☬ Obscure; The Paradox Application » Song Minyoung

O B S C U R E ; Song Minyoung ; The Virus


username: TheMightyFrog  activity level: 3


Who Am I?

Name: Song Minyoung
Nickname(s): Min (People who are too lazy to use her full name)
Gender: Female
Ethnicity: Full Korean
Date of Birth:  18/02/1994
Age: 19
Blood Type: O
Height: 165 || 65
Weight: 50 || 110
Place of Birth: Seoul, South Korea


It's Only A Mask

Apperance: Park Hyojin
Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Back up: Jang Haebyeol
Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5


Casual: 1 | 2 | 3
Professional: 1 | 2 | 3
Formal: 1 | 2 | 3

Other: Small, heart shaped birthmark on her left hip, dark green eyes

Into The Depths of Me


Minyoung is a very positive, bubbly and friendly person. She believes that optimism gets you further than pessimism, so shes always happy. Shes very easy to be friends with because of her outgoing personality, and never has a lack of friends. She doesnt trust other easily because of what shes like herself-Manipulative. Because so many people put their trust in Minyoung, it isnt hard for her to get them to do what she wants. Not in a bad way as such, she likes ot think of it as being very persuasive, and to be honest she is. Persuading people is one of her strong points because she can twist words in such a way that an idea seems more believeable, and more rational. Its not just mentally she can manipulate people, but emotionally as well. She can make people feel how she wants them to feel; sad, angry, happy, confused, and this means shes often the moodmaker of the group. She mostly opts for a happy, upbeat mood because she doent like it when the mood is sad and depressing. Shes quite open minded, and respects other peoples opinions, but hates it when they are closed minded. Her friends would tell you shes a very talkative person, and can talk for ages if you dont shut her up. Shes like this because she loves to communicate with everyone and gets a bit stuck when she isnt allowed to speak. This is a bad trait when shes angry though, as she'll spill out insults and hurtful words like theres no tomorrow, even if she doesnt mean them. Its her defence mechanism really-hurt people who have hurt you.

Physically she isnt very strong, so she tends to fight smart instead. Shes one for a plan of strategy, rather than just going in there all guns blazing. She has a great sense of humour and is constantly making jokes and pulling pranks on the others, and people love her for it. Shes often wanted in a group situation as she can set the mood and is generally a good friend to have. Shes not afraid to use her power on anyone because she embraces it fully-shes not scared of what she can do, shes more facinated. When she herself is upset, she wont go to anyone else for advice or help, instead what she'll do is take herself away from everyone and reflect as to why she feels sad, and then try and turn her sadness into optimism. She strongly believes in the whole "Every cloud has a silver lining" expression, so she'll always try to find the good in the bad. She likes to see things from an objective point of view, and this means she can see through people who try to manipulate and use her, because shes very much like this herself.


  • Being around people-wants to have a lot of friends who make her happy
  • Talking-She'll probably die if you stopped her from talking, she loves communicating with people
  • Her power-She thinks her powers are pretty cool and she has no problems using it on anyone
  • Noodles-She believes you can eat them with anything at all and she loves it
  • Being happy-Feeling sad is pretty crappy, so she loves to be positive


  • When people dont let other people speak-She wants to hear everyones point of view so its fair on everyone
  • Being sad-She hates the feeling of sadness because it never brings any good to your life
  • Laziness-Shes very much a get up and go person, so if you dont, she'll make you!
  • Eating on her own-She likes to be accompanied when shes eating because she feels happier
  • Closemindedness-Shes very open minded, so any closed minded people really get on her nerves


  • Going out with her friends
  • Reading
  • Plaiting her hair 


  • Zones out of a conversation and uses her powers if shes not interested
  • Fiddles with her hair when shes bored
  • Talks like 4 times as much as usual when nervous
  • Turns her head to the side when confused
  • Often uses her powers


Who Is This Family You Speak Of?


Step-father | Kwon Minsuk | 51

Step-sister | Kwon Seulmi | 19

Family History:

Minyoung didnt have the best upbrining despite her optimistic personality. Her biological parents died when she was about 10, her mother had already re-married before she died, so she lived with her step father and step sister, who werent the nicest of people. Her step sister was a smug girl, who always liked to be the best at everything and was spoilt since she was an only child before Minyoung. Her father (Minyoungs step father) didnt like Minyoung from day one. He was always insulting her and making her do extra chores so Seulmi didnt have to do it. Minyoung didnt like either of them because they were mean and closed minded, so she went out and made her own friends. She had always had a nack for making friends and was more popular than Seulmi. She found that people would often follow her ways, and do what she told them and she sort of liked the feeling that she could get them to do stuff for her. When she was 18, she had a part time job as a waitress in a cafe which she enjoyed because she got a lot of tips due to her way with words and her friendly personality. She first discovered her power there actually. She was serving a gentleman and knew what he wanted to order before he ordered it. At first she thought it was just a coincidence that she knew what he wanted, but soon she proved otherwise. She would be walking down the street and a person would walk past her and she'd be able to know what they were thinking about.

Excited by her power, she often used it as an advantage for her to gain more tips (cook their food exactly how they wanted it, sat them at the table they wanted etc). She was really facinated by peoples thoughts and she would constantly be listening in to one persons mind or another. She never told her step family about her power because she knew they would be too closed minded to accept her. One day, she was just sitting on the park bench reading peoples mind when she felt a weird tingling feeling in her stomach. She thought she was ill so she got out her phone to look at her reflection to check she wasnt pale and sweaty, only to find that her usually green eyes had speckles of red all over them. She panicked because she didnt know what was happening, and initally brushed it off as a side effect of using her power. The next day before work, she quickly visited the park again to see if the feeling would still happen, and it did. She looked around the park for a bit before her eyes settled on a boy around the age of 10 playing by himself in the sand pit. Suddenly, she felt a jolt as information flashed up in her mind:

Power: Mediumship

She was still surprised by the sudden shock, but approached the boy, who appeared to be talking to himself. He introduced himself to her and said that his 'friends' told him that she was like him, she could do stuff that a normal person couldn't do. He also told her about his power of communicating with dead spirits and how his parents thought he just had imaginary friends. She soon had to leave for work, but couldn't stop thinking about the event that happened earlier. She came to the conclusion that she could also sense other peoples power. What she didnt know, was that Seulmi had followed her to the park and had overheard her conversation with the boy and had told her father. So when Minyoung got home, her father had already packed her bags for her and told her to get out. He'd been looking for an excuse to throw her out, an now had the perfect one; she was a freak. Minyoung called one of her many friends and asked if she could stay over for a bit until she found somewhere to stay. That night, Minyoung was taking a late night walk in the park when she felt that familar tingling feeling in her stomach. She willed herself to sense what power this person had, and another piece of information flashed up in her head:

Power: Teleportation

Somehow she felt uneasy about her surroundings as she couldn't actually see another person, when suddenly she spotted 2 people in a fight in the distance. One of the people appeared to be disappearing and reappearing, whilst the other seemed to be brandishing what looked like a knife. She picked up the situation pretty quickly, as all she could read in the other mans mind was "Freak". Scared, she reached out with her mind to the person who could teleport. She communicated through her power for the first time, telling him where she was so he could teleport over to her. As she watched from afar, the figure disappeared but didnt reappear where the man was. Relieved she turned around to find a guy staring at her curiously. They talked for a bit about how the man had seen him teleport and he was trying to explain and calm him down before he started brandishing a knife about, before he said that he could take her somewhere where there were other people like them. She agreed unhesitatingly because she didnt have anything to stay for, so he teleported them to a weird base looking place he introduced as Obscure. He left her with some other people (the other applicants) who introduced themselves to her and explained what obscure was about and would she like to join. She agreed to join, and has been a member ever since.


My Only Real Family

Best Friend: The Tribute 

?? | ?? | Member of Obscure | Minyoung quickly made friends at obscure with her personality, but she found that she got on the best with the tribute. Their personality matched hers in some parts and they just clicked. Minyoung has the ability to make the tribute laugh and be happy, whilst the tribute can make her feel fearless with the aura they give off. They both like to team up and prank other members, especially the shadow, just to see what kind of reaction they'll get from them.  | Outgoing, fearless, an opportunist


Ha Mira | 19 | Student, part time cafe worker | Close friends-they both worked in the same cafe together, and always were with eachother | Cheerful, Optimistic, Funny

Kim Jaerin | 18 | Student | Good friends-always hung about in the same groups and had a lot in common | Funny, Determined, Realistic

Park Hyojin | 19 | Student | Friends-hung about in the same groups and had a laugh together | Happy, Outgoing, Smart


It's Supernatural

Position: The Virus
Power: Telepathy + Power Detection
In Particular: Nothing happens when she uses telepathy, but if she senses someone with a power, she gets a tingling feeling in her stomach and her eyes become speckled with flecks of red >> gooo (this was the closest thing I could find to it)

Fears: Arachnophobia-fear of arachnids
Weakness: Doesnt trust easily, Doesnt like to fight because shes not as physically strong as the others
Advantages: Manipulating/persuading People, Making friends, Knowing what powers everyone has, moodmaker


See You In The After Life

Comments/Suggestions/Questions?: Hope its okay, im kinda new to this app thing so tell me if I need to change anything ^^ oh and your story looks really awesome!!
Password: gaah


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