My head was so fine as it was...

I'm feeling preety stupid...
I meet a cute guy in class. He is REALLY cute and we get along.
He's also quite outgoing and daring... after a lot of jokes and stares I begin to thing he might, kinda, a little, maybe, like me.... yeah, I'm not very self-confident.

We have a photoshoot together for a class project. Kinda hot pictures... more or less.
In my head I make a decision to go for it and try to figure out if it could work between us.

And suddenly, in the middle of some silly conversation he says «well I have a girlfriend... kind of. Yeah, I do.»
And I stay there like: «Oh, so sweet..» while inside I'm like «»

At the end of it all, he's still cute, charming and a good person. He's still the only boy I EVER let drove my car.
And I still feel hot all over when I look at him and see that y neck WHICH I KISSED TODAY FOR A FREAKIN' PROJECT PHOTOGRAPH...

I rather NOT have seen his nacked torso with chocolate bar-like abs also...


Damn. this day, I'm going to bed. Tomorrow I wont give a .


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