which pushed her emotionally to get back again in effort to boost up her mental morale. She asked to be trained, so she had to do whatever she can through the hardships. In the end, she continued. Jaxon helped her and even Jessika with offensive and defensive skills with swords and then hand to hand, in hopes to mentally and physically condition them to be well rounded.





It was what she felt as the years as she went by because her doubts posed as her mental obstacles, but her years as a kid were passing by her and she had to get the naivety that was within her when she was born. It was holding her back and she couldn't afford that to hinder her progress. In the end, she decided to continue practicing in hand-to-hand combat, along with a pretend sword to condition her body and mind, if she was left defenseless.

"Welcome to the Resistance."

After many building up her body for the basic skills in offensive and defensive skills, she joined the Resistance at the age of 22. Like everyone else, she was a young-blood who was set to make a difference in this organization and to get back what was taken from her and to possibly reunite with her parents. She finally got to meet General Leia Organa and other higher ups, which hit her with a wave of inspiration and a boost of morale. She thought back to being afraid, or better yet terrified at the thought of even coming contact with those cursed tarmints who stomp onto the earth and threaten everything that she holds dear. However, as she passed her teen years, she was becoming more sure of herself and cementing her place on this earth and under the light.

She was meant to be here and she will never stray from it for as long as she lived.


As a cadet, she was put under the supervision of Medical Officer Wandena Low, martial arts trainer Xander Rocco and Weapons Specialist Athena Pixus. At first, she felt that she was given a ticket to hell itself because of how tough all three of them were, but at least she didn't feel alone at the beginning of training. She met a girl named Nova Matina and a boy named Kato Woo who were displaced from Corellia and Coruscant thanks to an attack from the First Order. It was like fate brought them together because they all had something in common, but it also encouraged them to come together as a team and even become friends. 

After at least three years, when she reached the age of 25, she found that her sister Jessika joined the Resistance. She wasn't sure as to why she decided to due so, but after being so insistent in the face of Nayeliand'ra stubbornness to bring her back to live with Jaxon, she finds that it was her that encouraged Jessika to join. She encouraged her younger sister to be brave. It puzzled her because she grew up and trying to shed her cowardly skin after almost falling into the jaws of death, but to see her sister follow her and witness her growth as a fighter and the potential to be promoted to captain, she felt a bit proud that she could make a difference in Jessika's life. 

It was from that moment forward, the Pava sisters were together and the Resistance was growing in size. 

"Now, her star shines bright."'

Now, at the age of 28, she has earned her place as team leader within her squadron. She is now equally skilled in her use of the blaster, sword and hand-to-hand combat. If she had to pick the one that she is best at, she would probably say her sword because she is able to make it like it is an extra limb from her body. She would only use hand-to-hand combat when she has no other weapons available to her. 

She has developed a close camraderie and friendship with Nova and Kato, even Poe has earned a place in her heart as a trustworthy friend. She remembered wanting and desiring to hide years before even signing up for the Resistance, but when she looks at her life now. She is greatful that she chose differently. She is feeling stronger in body, mind and heart. She feels free and not even the First Order can take that from her. 






family — 

▪ Jessika Pava | Sister | Nayeliand'ra watched Jessika ever since she was born. She had a very protective streak over her, since she was the more quiet and soft-spoken one out of the Pava sisters. She is definitely the polar opposite of Nayeliand'ra in the means of attitude. She is a non-nonsense, not taking from anyone, outspoken and confident person who is basically good at what she does. However, it does not means she does not want to work with the people around her. Jessika is basically the only family that she has, after losing contact with her parents, making her care for her older sister stronger to the point of exploding. It's not like she loved her sister any less, but the stakes have been heightened ever since the attack of the Stormtroopers.



friends — 

▪ BB-808 | Great Friends | He is Nayeliand'ra's droid, who's shape is similar to Poe's droid, BB-8. However, instead of orange and white, he has blue and white. Since her older sister Jessika was always gone to train as a pilot, BB-808 has always kept her company and to always keep her up to date with any situation that may come in front of her as a fighter for the resistance. Outside of that, he seems to be a kind of matchmaker, who tries to point her towards any potential guy to be her boyfriend. However, he is fiesty who will try to protect her if he needs to


▪ Kato "Rocket" Woo | Battle Buddy  | He is probably one of the cockiest people that Nayeliand'ra has ever met, but at least he can back it up. He joined the Resistance at the same time as her due to an attack from the First Order on his planet Corellia. His first option was to train to be a pilot, but he later decided to train as a fighter because he believes that he can cover more ground and to actually take his anger out on something. Many of the Resistance members would consider Nayeliand'ra and Kato like fire and ice. Kato has a more volatile and firey personality, while Nayeliand'ra is quiet and calm with herself.

▪ Poe Dameron | Friend | Poe Dameron, the self-proclaimed "Greatest Pilot in the Galaxy". They met through her sister Jessika and he sort of infuriates her to no end. Well, not in a bad way at least. Whenever she hangs out with her sister and some of the other pilots, it seems like he prefers to announce his presence in some sort of way. However, she does admire his confidence and his drive to help the Resistance win against the First Order. She believed that they needed people like him to give them hope because if they didn't have hope, who will?

▪Nova Matina | Friend/ Partner In Crime | Nova Matina. She is one of the best fighters alongside her in the Resistance. You can consider her as a prodigy due to her ability to think on her feet and to be a step ahead of the enemy. Her fighting style is a little more ruthless than others, especially with Storm Troopers in the First Order, but her heart is definitely in the right place. They have trained together along with Kato at the same time, after signing up with the Resistance, basically trying to be the best that they can be and to take back their freedom that is constantly threatened by the First Order. 

Love, you've ever been in love?

love interest — Lux Beatus (FC: Ludi Lin)

backup(s)  — Aurora Ma (FC: Eiza Gonzales)

personality — Lux is seen as a very confident(borderline cocky). He knows that he is the best at what he does and he is not afraid to let it be known. He has this troublemaker aura about him that makes him almost a liability than an asset due to his crazy or dangerous decisions, but he makes sure that he gets it done. He knows that he can be wrong, but he does what he believe that is right. He can be impulsive and quick on his feet as well, which can prove to be useful, if he gets rid of his crazy antics. While his confident, impulsive and even troublemaker persona is what speaks loudly for him, he is generally a nice guy and a loyal comrade to the people around him. He is someone that you can count on and he will vow to never leave yourside.


On the negative side, he can be sensitive and a little secretive at times. He believes that his sensitive side is a bit of a weakness, so he hides it behind his overly-confident personality and simply being a little to Nayeliand'ra to get by. He is also secretive because he believes that not many can understand who he really is. He wants to tell Nayeliand'ra, but the fact that she avoids him kind of breaks his heart. However, he wouldn't give up until she does so. He is also a stubborn kind of person, who makes it hard for himself to get out a negative slump. If he believes that he is at fault for something, then it will be cemented in his brain and he will be guilt-ridden for a certain amount of time. It simply takes Nayeliand'ra or some of his close fellow pilots to take him out of it. He does have anger within him, in regards to the First Order and other things, but he tries not to ecplode or take it out on anyone. He hasn't yet and he wants to keep it that way.


 Lux and Nayeliand'ra met through Poe at a party with the pilots and fighters. They were both new recruits who were ready to join the ranks to fight for the Resistance, but they didn't expect an instant attraction. Lux made a name for himself as the ladies man, who was never seen without a girl on his arm and blowing hot air with confidence (but seen as arrogance to Nayeliand'ra). At first, she really disliked him and simply did not want anything to do with him. However, with how many times Lux got under her skin with little to no effort and ending it with a red face and flushed cheeks, it told everyone else a different story. Lux never actually treated her like some girl that he can try on and then just toss to the side, but what made him stay was how she was able to fire back at him when ever he passed a smart- comment or acted like a little to get her mad.


However, things were beginning to change as General Leia were appointing them to more missions that required them to be stationed in more dangerous areas. Nayeliand'ra, as always, took the responsibility to lead a team into a check point which could possibly leave them vulnerable. However, Lux began to gravitate even closer to her for her own protection. Initially, she believed that he was doing this because he was underestimating her and was unable to take care of herself, but later on she finds out is that he has developed a deep and more intimate attachment to Nayeliand'ra and does not want to lose her. She was now discovering that he no longer saw her as someone to annoy, but someone to love and hold close. After that day, Nayeliand'ra actively avoided Lux which caught the attention of her sister, Nova, Kato and even Poe. It was like what he said to her changed her negatively, but in all reality she was at an emotional impasse. She felt like her mind was telling her to deny his affections and move on due to what has been said about him, but her heart was telling her to take that risk and return his love.


After a while, she hasn't given him a verbal answer to his confession, but she physically sought him out. Lux was no longer gravitating to other women, he kept himself by her side and simply holding her from behind. He was more calm and gentle with her, with the continued banter between them. Nayeliand'ra has never had anyone outside of her family, especially a boy to confess their feelings towards her. Maybe it is because the possibility of dying on the field, but how she has seen many of her comrades die in the crossfire that is war, it is probably time to take that chance and to hold him close. It is seen by General Leia Organa, her sister, her friends and even other members of the Resistance that they are developing a relationship that is passed a platonic one but they (Lux and Nayeliand'ra) haven't conjured up the courage to do so. They only spoke through action, which makes things a little more nerve-wracking for the both of them. The way he sought her out after returning for a mission and seeing how she waited for him after reuniting with her sister and her friends, the way he held her close as if it was the last time that he would possibly see her.


It was easy to see, but will it come to that? She hasn't said I love you yet, but they were beginning to initiate more skinship with each other. Time will tell until either Nayeliand'ra or Lux say those three words to each other.

Your chance.

comments/suggestions — I hope you like her :D Shipname Luxeliand'ra <3 

scene request —

✤ Nayeliand'ra busies herself in fixing a few of her blasters by her sister's x-wing, but falls asleep due to exhaustion. Lux finds her asleep peacefully by BB-808 who watched over her. With the guidance of her droid, Lux carries her to her room and gently tucks her into bed. Before he leaves, he lays a kiss onto her head and whispers, "I love you Nayeliand'ra Tatiana Pava, to the moon and back. I don't expect you to say it back yet, but I am laying my heart on the line for you."

✤ Nayeliand'ra gets busy on a mission to the point where she falls unconscious for almost a week, but Lux stays by her side with her hand in his. General Leia Organa takes notice of this, due to how she acknowledges her hard work, but wishes for Nayeliand'ra to be careful. Being at her age, Leia notices Lux's love for her.

✤ The pilots and fighters have a little bonfire with dancing and alcohol. - You can initiate some flirting or some dancing between the two.

✤ Nayeliand'ra displays her linguistic ability by communicating with beings like the Ewoks, Wookies and other species.

✤ Lux returns from a mission, beaten and bruised and actively looks for Nayeliand'ra first. After a few minutes of desperately looking, he sees her hugging her sister, Kato, Nova, and even Poe with care and love. It began to be natural between the two of them to seek each other out. Nayeliand'ra feels his eyes on her and she turns to see him look at her. Seeing his condition, her eyes and her whole face turns into a sad and concern frown but Lux immediately runs to her. Nayeliand'ra goes to him and they meet in a desperate hug, full of relief that they were both alive. 

✤ The female pilots and fighters have a get together and Lux comes up in the conversation.

✤ Lux gets into a fight with another fighter who seems to have his eyes on Nayeliand'ra, but for the wrong reasons entirely. 

password — Leia Organa *bows down*


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