`hearts and hands : Shin Taegun



Shin, Taegun


Nicknames : Mr. Mechanic

Date of Birth + Age + Grade : November 6, 1997 + 16 + Junior

Ethnicity : Korean

Birthplace + Hometown : Indonesia + Canada

Height + Weight : 176cm + 57kg

Languages :

Indonesian - Expert

English - Fluent

Korean - Semi Fluent



Ulzzang : Lee Taegyun

Links :  1 | 2 |

Backup Ulzzang : Kite

Links : 1 | 2 |

Appearance/StyleShe's the kind of person who doesn't wear clothes that cling, so leggings and jeans are no-nos along with singlets. She wears short but flimsy tops, no matter the colour and either baggy pants or shorts. She only wears (and owns) one pair of shoes that are brown lace ups. Also, she likes wearing lots of mix matched bracelets on his wrist. People would joke that they would reach her elbow. She has no kinds of piercings on her, not even on the ears. She's completely clear. But she likes being somewhere in the middle, so she doesn't wear things that are two girly or things that make her come across as a boy.



Family :

Mother || Shin Clarissa || 41 || Photo Designer || She's quite straightforward and loves to flatter. She's always running somewhere or doing something, practically busy all the time. When she is around people for an amount of time, she is good at making and holding a conversation || Quite robotically. Because her mum was always busy, Taegun never really got the chance to talk much with her mother. They just seem to 'go with the flow'. although she was personally doing sort of well in her work, she had trouble maintaining a good consistent record and wasn't requested much for tasks, which meant she had to study extra harder than before. || Alive

Father || Shin Josung || 43 || Computer Engineer || Quiet and but isn't reserved. He just talks in a small voice, compared to his wife. Although Taegun never says so, she favors her father more as he always seems to be interested in her wherabouts or what she is up to - like genuinely interested || Like a house on fire. Even though he's quiet, he made sure not to talk any less. They can talk to each other at any time and laugh and get along normally. With his job, he used to be a computer engineer until he had gotten into an accident that ended up with him not being about to use his right arm - his dominant arm. Not only did they have to pay for the hospital bills, but he also had to quit his job, making it even harder on his wife. || Alive

Brother || Leeshin Wilson || 13(?) || Student || He is more like his mother. He's loud and straightforward too. He's the kind of person who had always believed in justice and fairness and will go far as defending himself or someone else physically to prove this. || Well, back when they were together, they were rather quite close. They always had to share clothes, which meant that Taegun would've had to give up most girly clothes to match with her brother. They did everything together and went to places together. Also, they seemed to be not quite a playful pair but more serious like. But they still depended on each other. || Alive

Friends/Enemies/Rivals : 

Best Friend || Jung Krystal || 16 || The kind of person who is kind and has a pretty smile, but prefers not to show it unless necessary. She seems quite small and lonely at times, so she likes to hang onto Taegun and be kept company. || She is usually quiet while Taegun just talks to fill up the spaces. Every now and then, Krystal may add in a little joke, but it a little unlikely. Krystal does however, like to do things for Taegun and help her out.  

Rival || Kim Hyuna || 16 || Charming and sociable. She likes to chat her way through a lot of things. If she's in trouble, she'll charm her way out. In front of respectable people, she can be quite mannerable and incredibly respectful. But when she's with her friends, she's hyper and loves a buzz. She jumps to conclusions quite quickly and she thinks over things very irrationally. The way how she reacts to these things are very obvious. If she's panicky, it shows. If she's lying, it shows. However, she is incredibly goo at keeping secrets. || Hyuna is always trying to find a way to get Taegun in trouble - well, more like trying to find gaps where Taegun could possibly get in trouble. She doesn't deliberately set things up to make Taegun look like the bad guy. They act quite like bickering friends around each other really, just with a bit more challenging feelings in there and Hyuna is really just the only one doing the bickering and Taegun is just absorbing it all in. 

Children Under Your Care

Janey Lee || 5 || She's from Canada, but can't remember much English anymore. Extremely truthful. Does not hold secrets at all, so there is no chance of holding your finger against your lips. She smiles a lot thought and loves to dance, mainly copying dances that she sees off television. But usually, the dances she sees are traditional ones, so she only knows those, not kpop and stuff. She's rather more of a lone wolf though, enjoying time by herself or with a select group of maybe two or less people. || She always wants to teach Taegun a new traditional dance. But she doesn't really talk that much, so the only way they communicate is through dance. Taegun wishes to help her become more open and friendly with others. 

Gema Alatas || 5 || She's from Indonesia but had moved over just recently. She doesn't know any korean (or that's what people assume. She can actually speak very well, but she doesn't say anything except in Indonesian) Now this one is incredibly shy. Has shut the whole time. But she's more open with her actions and smiles a lot. She tries to play with others, but the other kids find her presence shocking(?) They always keep forgetting that she's there so they always end up getting a shock when she touches them or she appears out of nowhere || They walk around together and like to look at things. Taegun always tries to help Gema find something new before Taegun has to leave the daycare. Taegun's wishes to help Gema talk again.

Background : Taegun was born in Jakarta, Indonesia. At the age of two, her family and her moved to Canada hoping for a better life, but they weren't doing well settling back in. Not only that, but they also had a son, which made living expesnes a lot more expensive. Taegun attended school there for eight years, with grades that ranked amongst the lowest. She never found trouble in it though. She always worked hard enough to pass, but only by a thread. She managed to get through life effortlessly by filling her time doing aimless stuff, like pulling things apart and putting them back together. She only gained this hobby when she got mad one day and broke her alarm clock. Not having the money to buy another and not wanting to anger her parents, she attempted to fit it back together again. After a week of asking people and reading books, she managed to piece the clock back together again. She realised she found some kind of enjoyment in it and continued to do this with things like the old television and the heaters in the house even - but only when her parents weren't around. But then things got extremely difficult when Taegun was about ten. They were going through a recession and were on the edge of bankrupcy. Taegun's grandparents had offered them a place at their house back in Korea, but it was going to be expensive trying to keep all of them in the small house. There was a large debate over this matter for almost a whole year, and the decision came - Leeshin, Taegun's brother, was going to stay in Canada while the rest go to Korea. Taegun was outraged and demanded to stay with her brother, but her parents told her that it was for the best. Leeshin was then adopted by close family friends who took him in as one of their own, while Taegun and her parents went back to Korea. On the way into the Korean airport, in a fit of rage, Taegun had shoved past one of the passengers, whose bag dropped to the ground and spilt all her belongings over the places. This girl was incredibly angered by this as some really embarrassing personal stuff was lying around and was out to get Taegun back.

Taegun spent the rest of her life living in a state of blankness, trying to get over the loss of her brother and also her failing grades which she was now being teased and reprimanded for. It was so different than when she was back in Canada. Rather than being angry at her or teasing her, everyone encouraged her and worried for her, back in her Canadian primary school. She learnt to get through life aimless just doing things that needed to be done and filling up the rest of her time doing meaningless things. She was horribly quiet for the first few years in Korea, but as she made friends and slowly got used to the culture and language, she began to loosen up a bit. She wasn't very comfortable with kindness, but she liked being able to help people fix things. She decided one day that people who weren't part of her past should not deserve her anger or her coldness, so she became incredibly kind instead - almost like a pushover really. She no longer acted angry in front of others. She did however, still go through life without any goals or ambissions.  

Personality : She can be quite mysterious. She likes to keep secrets, her own and others. She does it very well too. Mainly, she goes around by herself, quite like a lone wolf. If she was put into groups however, she can communicate well with them, but she doesn't like to talk about herself. She doesn't want anyone to know about her past or her brother. These kinds of things might threaten to bring back her memories and will make her like she was when she first arrived in Korea. Many people would say that she was really good to talk to as she makes you feel special, but they say that she's distant, like even though she is physically there, her heart isn't. 

Is not afraid to laugh. Anything that can make her happy and even temporarily forget all the bad things is welcome. and when she laughs, she laughs heartily, like as if it's the funniest thing. At first it sounded quite forced, but as the years went by, she gradually became more natural with them. She likes to laugh most of all about the boy jokes. Judging from her appearance, people would mostly mistake her as a boy. Maybe at first it was a burden, but when she came to Korea, it just became humourous. When she could call a boy 'oppa' people would get frightened.

Taegun tries to make herself as distant as possible. After her departing with her brother, she felt that if she got close to someone and if they left her, she would feel that anger and sadness as she had with her brother and she feared she would become like she was. She's scared of herself and tries to make sure that she doesn't mention too much about herself or tries not to attend friendly outings and such. But just most of all, she is afraid. She makes out herself as an always willing and forever helping person that wouldn't mind dropping whatever they have at the moment to help out, but on the inside, she is trying so hard not to push herself past the boundary of 'kindness' and into 'love' because love scares her. She tries to disappear a lot and make sure that no one will remember her.  

Trivia :

  • enjoys boy jokes about herself
  • in her spare time, she works at different shops, fixing things that have been broken. She works for free
  • she's not as hurt as she was before, but she goes a bit into shock whenever her brother's name is mentioned. She just wants to learn how to move on.
  • calls Yixing 'Hopeless' for two reasons. 1) because he seems like it. 2) Because his name sounds incredibly alike to her brother's name: Yixing - Leeshin
  • Yixing didn't even know she was a girl until after a whole week. Whenever she would touch him in a non-manly way, he used to think she was gay, until after a whole week of knowing her, she unexpectedly called him 'Oppa' and he got the shock of his life.
  • sleepwalks a lot. And when she sleepwalks, she does very normal things that doesn't make her seem like she's sleeping. Like, she makes herself a drink or eats something or watches the television. The only thing that gives her away is that she doesn't blink. 
  • does not tell secrets no matter what. Even if she is drunk, she's not a truthful drunk and doesn't admit stuff in her drunken state.
  • learnt how to hotwire a car with her brother at age nine and crashed the car accidently when she accidentely pushed the gear into drive. Her brother ended up breaking a leg, but she only came out with a sprain.
  • she will speak in a different language if she wants to annoy you to have a bit of fun.
  • looking at little kids, regardless of their gender, reminds her a bit of her brother.



  • Art galleries
  • Chocolate drinks
  • Taking things apart and putting them back together



  • Alcohol
  • Overdone cuteness
  • Hearing her brother's name



  • Taking things apart
  • Going to different art galleries



  • Not being able to see her brother again
  • Herself
  • Two story buildings. She can handle heights, but for some reason, the buildings really get to her.



  • Can be quite distant
  • Can be a push over
  • Says the wrong word in Korean
  • Bad memory when it comes to memorising things
  • Bad study habits



Love Interest  : Zhang Yixing

Personality Taegun has a nickname for him, 'Hopeless.' So whenever she would see him, she would be like, 'Hey Hopeless, how are you?' or something like that. This is why...

Weird on all costs. Eats the most uncommon flavour of ice cream - sort of along that line of weird, alone with other things. He buys things too which may be of no use to no one but him and if it doesn't work out like how he had imagined or if his use for it no longer existed, he would turn it into something else. For example, he has a blanket: at first he'll use it for sleeping, but then later when he doesn't want it anymore, he will cut it up and use it as a halloween costume. Ah yes! He also does everything properly and does it to the best of his ability. Whenever there is an occasion to dress up, he dresses up seriously and shamelessly. It makes him happy though when people laugh at him. Makes him feel like as if those people could go home and talk about him with amusement in their hearts.

He's extremely forgetful and this adds to the whole hopeless character. Keeps on dropping things everywhere and it's always Taegun that is able to sniff it out. There are a few things that he loses on a daily bases, like his socks and his keys, so Taegun would always text him to tell him to remember them.

Also, he speaks his mind, no matter how embarrassing it is. If he thinks you look outstanding and that it had taken his breath away, then he will say it. No kidding. Sometimes he would even use corny phrases. Sometimes this can get him into trouble with the teacher as it may come across as rude and 'talking back' and at other times it can come across as 'stupid' as he doesn't know how to control his own mouth. 

Relationship  : Imagine his personality times two. He tries to act even weirder with her and tries to forget a lot more things so that he's able to talk to her and he says a lot more weird things to her just to hear her laugh. She treats him like her little brother, even though they're not quite similar. She treats him like her little brother because that's how she had always acted with people. She never really gave people special attention, even if she liked them a lot. Instead she would harbor her feelings inside, but try to maintain a stable friendly relationship with him.

She sees him as a love interest because, first, he caught her attention. The resemblance to her brother made her more attentive to him. She even went up to ask him when they first met what his name was so that she could confirm that she had heard wrong, thinking that his name was Leeshin and not Yixing. Second of all, he didn't seem to want to indulge himself in her, like he wasn't always asking question about her. Instead, he would talk about himself, making it so that she knew practically everything about him and for some reason, she took pride in that fact. Also, because he wasn't nosy in her life, she started to want him to become nosy, because now that she knew so much about him, she thought it wasn't fair how he knew so much about her. 

Back Up Love Interest  : Key (Kim Kibum)

Personality :  Outgoing and straightforward. Always wants straightforward responses too. Likes people who are like him. Which is probably why he finds Taegun so frustrating since she seems to be so...'out of it.' He usually decides what he wants and he usually gets it. He's quite fun and always likes to do things that require you to move around and be active.

On the other hand, he has a very protective side. He's on full snarky mode if anyone hurts anyone that means a lot to him. He can be really harsh and scary when he's angry, so people try not to anger the guy.

Relationship  : He usually expresses his frustration with her, practically groaning about how 'simple' she tries to make herself out to be. He tries to persuade her into doing things fun. 


Children Under Their Care : { must have 2. }

Yoo Inna || 6 || Almost like a mini Key, except minus the scary part. She's a lot more kind and extremely generous. Would give away half her lunch to another kid in a heartbeat. || They act like twins, always doing things at the same time and reacting the same way to things. They can be quite humorous and are like a comedy duo.

Aoi Hiroki || 6 || Charming and playful, always playing sports or wanting to go outside. He likes dragging other kids to play, especially really quiet ones. They always seem to like playing with him. He can be quite popular amongst the other kids and has a wise personality. || Key doesn't like playing sports much, so he usually just watches Hiroki play and cheers him on. Key would go around with his hand on Hiroki and proclaim that Hiroki is going to become the best sportsman in Korea. Hiroki enjoys Key's company and likes to tease Key about every girl Key interacts with.   



Comments/Questions/Concerns : I don't want her past to seem like a big deal to her now, because it really isn't like a full on tragic story. Um...I just wanted her to feel just a little lonely and regretful about what happened. 

Scene Suggestions : Painting session with the kids!!

Username : --placingfifth

What Should I Call You : Hana

Activity Level : 9

Password : Almost Is Never Enough


1) Text is Arial, size 11.
2) Pictures above are width 178 and height 100. The middle should be a picture of your love interest, the outer two should be a picture of your visual.
3) Keep things neat, please. This is a very simple app, so I shouldn't see any major layout mistakes.
4) Remember love interests are EXO, BAP, Infinite, VIXX, C-Clown, SHINee and anyone for girls. Myungsoo is taken as a love interest. 
5) Quality over Quantity. If you can give me both, that's great.
6) Hyperlink pictures, don't give me URLs for anything. I dislike it.
7) Replace brackets with what is needed. Erase all notes.
8) There are no plotlines, so you have quite a lot of freedom with this, so use it wisely. I'll accept sob stories for backgrounds, but do not make them get out of hand.
9) Mary-Sue characters are a no, so make sure they have faults.
10) There can be twins, but you must fill out two apps of equal quality.
11) Ask questions if needed, I'm here to help you, so use me if you need it.



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