I think I am being flirted with.... BUT I DON'T KNOW! I'm not used to people flirting with me! The last guy that flirted with me was really creepy and kept calling me cute and beautiful (and those were sweet) but then he started asking if he could hold me and cuddle me and I barely knew the guy and next thing you know he's telling me about how depressed he is and how he wants to kill himself and it was REALLY SCARY!

And now I think my sister's boyfriend's nephew is trying to flirt with me because he's started messaging me on facebook a lot and a while ago were we talking and I got annoyed because he was giving me short answers. I said (I'm in blue and he's in green.)

"You and your short answers. How do you manage to keep a conversation?"

And he said:

"Lol idk I'm not that great with wonderful people (like u)"

"Oh thank you! You're pretty cool too! Now, tell me at least one thing that you liked about today so far."

"Talking to you."


I mean, I hope he's just joking around and being friendly because even though he is taller than me (damn he is freaking tall, but then again, I'm pretty short too....) but he's two years younger than me and I like older guys so I'd feel bad if he was trying to flirt with me because ASDFGHJKL; IT'S SO AWKWARD!

I've never been in a relationship. I've been single my entire life and I have no idea about relationships. For some reason, people assume that I do and come to me for advice (again, I don't know why but I give them advice anyway).

I don't even know how I'm capable of writing these romance fics! It's just me and my wild imagination, writing 2min in the cheesy relationships I dream about because I love cheesy romances. Love them. All those cliches and cheesy lines. I love them. I would kill to be in that type of fluffy relationship.



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The first guy situation I can understand completely except in my situation we were friends and he fell for me hard and told me how I really change his life since he was depressed, neglected from his mum...yeah he really likes me but I had already friendzone him and told him I dont feel the same and my feelings wont change.
Maybe that guy just want someone to talk to but he is coming to u in a creepy way...
Well as long as u dont lead the guy that is messaging u, I dont see no reason for u not to flirt but if u dont feel comfortable just talk to him and become friendly with him :)
Me too! ^^ well I wouldnt want too cheesy but I would love to be in a relationship like that XD
OMG honey we both are on the same bloody page...when i read what you were saying i honestly didnt know if he was just joking around or flirting....i mean if this how people flirt? I honestly dont know how to. So i would be the worst person to advise on that :/ but yes i COMPLETELY agree with you on the last one.

ahhaha but i think i agree with CHoiGiGi unni :D
The problem with me (according to my friends apparently) is that i friendzone everyone without even realising...but how do you even do that?! :/
The first guy i think was flirting but getting clingy becasue he maybe got s few problems and jsut wants somone to hold.

The second either one is flirting with you becasue he may have a little crush -or he's being a playful flirt where it dosent mean anything but it fun.

And if all comes too much -you do what everygirl has to do in these situations -Friendzone - ;)