
I would like to thank you first, for taking the initiative to defend yourself. Not many people do so. But since you did, I have also an obligation to defend myself as well. 


First of all, I would like to put out a disclaimer saying that I do not base my review just off my own personal opinion. Anything that I have written, has been written because I have learnt this off reading other reviews and seeing how things should be reviewed. I am not perfect myself, but I do know that my personal opinion (opinions like: oh I don't like how you wrote it poem form because I hate poems - that kind of opinion) should not in anyway alter a review. Also, I did ask for random reader opinions, so that that way, I know that I am not just basing my review off my thinking alone. 



I get it a lot from requesters saying that if I had read till the end, I would've understood the title. However, I had never stated anywhere how many chapters I will read. If you had planned to show the meaning of the title at the end, then I wouldn't have known. The first thing that majority of reviewers look for, is how well the story matches the title. It's unfortunate that I wasn't able to read to the end. So in that case, my review on your title was based on how well your story related to the title as I read the story.


To assume that I 'didn't like' your description because it wasn't the style I 'liked' is quite wrong. I have judged over a wide range of reading styles, from 'every sentence is on a new line' to 'bunched up in a paragaph'. I have no favourite writing style. Literature is literature and it is beautiful in every way. Your writing style wasn't different from what I usually see, so I was not uncomfortable nor biased with it in anyway.

Now, with the way how you wrote it, I completely agree with you on this one. Yes, the sentences do match the story. I understand that the way that I worded my review on your sentences in your description seemed biased and based on my own opinion. When I read it once over, I could see that. My job as a reviewer is also to look at it from a reader's view. If I was a reader myself, would I have been interested? I need to think about this too. If you see other reviews, you can see that other reviewers do this to, so this isn't only just me.

Yes the sentences, made sense...without that last sentence. If you didn't have that last sentence, it would've fit just right. I'm afraid I couldn't give you a tip on how to rewrite it, as I didn't understand what you were trying to say.


I agree with you, when you stated that Sarang wasn't fine with the insults. I take back what I said about her not being insulted by insults. I lost it for that moment when I wrote those words ( I will remove them later). Yes, she did hate those insults. But the way how she acted towards things in general was just plain positive. That one time she slapped Myungsoo cannot count as a flaw. She was defending someone who was insulting her, which in turn just makes her really nice.

Having normal thoughts like liking and disliking something/someone does not count as a flaw - as it is human nature. However, if you think about it carefully - she doesn't talk back to her step mum insulting her, she obeys when he is told to do something, she doesn't fight back at her setp sisters when they insult her (in fact defend them), she talks kindly to people, she doesn't lie to people...all these traits in a person do point towards a Mary Sue kind of personality. 

For Myungsoo, I know. When I read about him, I could tell that he had a warm heart. Like how he offered her car rides or worried about her when she burnt herself or when he defended her when her sisters were being mean to her. But what I was trying to say, was that when it came for him to go back to his cold nature, he was extremely cold. And sometimes he switched so quickly too between warm Myungsoo and cold Myungsoo.

For the sisters, yes, they were pretty much mere side characters. But they play an important role in Sarang's life. They took up almost all the story. And from the way you had worded it, you were trying to showcase how someone can mature and grow. You weren't trying to make your story funny at all, nor were you trying to make it unbelievable. You want the readers to learn something. You 'want to portray the way how people change and suddenly start caring when they are given something to live for'. If that's the case, then the sisters aren't just side characters...they are teachers. They have something that they can teach your readers. 'These are the kind of people you can overcome' is the kind of message. But how can we overcome unrealistic representations of bullies?




That was my response to your comment. I am betting that you will probably have something you will debate back with, but if it gives you a piece of mind, if you decide to respond back, I will not challenge you. Instead, I will learn from this and try to understand your points in your argument and keep them in mind for my future reviews.

Thank you for requesting and all the best for the future.


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maakopla #1
Thank you for you response. Though, I feel like you were looking down on me with this comment of yours. Especially the last part where you are betting for me to start a debate (so you don't like discussions or what? I don't really see this as a debate). Or when you said you couldn't give tips about rewriting that one sentence because you didn't understand what it meant. Then you should have asked.

Just to straighten a few misunderstandings:

So I didn't mention in my previous comment anything about other reviewers or blame you doing something they do and frankly speaking I don't care what others do.

When Sarang slapped Myungsoo she wasn't protecting her sisters but herself and him too. She was afraid her life would change too much, that her sister would catch on etc. And when she didn't stand up for herself she didn't have strength to do it, it's not because she was nice. I think I mentioned it pretty clearly in the beginning that she was aloof like that and didn't care about her life much. I don't care if she is a Mary Sue or whatever you call her. I just feel like you couldn't look past your prejudices or view my characters on a deeper level. I know you can't view my characters as I do but I thought you'd at least try to see them differently than just a random reader. That's why I requested a review in the first place.

My story was anything than realistic, it was a pure Cinderella story like I mentioned in the foreword. So I was kind of hoping you'd review it as a it was in it's own category: fluff, romance and drama.

Who made a rule about the meaning of the title coming up in the story right away or in the few first chapters? Whatever, I don't care anymore so let's leave things at this. You don't need to edit the review you posted and I don't care about the points you gave me. for once I just wanted to get some tips how to become better but didn't really get any.

Anyway, best of luck with your reviews and stuff.