Elemental Guardians - Kwang Jiyoung

Let Me Tell You Something....



Who are you??

AFF Name: TheMightyFrog

What should I call you?: Froggy will be fine :D

Activeness /10: 6


Look at mee!!

Ulzzang: Seo Jihye

Links: Gallery~

Backup Ulzzang: Kim Dahye

Links: Gallery~


You Need Protecting...It Would Be My Pleasure

Character Name: Kwang Jiyoung

Any Nicknames: Youngie (gets called that because she looks quite young)

Guardian Applying For: The Energy Guardian

Occupation: Waitress at a small cafe

Age: 19

Ethnicity: Full Korean

Birthplace: Busan, South Korea

Hometown: Busan, South Korea

Languages: Korean (Fluent) Chinese (Semi-Fluent) English (Conversational-had lessons)


Tell Me About Yourself

Personality: Kwang Jiyoung is a very quiet girl. She's not got a phobia of talking or anything, she just thinks you should speak when needed. This can mean some people think she is cold hearted, but shes not when you get to know her. Shes really clever and she'll often correct someone when they're wrong, and it can get on peoples nerves sometimes, meaning she doesnt have many friends. Deep down, shes still grieving the death of her parents, but she puts on a brave face because she feels like its how she will move on. Jiyoung is quite sensitive, and even though she might not show it, she gets hurts by mean comments. People often make fun of her for being really clever so she is conscious of it, though sometimes she is willing to endure the teasing if its to correct someone, she just can't help herself and thinks they should know where they went wrong. It's sort of an involuntary action, the corrections just come out of without her thinking. 

She gets lonely because she only lives with her aunt, so she can be awkward around people she has just met. However, being pretty much on her own has made her more independent and she relies on herself to make sensible decisions. Thats the other thing about her, shes very serious. She does have a sense of humour, but she doesnt really put it to any use. When she makes decisions she is very rational about it-she will weigh up all the options and then pick what she feels is the best decision. She likes loves technology, and always has the latest gadgets. She may not look like someone who knows what shes doing when it comes to technology, but she really does, in fact, its like her little hobbie-taking gadgets apart to see how they work. Around people she really cares for, she becomes a motherly figure for them.


History/Background: Jiyoung is an only child born and brought up in busan. When she was 18, her parents died in a car crash, and so she was left on her own. She got sent to live with her aunt, who always wanted to spoil her with expensive things because she thought it would make her happy. However, her aunt is very busy with her job so shes often home alone. Jiyoung first discovered her psychic power at her job as waitress. She was serving a customer, when she suddenly heard all about their day through her mind. She was freaked out by it and after her shift, she went home to try and think about what the most rational explanation was, but ended up drawing a blank. Seeing if she could do it again, she focused all her energy. Thats when her elemental power showed itself. The lightbulbs went bust and she was left in a room of darkness. She panicked and went to find her iphone so she had some sort of light, but she couldn't find it. She eventually found it, but it had run out of power. She wished in her head that she could turn it on and to her surprise, she felt a little jolt from her finger to the phone, which then . In the weeks to follow this incident she practised her powers at home,came to the conclusion that she could use telepathy and controlled electricity. 


Family: Kwang Hongsuk | 51 | Father | (was) Banker | Kind, Protective, caring, strict

              Kwang Jisung | 49 | Mother | (was) Housewife | Serious, Intelligent, caring

             Kim Yejin | 47 | Aunt | works at a huge clothing store | Generous, Kind, Busy

Likes: Being right, eating, being around people, animals


Dislikes: Being wrong, feeling lonely, bugs, nutty foods


Trivia: Allergic to nuts, When shes right she smirks, she gets upset if people make fun of her intelligence, she wanted to be a banker like her dad when she was younger, still thinks of her parents often


It Must Be Love <3

Love Interest: Yoo Youngjae

Age: 19

How did you meet: Youngjae was wondering round Busan looking for Daehyun, who had ran off in search for food. He checked in the cafe where Jiyoung worked and decided to have a coffee and wait for him. When Jiyoung served him, he heard her thoughts in his head, and knew that she was a guardian. He talked back to her through their connected minds. Jiyoung was so shocked she dropped the coffee. They had a conversation about how she was a guardian and that he was looking for her. He told her to meet after her shift was finished. When her shift finished, Jiyoung met Youngjae (who still hadn't found Daehyun btw) and he told her about Planet Mato and how he was destined to fulfill the prophecy and defeat evil. At first she didnt believe him because, lets face it, who would. But he took her to a deserted alleyway and tranformed into his mato form before turning back. Shocked, she agreed to go with him after weighing up the pros and cons, deciding she had nothing to lose. Their first task was to find Daehyun, and tell him that Youngjae had found his guardian.

How do you act around him: Jiyoung likes youngjae because he reminds her of herself a lot. She is her usual self around him though she tends to become more talkative around him, and they both often team up to scold or correct the other members. Youngjae also acts the same, though he knows he has feelings for her. She opens up to him, which she has never done before, and feels comfortable around him.


Backup Love Interest: Jung Daehyun

Age: 20

How did you meet: Same as Youngjae except Youngjae is tagging along with Daehyun at the cafe

How do you act around him: Same as Youngjae I suppose ^^


Hope We'll Meet Again!

Comments/Suggestions: Hey, i'm new to aff, and this is my first ever app so I hope its okay!! The story sounds interesting author-nim, fighting :D

Questions: Nope :)

Requested Scenes:

Scene where she meets youngjae/daehyun

Scene where she finds her powers out

Scene where she tells Youngjae about her parents


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