what do you guys think???

Ok....So, we and my two besties are thinking about signing for SM Entertainment or JYP entertainment or YG entertainment! in 3 years. Thos summer i will be able to get a job from a my aunty ronny and my uncle says they pay really good. So, I am going to save up so, we can buy all the things we need to go there and when we go there. We are considering buying a Officetel like in Eat Your Kimchi....Yea and I have a Uncle who is about my age who wants to go too. So, I was going to make a deal with him. Like, He can go with us if we do accepted and he can help us pay for stuff and what not. My two friends are a few months younder than me so, they won't be able to get a job but they said they will save up by making things and selling them. so whatcha think? 


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hermelyn0497 #1
Go for it! but I have to tell you that living in Korea is kinda expensive than anyone else says~ The dorms, apartments and guest house there are kinda expensive ^^
hermelyn0497 #2
Go for it! but I have to tell you that living in Korea is kinda expensive than anyone else says~ The dorms, apartments and guest house there are kinda expensive ^^
Hey yeah go for it!!!!! You keep pushing yourself; it's really inspiring. You're definitely gonna make it in <3