Welcome to Anima University: Application {Lee Yejin}


Welcome to Anima University!


General Information


http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m93xuin2uO1qc3n3vo1_400.pngFull Name: Lee Yejin

Gender: F

Age: 19

Birthdate: 08/18/94

Birthplace: Busan

Hometown: Busan

Ethnicity: Korean

Citizenship: South Korean

Language(s): Korean (Native) Japanese (Semi-Fluent)




Name of Ulzzang: Park Hwan Hui/Hana Gallery



Name of Back-Up Ulzzang: Jung Seong Ah Gallery



Style: Her sense of style is really good, everything she wears matches and compliments each other nicely. She likes to wear dresses and skirts with flat shoes like converse or pumps, because she always feels more attractive and confident in something that makes her look more feminine than trousers. (1) (2) (3) Her style is generally 'pretty girl' style, but she can pull off anything really. In training she wears her hair up, jeans or shorts, boots and a tight sleeved top or one with no sleeves; so that her sleeves dont get in the way of her shooting. (1) (2) (3) As for make up, she likes to wear eyeliner and a light shade of lipstick in order to emphasise her features. (1) (2) (3) She likes to occassionally dye her hair different colours, but her favourite colour fiery red. (1)

Anything Else Interesting: She has one piercing in each ear, and a small heart shaped birthmark on the left side of her neck.

Best Attributes: Her favorite attribute is her nose, because she believes it compliments her face shape, and her legs because they are long.

Insecurities: She is insecure about he lips because she thinks they are too small for her face, even though they're not but other than that, she is happy with the way she looks.

Height: 165cm

Weight: 52kg

Tell Me About Her

5 Keywords to describe her personality: Intelligent | Strong | Competitive | Thoughtful | Short-tempered


  • Intelligent and Strong: Yejin is very intelligent. She is a dedicated student who tries her best at everything in order to prepare herself for the future. She gets straight A's purely because she works hard and enjoys her subjects and learning about her powers. She is strong as well, and not just physically. She is mentally capable, and emotionally strong-it will take a lot for you to really get her down.
  • Competitive and Thoughtful: Her competitive side first came to light when she was training her abilities. She found that she wanted to be the best of the best, and losing hurts her pride a lot. She is very thoughtful and always has a reason behind everything she does. She puts other people before herself, and hates it when people are selfish.
  • Short-tempered and Other: Her temper is one of her weaker areas. Much like the element she is tied to, Yejin has a fiery temper which she loses very easily, and takes it out on others by shouting or arguing with them, for no reason. However when she isn't angry, she is a very nice person. She gives of a confident aura and has a lot of sass, which she uses a lot of the time out of habit. She enjoys being sarcastic, but can be serious when needed. She knows how to balance her studies and her free time, never missing a deadline because she went out the night before, she usually does her work before going out so that she can enjoy herself without any worries. She still has resentment about her father, but supresses it in order to forget he left her.


  • Winning
  • treating her friends 
  • getting her work finished so she can relax
  • Bananas
  • fire 
  • fireflies
  • manga
  • sports
  • spicy food
  • scented candles
  • Gossip


  • nuts (allergy)
  • losing
  • orange
  • bitter foods
  • snow
  • romance films
  • Cowards



  • Goes slightly cross eyed when she zones out
  • Clciks her fingers when she is bored
  • Sighs when she is frustrated
  • taps her foot when she is in a hurry
  • Sleeps at 11:00 on nights where she doesn't go out
  • checks her reflection in anything she can at every opportunity


  • Takes a walk around campus before she goes to bed
  • Reads manga when she has free time
  • Plays football with her friends to pass the time
  • Frequently has competitions with Kai
  • Dances to de-stress 
  • Eats when she feels angry



  • She fears that she will let people down because other people tend to have high expectations of her.
  • She is afraid of being left alone when her grandma is no longer around 
  • she doesn't like bugs of any kind (except fireflies)
  • being unable to defend herself in a fight
  • letting her anger get the better of her and end up doing something she regrets

Does she have any special places to go to: There is a tree in the east dorm that she likes to go to when she is feeling stressed or upset, and she will go and sit under it, letting her mind wonder for a bit.

What is her dream: To become a Master (teacher) at Anima university


  • She wants to end up teaching at Anima university
  • She wants to get A's in her chosen area
  • She wants to buy her grandma something special as a thank you for looking after her 


  • She once let her anger take over and hit her classmate
  • She has a picture of her mother  taken before she was born, and she keeps it under her pillow
  • She wishes she was in the North dorm because she feels she is more suited to that dorm (and she wants to spend more time with Kai)


  • She is superstitious
  • She is right handed
  • She loves to gossip
  • Knows Japanese because her grandma taught her
  • Always talks using her Busan dialect


Childhood: Yejin lived with her grandmother in Busan since she was born. This is because her father had left her mother when he found out she was pregnant, and her mother later died during childbirth. She had no siblings, but found she didn't mind her own company. Her grandmother is half Japanese, and always kept Yejin entertained by teaching her phrases in Japanese. Yejin had a pretty average childhood despite not having her parents around, and always helped out around the house for her grandma.

Teens: Schooling in her teens was quite average as well, she had a decent amount of friends and her grades were really good, but she never failed to take care of her grandma, who still taught her Japanese. When she was 15, one of her classmates said mean things about her not having any real parents and she hit her, getting herself suspended for a few days. At 16, her grandma told her that her mother had attended a university where you train to become a 'specialist', and told her that she also attended the university. Her grandma said that because of the time she was born and her star sign, that she belonged to the element of Fire. Yejin received her first bow and arrows on her 16th birthday, and has been practicing ever since.

Current Time: She continued to train for those three years, and when it came to applying for the university, she had no problems in getting in.

How did she get in: Yejin is really clever, a straight A student. She submitted an application and was granted an unconditional offer of acceptance, meaning she had been accepted regardless of the results of her exams.

Why did she want to enter this university: Ever since her grandma told her that herself and her mother had attended this university, Yejin has wanted to enter, because she wants to feel closer to her mother and not let her down by going somewhere else.


Kim Sunhee | 74 | 06/09/39 | Retired | Kind, Gentle, Generous, Understanding, Wise | 4

Sunhee is Yejin's grandmother, who always looks out for her. She is very kind and gentle in every aspect of her life, and is also very generous with her time and money. She frequently bakes Yejin cakes, and also taught her how to so she could do it whilst she was away at Anima. Sunhee is a very understanding woman, and Yejin doesn't have to say how shes feeling most of the time because her grandma knows. She has been there for Yejin all these years, and has been a real help when it comes to giving advice; she draws on her own life experiences and always knows the right thing to say in difficult situations. The two are really close and take care of each other well.



Pets: None

Home: She lives in a small bungalow with her grandma, and because there is only the two of them, there isn't need for a big house. The bungalow has standard rooms, all of a similar size; a kitchen-dining room, a living room, one bathroom and two bedrooms. A small garden is also situated to the rear of the house, and there is a small patio area for Yejin and her Grandmother to relax outside when there is nice weather.

Major, Class, Weapon, Affiliated Animal

Horoscope: Leo

Major: Japanese 

Minor: History

Class: Archer

Weapon: She uses her bow and arrows when she fights, but always has a small dagger with her just in case she gets into a close range fight

Style of Fighting: She is very precise when she fights. She is calm with a steady hand which allows her to be on target most of the time. Even though she carries a dagger with her, she struggles to use it in a fight because you cant take your time and plan your shot like you can do when you fight long range. She also likes to set fire to the tip of her arrow when she can, to create a bigger impact on hitting her target.

How many years has she been training: She has only been training for 3 years, she started when she was 16 years old when her Grandmother told her about Anima

Affiliated Animal: A Snowy owl called Purus, meaning "Pure" in Latin.

Platonic Relations

Acquaintances: None


Kim Himchan | 20 | 04/19/93| Fire Magician | Funny / Flirty / Protective / Witty / Brotherly | 4

Himchan is the brother Yejin always wanted. He is very protective of Yejin and checks out anyone she's getting close to. He is funny and makes Yejin laugh a lot. He is flirty, (not with Yejin) particularly Hyorin. He really cares for Yejin like she was his own sister, and constantly makes sure she is happy with everything. He got in to Anima a year later than everyone because he was held back a year when he found out about his powers and started unintentionally causing trouble because he wasn't able to control his powers. He is really witty and always has a sarcastic comment or a funny quip to make when he's talking to someone. Yejin tells Himchan a lot, and goes to him for advice (but not about boys, she has Taemin for that and Himchan gets waay too protective)

Oh Sehun | 19 | 04/12/94 | Wind Rogue | Quiet / Smart / Cute / Skilled / Tactful | 3

Yejin is friend with Sehun because he hangs around with Kai. He makes a very good rogue, but he is quite quiet and shy around new people. It took him a while to warm up to Yejin, but now they enjoy each others company. Around people he is comfortable  with, he acts cute as he has a lot of natural aegyo which he uses on Kai to get what he wants. He is tactful, in his fighting and his use of words. He knows what to say in situations that are difficult or awkward, and his smooth talking can lead him to be very persuasive about something.

Best Friends: 

Lee Taemin | 19 | 07/18/94 | Wind Archer| Funny / Thick skinned / Obvious / Smart / Skilled  | 5

Taemin is Yejins best friend. He was a bit weird when she first met him, but that's why she became best friends with him. They have a lot in common, and he is the only one she will share secrets with, even the fact she likes Kai. They tell each other everything. Taemin is also Kai's best friend, and he also knows that Kai likes Yejin. He tries to give the two hints (pretty obvious) but neither of them catch on and he gets pretty frustrated about it. He's a bit dorky, but perfect for creating a good atmosphere around everyone. He is thick skinned and doesn't take anything personally. He's a very good archer, and joins in with the competitions with Kai and Yejin. He likes to tell really bad jokes, leaving everyone with straight faces whilst he's rolling on the floor in tears of laughter. She goes to him for boy advice.


Hyorin | 19 | 01/11/94 | Wind Warrior | y / Flirty / Clever / Persuasive / Sarcastic | 3

Hyorin and Yejin may have been friends, if it wasn't for the fact that Hyorin also had a thing for Kai. She also happens to be the classmate Yejin punched all those years ago. Although Hyorin is sorry about what she said, Yejin hasn't forgotten it. Yejin's sass is challenged by Hyorin's y and flirty nature, and she feels threatened by her. Hyorin is Kai's childhood friend, and Yejin finds herself getting jealous of their relationship. Hyorin is very clever, and is also Yejins rival in terms of grades. She is very persuasive and uses her charm and sweet talk to get what she wants. Her sarcasm flows non stop, and its not easy to have a conversation without her using some sort of sarcasm. She is quite forward and, like Kai, doesn't mind skinship, and they hug casually, something Yejin doesn't like. 

Love Interests

Main Love Interest: 


Kim Jongin (Kai) | 19 | 01/14/94 | Seoul | Dance | Wind Warrior | North | Bald Eagle


  • Smart and Sarcastic: He's not just a pretty face; he is very clever and has a lot of useful general knowledge. He is really sarcastic at every point he can be, and there has to be a good reason for him to be serious. His sarcastic attitude occassionally gets him into trouble with the teachers, but he doesn't care much for that.
  • Sensitive and protective: Surprisingly, he is a very sensitive kid. His feelings get hurt a lot more easily than people would imagine, as he takes hurtful comments to heart. He is very protective of his friends, and wont let anything bad happen to them because if it did, he'd blame himself.
  • Flirty and other: As quite a forward person, he isn't shy to flirt with anything wearing a short skirt. He notices Yejin acts weird when he flirts with other girls in front of her, but thinks its cute. He doesn't flirt with Yejin, but he doesn't know why. He doesn't mind skinship and casually hugs Hyorin. When he gets angry, he goes and confronts the person or thing that has made him mad, but it doesn't usually get that far because he is easily calmed down by his friends. He is a great dancer and does very well in his Major.

How did you meet: Yejin was having her archery lesson, when the teacher made them pair up for a "Friendly" competition. She was paired with Kai, and the competition became quite intense between the two; they both had a need to prove to the other how good they were. After that day, the two became friendly rivals and always paired up together for tasks, and they both began to meet eachother outside of lessons, hanging around each others friends in order to become close with the other.

What is your relationship with each other: They are classmates and friendly rivals, always making little things into competitions. They speak with each other, they are the same aged friends (both being born in 94), but Kai is older by a bit.

Who fell first: He fell for her first

When did he/she fall in love: At first it was just a friendly competition with Yejin, but then, he started to admire her knowledge and skill of archery. One day, another guy from the Water dorm came over to her and insulted her. Kai immediately defended her, and found himself wondering why he never noticed just how much he cared about her. Since then he loves her even more than he thought he could.

When does the other fall in love: After the incident where Kai passionately defended her, she began to see another side to the competitive, cocky side of him which he shows in class. This other side of him was caring and thoughtful, not to mention protective, and Yejin couldn't help but fall for him

Is there a secret he knows about: He knows how much she wants to be in the North dorm, but does not know about the picture. He knows about the classmate because Yejin and Hyorin got into a fight and it was revealed.

2nd Love Interest: 


Oh Sehun | 19 | 04/12/94 | Seoul | Music | Wind Rogue | North | Flying Squirrel (cute and awesome like he is XD)


  • Quiet and Shy: Sehun doesn't talk much and gets shy around new people. Being quiet is a useful trade when you're a rogue, so he makes the most of his quiet nature as a great asset.
  • Clever and Tactful: Sehun is very smart, and not just book smart but street smart as well. He doesn't flaunt his knowledge, just uses it to pass his studies. He is tactful with his words, choosing them carefully before he speaks. His tactfulness also shows in his fighting, every step is planned out before hand. 
  • Smooth talking and Other: Though he doesn't talk much, when he does he's very smooth. Because of his way of choosing words, he can smooth talk almost anyone, and it makes him very charming. He doesn't express his feelings well, and tends to keep them to himself. He rarely gets upset or angry unless something has happened to someone he cares about and then he gets angry. Its not even the shouting angry like a normal person. He goes very, very quiet. Different to his usual quietness, you can tell when he's angry. He takes action when he gets angry so if you don't hear him coming (which you probably won't), you're pretty screwed. When he's around Yejin and Kai, he uses a lot of aegyo to get Kai to buy him things like food, but if you're not close to him, you wont see this side of him.

How did you meet: Kai introduced them to each other as he is a mutual friend.

What is your relationship with each other: They enjoy each other's company, but don't often speak much.

Who fell first: She fell in love first

When did he/she fall in love: She fell in love with him after hanging around him for a while. Although they don't talk a whole lot, when it's just her and Kai around, she sees another side to him; a cute side and someone who is more open about things. She liked this side of him, and tries to get him to open up more often. She grew to love him for the way he was different to most people. She fell in love from the day when they ended up sharing her coat.

When does the other fall in love: Sehun took a while to warm up to Yejin being around Kai, but when he got used to her, he found he liked her a lot. He fell in love with her when they were out on their own. He hadn't brought a coat with him and was really cold, so she took off hers and gave it to him. He obviously protested, but she said that her element was fire so she was fine. He accepted the coat and they laughed about how the roles were supposed to be reversed. Sehun shared the coat with her, meaning they had to cuddle up together. He liked the feeling and has loved her from that day onwards.

Is there a secret he knows about: He knows about everything but the photo she has

3rd Love Interest: In the case whereas the 2nd love interest and main love interest is picked and I love your character, the 3rd love interest will be the final love interest. However, I will only tell you to fill it up when the story starts and I have confirmed all character choices. For now, just leave it blank or fill it in if you want to.


Name | Age | Birthdate | Birthplace | Major | Class | Dorm | Animal

Personality: You decide on his personality. Is he going to be mean or sweet? Make sure it is substantial and I can still write about him. Treat him like he is your character and give him pros and cons.

How did you meet:

What is your relationship with each other: Are they on speaking terms? Do they hate each other? Are they eternal rivals or something? Are they childhood friends? Are they classmates? Is he just a sunbae to her or maybe a same aged friend?

Who fell first: Did he/she fall in love first?

When did he/she fall in love: How did he/she fall in love with the other? When did they fall in love?

When does the other fall in love: When does the other partner (either he/she) fall in love? How did the other fall in love?

Is there a secret he knows about: It could be a secret that is not included in the secrets above. And he could also be oblivious to any secrets you have. 

About You



Username: TheMightyFrog

Nickname: Jess ^^

Activeness: 4




Anything Else?

Author’s Comments: I apologize for the long application. I think this must be the longest application you ever filled up or maybe one of them. Anyway, I felt that I needed a lot of information for this story so do bear with me. I hope it wasn’t torturing for y’all. That’s why there isn’t any deadline!

Comments/Questions: You did a really good job on the teasers, im so excited for when the story starts!!

Scenes: a scene where Yejin and Kai have a little competition (don't mind what it is, it could just be something like racing each other to the end of the corridor or something) | Scene where Kai stands up for her? | Scene where her and Hyorin have a fight and its revealed that she punched her for saying things about her not having parents



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I've posted a comment on the Applicants chapter about your application. Do check it out! XD