Destiny Application || Lee Hyejin





I Just Wanna Know Your Name

Username: TheMightyFrog

Name: Froggy :3

Activity: 5




Tell Me Tell Me

Name: Lee Hyejin

Nicknames: Jinnie

Age: 20

Birthdate: 06/06/93

Ethnicity: Full Korean

Blood Type: O

Birth Place: Gangnam

Hometown: Gangnam

Languages: Korean (Native) Chinese (Semi-Fluent) Japanese (Conversational)

Personality: Hyejin is a bubble of fun. She's lively and absolutely cannot sit still for a set amount of time. Shes not necessarily the brightest of people, and gets dazed quite easily (a bit like Jongup XD), but doesnt let this affect her. Sometimes, her personality can be a bit too much to handle, especially if you've had a long day working, so from time to time people find her annoying. She doesnt mean to be, her intentions are just to lighten up the mood. Shes often the moodmaker of a group, and always tries to make people smile. She can get a bit flustered when someones upset, and she'll try and make them laugh or smile by joking around, but sometimes that isn't what people need when they're feeling down. When she is angry she will become really quiet and sometimes you even forget shes in the room, but if shes angry she can bring down the mood of the whole group. She's quite an open book in the sense that other people can easily tell what shes feeling by just looking at her, but she wont outwardly say shes got a problem with anything or anyone because she doesnt want to bring the mood down. 

She is a hard working girl and even though she might not be great at really educational subjects like history or math, she's one hell of a good dancer. She is a determined person, and once shes set on a goal she wont let go of it until its been accomplished. She gets scared easily, so shes not the best person to sit down and watch a horror movie with, if thats what you wanna do. She has a lot of wit and sense when it comes to jokes and such, so shes pretty funny to be around and good for things like variety shows. She gives off quite a girly vibe generally, but when she is dancing to a song with a good beat, her charisma just flows out of her (though when the music stops shes back to her dorky self). Shes actually pretty good at house-wifey things like cooking, but shes easily distracted by her friends, so this can lead to some burnt food and a take away meal!

Backround: Hyejin was brought up in Gangnam, as the second daughter of her well-off family. Her parents both work as translators-her dad is a korean/japanese translator and her mum a korean/chinese which is why she knows some of the language. Her dad spends a lot of his days in Japan so he hasn't really had time to teach her which is why she knows more Chinese than japanese, and also why she can get quite lonely. Her sister is older than her by 2 years, and they have always got on well, despite them being complete opposites in personality. Her parents paid for her to be enrolled in a singing and dancing academy when she was 5, and she grew up with music in her life. She often watched singing and dancing shows on tv, and she realised she wanted to be on the tv and make her family proud of her. By the time she was 13, she was set on becoming famous, and really focused on her singing and dancing (and not so much on her studying which is probably why shes not the brightest of children). She really improved all aspects of her generally, things like her stamina etc, but especially in her singing and dancing. Her family decided she was old enough to start entering competitions for both, and Hyejin did really well in them, usually placing in the top 3. She managed to get into the finals of a big competition, first showing off her singing skills and then following through with her dancing. She managed to win the competition by the skin of her teeth, there was only one point in it, and her family was really proud of her. 

When she turned 16, she finally decided that she was going to audition to become a trainee. The auditions were being held in Central Seoul, so her family took a few days off work to come with her and support her. She auditioned on the next day, where they thanked her for coming and told her that she would have to wait a few days for them to decide whether or not they were going to accept her. Hyejin was really nervous, but she got to spend some time with her family while she was waiting for the outcome, so that took her mind off things. A few days later, Hyejin recieved a call back to the auditions and they asked her and another girl to sing and dance for them again, because they only had one more trainee spot and it was between the two of them. It was also a test to see if they could improvise, as they werent given much notice. Hyejin sang and danced for her life, knowing that she was so close to taking the first step to be a singer/dancer, and she improvised really well. Eventually they decided they would let Hyejin take the last trainee spot, and she was over the moon. She told her family who were really proud of her. Her parents brought her and her sister a flat to share in Seoul so that she didnt have to travel far to train. 




In Front Of The Mirror

Ulzzang: Lee Dasom

Links: 1-2-3-4-5

Backup Ulzzang: Baek Jieun

Links: 1-2-3-4-5




Family, Friends, and Rivals


Lee Jinsu | 48 | Father | Korean/Japanese Translator

Lee Suhwa | 49 | Mother | Korean/Chinese Translator

Lee Hyeri | 22 | Sister | Student

Best Friends: Ha Maerin (OC)| 19 | Funny, Loud, Impatient | Student/part time cafe worker

Friends: Oh Nina (OC) | 21 | Loud, Flirty, Short-tempered | Student

Rival: Song Jihye (OC) | 20 | Impatient, Witty, Loud | Jihye is the girl that Hyejin competed with for the last trainee place. After a trainee dropped out, Jihye was selected to take her place and now shes annoyed with Hyejin because she got in in the first place, but Hyejin thinks of their rivalry as a friendly competition




U & I



Love Interest: Bang Yongguk

Age: 23

Relationship: Crush

How you met: Hyejin got lost at TS and she accidentally walked in on B.A.P's practice room. Luckily only Yongguk was there so it wasn't too bad, but he helped her find her way around.

How you interact: Hyejin has admired Yongguk for since he first debuted with B.A.P, she loves how they didnt stop promoting for ages and she loves their music. She also knows all their songs and dances XD She gets a bit more reserved when he's around, but not much. They get on well since he's quite comfortable to be around and he finds her wit and jokes funny.



Backup Love Interest: Yoo Youngjae

Age: 19

How you met: Same as Yongguk

How you interact: Same as above ^^




Like This, Yo! Like This!


  • Cheese
  • Animals
  • Jokes/pranks
  • C-Pop
  • Spicy Food
  • Shiny Things
  • Flowers
  • Rain
  • Rain [Bi] (The other one ;))
  • Purples and Pinks
  • Playing with other peoples hair


  • Flies (bugs in general really)
  • Horror Movies
  • Arrogance
  • Sour Food
  • Brown
  • Short Skirts/dresses
  • Wrinkles >.<
  • Not knowing what something is
  • Not achieving her goals
  • When people dont laugh at her jokes
  • Eating when people are staring at her

Hobbies: Dancing, Singing, Cooking


  • Good at cooking
  • Left-Handed
  • Blinks a lot
  • Pouts when someone doesnt laugh at her jokes
  • Had 2 cats called Jiya and Jira
  • Calls her older sister (or older member) when she needs advice
  • Has a nack for playing childrens games
  • Doesn't always fully understand whats going on
  • Has 'Random Time' when shes bored-she'll start randomly silly dancing or something
  • Speaks in Chinese to her mother because she thinks it will help her learn it better
  • Doesn't see her father a lot but calls him when she gets the chance
  • Owes her sister a birthday present 
  • Likes wearing jewelrey and usually has some on
  • Knows how to B-Boy Dance
  • Can sing relatively high notes
  • Warms up by gargling water and then making random noises
  • Gets pranked the most in the group because she's easily scared and quite naieve



Stage Name: Jinnie

Persona: Soft-Voiced B-Girl

Position: 2nd Lead Vocal, 2nd Main Dancer

Backup Position: Lead vocal, face of the group


Trainee Years: 4

Trainee Life: Hyejins Trainee life started out a bit rocky but got better. At first, some of the other trainees were wary of her because of that fact she lives in Gangnam and is quite well off, so they would make comments to suggest she'd bribed the company to get in, but when they got used to her and saw her potential, they were a lot more friendly towards her and some even apologised for judging her before they knew her. After that she made friends because of her outgoing personality, and found her 4 years very enjoyable. She had seen people come and go over the 4 years, but didn't give up hope, she trained hard at every opportunity. She even gave some advice to some of the younger trainees.

TS Entertainment or Woollim Entertainment: TSent

Weakness: Cant rap to save her life, Yongguks gummy smile XD, Doesn't always know whats going on, Can be too over the top sometimes





Comments: Hope everything is alright, if I need to change it, just let me know ^^

Suggestions: f(x)-Electric Shock | T-ara-Lovey Dovey | SNSD-I got a boy

Requests: Scene where Hyejin meets Yongguk, maybe a variety show like running man or weekly idol??

Password: Saranghae :D


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