☬ Obscure; The Paradox Application »「Jung Seokmin」


username: --placingfifth avtivity level [ 4 ]


Who Am I?

Name: Jung Seokmin
Nickname(s): n/a
Gender: female
Ethnicity: Korean
Date of Birth:  January 1st, 1995
Age: 18
Blood Type: b
Weight:  51kg || 114lb
Place of Birth: South Korea, Busan


It's Only A Mask

Apperance: Baek Su Min
Links:  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Back up: Park Sora
Links: 1 | 2 | 3 


Casual: 1 | 2 | 3 - Quite dressy, but comfortable.
1 | 2 | 3 - very professional and usualy wears blazers.
Formal:  1 | 2 | 3 - Is more dressy, but still maintains the professional look.
Working: 1 | 2 | 3 - Likes to wear military clothes really.

Other: none


Into The Depths of Me


She's can come across as a very annoying person. She's the kind that always happens to be there. Like, you're having a private conversation with your friend and when you turn around, she is there. People who don't know her ability get annoyed, but she only smirks at this. Because even if she wasn't there, she would've been able to hear their thoughts anyway. She also has this natural look on her face where she looks like she knows something that you don't. She's got this intense stare and if you're looking at her, you'll see that she's staring directly into your eyes, not anywhere else. But the look in her eyes is kind of dodgy and people can feel sort of edgy around her, even though she doesn't talk. Maybe that's another reason why people are uncomfortable in her presense? The fact that she doesn't talk makes people wonder what she's thinking or makes people wonder if she is reading their mind, of which she will quickly reply back with 'yes' in their mind. 

Seems like a lonely character. She has that kind of feeling around her that makes her seem like as if she isn't alone even if she is. Like as if there is someone right next to her, or she is too occupied to look lonely. She's got this appearance that makes her look like she was made to be alone, so that when she is alone, but don't think she is feeling sad or down. She can get quite annoyed at this, as in real life, she really wants to be social. But it's hard to be social when you can't talk and your only quick form of communication can disturb people. On the inside, she is actually quite bold. Her thoughts are always very direct and sometimes quite narky. She judges a lot in her head. She thinks things like, 'What is that person wearing?' and her thoughts sometimes show on her face, making her seem even less approachable. She's the one always raising her eyebrow, the one who is always staring, the one who is always looking amused.

When she is tracking however, she is quite different. She becomes quite calm and even...bored? She's been doing it her whole life, that even if she was tracking a murderer, she would have this bored look on her face and just point the way. Tracking is like walking. It's just part of her life. It's quite a boring job for her, as well. Who would want to follow a bunch of blue markings?  

In the end, she comes across as an unapproachable person. 


  • cats because she thinks that their thoughts are amusing. 
  • listening to conversations because it's better than invading their minds.
  • lemons because she just has a liking to it.
  • clear days because rainy or dark days makes the air feel heavy.
  • 'talking' to people who converse with her normally, because it makes her feel like she isn't a monster.


  • being called a monster, because she doesn't think herself a monster.
  • hot peppers because they can make her maps turn to different colours
  • dotted areas on trails or paths, because they are bad signs majority of the time
  • the smell of smoke because it hurts her eyes immediately
  • when she is sick. When she's sick, she can hear everyone's thoughts at once and she can't control it.


  • listening to conversations
  • drawing her maps
  • reading the news


  • raises her right eyebrow when amused
  • fingers twitch when nervous. She usually shoves her hands into her pockets at this time.
  • right eye will twitch when irritated or mad.


Who Is This Family You Speak Of?


Older Brother | Jung Seokhyun | 23

Mother | Jung Hyejung | 40

Father | Jung Minhyuk | 43


Family History:

Seokmin was born with it. In exchange, her vocal chords were destroyed. Her parents tried numerous surgeries to fix it, but when her chords were fixed, they somehow managed to go back to their original state. That was the price she had to pay for her gift. Her parents sent her off to a mental hospital, when one day, Seokmin suddenly spoke to them in their thoughts. It was the first time she had spoken to them in her thoughts and she was 17. 

In truth, she was listening to them speak all the time, while also listening to their thoughts. She desperately wanted to talk, but didn't know how. She eventually leaned how to  use the words that they had been using and place them into a sentence, in which she would plant into their mind.

She first discovered her tracking ability when she was ten. A classmate had suddenly disappeared at her school and when Seokmin suddenly recieved this news, she suddenly saw bright blue marks. She decided to follow them. Along the way, she came across an area covered with bright blue dots and she felt something was wrong. She continued to follow the rest of the path and she came across a pit, where her classmate was lying unconscious. The classmate was fine, but she had been attacked and was dumped into the pit. 

When she arrived in hospital, she was only in there for a day before she had a visitor. He told her that she was going to become part of a group that was just like her; special. She disappeared after that. 


My Only Real Family

Best Friend: 

Lee Seokmin | 16 | Art student | Relationship | Like a twin. He believes that he is a future reincarnation of Seokmin that has travelled back into the past. Because of this, he trusts Seokmin a lot and was the only person out of all of Seokmin's friends that believed that she had some kind of gift. He's incredibly mischievious and makes snarky comments from time to time. If he wants you to shut up, he will start singing out of nowhere. 


None anymore. When they heard she had been institutionalized, they all left her.


It's Supernatural

Power: Telepathy and Enhanced Tracking
In Particular: Telepathy: Nothing much really. It's like talking to someone. At first, when Seokmin was little, she used the voices she heard from the people around her and used their voice to speak the sentences into people's minds. When she got older, she created her own voice and used that. 

Enhanced Tracking: There are two kinds of tracks; paths and trails.

Seokmin uses the word 'path' when she is tracking something that is dead or an object. This path will appear as a blue line on a flat out purple surface, like a map. (Imagine a purple piece of paper with a blue line going around it or something). 

Seokmin used the word 'trail' when she is tracking something alive or living (people or animals). This trail will apear as bright blue markings. So if she is tracking someone, their footprint will be bright blue markings on the ground. If they had touched something, it may appear as bright blue handprints on doors etc etc. She can still see the world and buildings and such, but with just bright blue markings everywhere. 

Fears: About what they may come across on the path to the destination. She can't talk.
Weakness: Cannot see what has interferred with the path or trail until she comes across the site or scene herself. Only then, can she see around and give the verdict on what has happened. Usually, if the person/animal has been attacked or moved around or stayed in an area for a while, there will be plenty of tiny dots surrounding the area on the trail. When she sees these dots, it becomes really serious; dots are a bad sign.

Can't talk to someone who is miles away and she can't send messages to someone if she hasn't seen their/it's appearance. 
Advantages: She doesn't always rely on her maps. She can sniff things out and give verdicts depending on the markings around the scene. 

If someone is miles away, she can send out a signal. The person will just immediately know that something is wrong.

See You In The After Life

Do you want some romance within the group?: no 
Comments/Suggestions/Questions?: i really hope you understood what I wrote in the powers. If you don't understand, I have PICTURES!! Yay for pictures!
Password: Obscure





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