I hate this..


I've been trying to write but honestly I'm scared. I barely have the time and when i do I'm so tired I'm afraid of overcharging my fics with angst and sadness.

I finally got a job. I was happy, so so happy. Only to find out that the place I work in is a mess, the owner of the company is a stupid old man capable of threatening a girl of hitting her because she made a mistake. He accused her of doing it on purpose; it wasn't. She was fired anyway. My boss is his son, I thought he was a lot more wise... but he's not. Another employee told him about his father's misbehavior in hopes of setting thigs right. That employee was fired too.

The job is actually good, it's what i really like to do. But this is hell. They're awful people.
The thing is... I have nothing else. I feel like crying.


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hi, i stumbled upon your profile and your stories just now and saw this older post. i hope everything is ok now and that you are okay? Thats sad to hear about your job and i wish the best life for you <3 As for your writing, don't be afraid of "overcharging". Let yourself pour all of your feelings into your stories, get it out. You don't even have to publish it if you don't want to. Just write to get it all out and maybe that will give you inspiration for new ideas. But then if you don't have time for writing or are too tired then rest and take care of yourself <3 focus on your health!
I'm truly sorry to hear that about your work place. This is unfortunate, especially since it's 2017 and such things shouldn't happen.

If you want to "overcharge" your stories with angst or feel like this is the best way to exorcise your "demons" but are afraid that this moment in time and what you are feeling will taint the story, perhaps make an alternate version of it for this period of your life? It usually works for me.