EXO OTP Quiz (from EXO Stan on tumblr)


>> credit for this awesome quiz goes to the rightful owner


Five ships you’re into right now

1) KaiSoo

2) HunHan

3) BaekSoo

4) KaiHun

5) KaiHan


Four ships you like but don’t anymore

6) BaekYeol

7) SuDo

8) HanLay

9) XiuHan


Three ships you never liked

10) KrisTao

11) KrisHo

12) BaekTao


Two ships your curious but don’t actually ship

13) KrisChen

14) KrisBaek





1. Why do you dislike #11 so much?

KrisHo : same goes with SuDo, SuChen, SuLay... nope, I just don’t ship Suho with anyone, haha..


2. Who is someone you know that ships #14?

my sister


3. What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3?

friendship!AU Kyungsoo is the clumsy one and Baek will be his delightful friend

my scenario :

"I love you, you know," Baekhyun blurted out. "All these times."

Kyungsoo bit his lips. "No, bestfriend don't love each other..."

"Why don't we try and see how it works."


4. Which is your favorite moment for couple #1?

haha, it’s on ‘Angel’ song when in the coreo, Kyungsoo met up with Kai and always exchanging playful smile..

i'm talking about this..


and.. this

>////<  KaiSoo!!!


5. How long have you been following couple #5?

KaiHan : after I knew that this ship is my ideal guilty pleasure over my Hunhan.. you know, diversity..


6. What’s the story with #8? What made you stop liking/caring them?

idk, they’re meant to be just friend.. HanLay, um.. the best friendship prototype i think..


7. You have the power to make one ship non-existence. Choose from #10 or #12

BaekTao.. please, don’t hate me..


8. Which ship do you prefer #2 or #4?

Kaihun!!! Because there’s tons of KaiHun fics that poisoned my brain esp the friendship!AU.. very addicted disease, i’m warning you.. go check these entries and you'll know..


9. What interests you about #14?

hmm, manly vs ... (don’t know how to call it, you know what i mean but somehow they’re balancing each other)


10. Why did you stop liking #7?

SuDo.. i don’t ship suho with anyone... anymore..


11. What’s a song that reminds you of #2?

HunHan : Lucky by EXO along with this line “lucky to have you..”


12. Have #2 kissed yet?

without anyone knowing?? Got anything to say, HunHan??


13. Did #4 have a happy ending?

KaiHun : of course.. not, because Kai would be KaiSoo and Sehun would be HunHan.. that’s my true-true-true OTPs..


14. What would make you start shipping #13?

KrisChen is soo cute..

LOL, don't they?


15. If only one could happen, which would you prefer, #2 or #5?

HunHan!! My no.1 OTP..


16. You have the power to decide the fate of #10. What happens to them?

KrisTao.. Tao, you can have Kris as your big brother..


17. Which of these ships do you love the most?

KaiSoo.. haha.. it’s weird, right?





note : i didn't arrange the list of the OTPs but i'm mostly satisfied with all of the answer..

and gif is not mine..





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