( ✶Bo$$ | Aleah Riel | Divalicious Queen


Lissa — It's just a shortage of her  real name
Ahjumma — They call her Ahjumma because she acts like an old lady. she doesn;t like to do active stuff is mostly the realson why.

omma — They call her omma because , she acts like everyone's mother. She has a caring and motherly character and she likes to make people feel cared about

Beyonce — They call her beyonce , because she loves beyonce and she acts like beyonce

birthday — March 15,1997
birth place — Toronto, Canada
hometown —Chicogo , Illinois

ethnicity — chinese and french-Italian
nationality — Canadian

English— Aleah is fluent in English , due to growing up with her parents often speaking english to her.
French — Aleah is fluent in french because her mother is French-Italian and although her mother can speak both French is something also mantory in canada to know

Italian — Aleah is conversational in Italian because she mother is french-Italian and her grandparents were always family oritented

Chinese— Aleah is fluent in Chinese , her father is chinese and he carries a lot of tradition with him and he encourages his daughters to know chinese

Korean — Aleah is fluent in Korean because she always hung out with Koreans and she took a big interest in their music and cultural which strived Aleah to learn Korean


blood type —  O

Alyssiana (Aleah) Riel

by QueenofKpop


— i'm y and you know it

face claim — Dannie Riel
back up — Hwang mi hee

height — 5'3
weight — 115 lbs.

Aleah looks a lot older than she is. She likes to carry herself as if she mature ,y and confident , which she is. She is very strong and independant which reflects in her image. she doesn't want to come off as a material , artifically girl but as a woman that girls all ages can look up to and admire. Rather than trying to be like someone else, She wants to teach girls that they must find who they are. She gives a very main stream look with a hint of glam inside. as always.

fashion style

— they love me cuz I'm hot

Aleah, She is ,  like mentioned , casually glamourous. She keeps it classy and very orginal. she loves to wear pencil skirts , shorts or jeggings with any sweater, Flannel , tank or t shirt. But when it comes to going out. she's the star of the show. she likes to shine and stand out ,not in a trashing way but a "-my-shoe" way , indecating she wants to be respected. She loves white, sliver,black, navy blue and red dresses. Her style is mainsream mix with a little fab. Her makeup style is way different from Korea. she loves makeup, although Koreans love the natural makeup look, Aleah likes to add a bit of spice to her makeup. The more western style makeup.


— I promise i'm normal

Aleah , she is that girl that every mother wants her son to marry. She is respectful, kind , caring and she knows her daughter standards. she cooks , cleans , and works hard for her dreams. She is really caring and she will do anything for anyone if they need it. She's a soft soul and she gives her trust and love quickly. She's also reallly understanding havnng had gone through personal experience. She's very wise and tends to give advice whenever it's needed. Her personailty really reflects into her music. She's sincere with what she does and if she wants it done correctly , she knows to do it herself.

Therefore, being independant can be very good,but at times , it can be very hard for someone indeoendant to remember that they are only human. Aleah, is quite stubborn at the worst times and has the tendency to not listen to others. She can be very secretive too. She has been very insecure with herself and tends to observe herself a lot pointing out her imperfections secretly. But she tries pushes that away ,hoping no one knows and breaks away from that. And there is where you see her big ego come out. She doesn't really watch what she says and will rat someone out if it will help whatever situation they are in. She makes relly mean remarks and comments unknownly and tries to bite her tongue.


— likes

ONE — Loves R&B
TWO — loves kids
THREE — makeuppp (:
FOUR — cooking

— dislikes

ONE — snakes
TWO — when someone dates their best friend's ex-crush,boyfriend
THREE — when people don't know manners
FOUR — when people get what they don't derserve
FIVE — when people shut her out

— habits

ONE — picking at her nails when she's feeling low on her ego
TWO — cleaning anything around her
THREE — keeping her hands busy
FOUR — doing vocal exercises when she's nervous or bored
FIVE — writes lyrics and quotes she comes up with on her hand

— hobbies

ONE — reading
TWO — writing songs
THREE — watching movies
FOUR — doing DIY projects
FIVE — rapping,singing&dancing

— other facts

one — when people say,"No one cares.",she gets angery
TWO — She lets her anger build
THREE — she hate fake people
FOUR — she likes Korean,Italian & Chinese food
FIVE — Loves babies especially ones with birth defects because she has so much love to give


— this is my story

ALeah was born in Ironwood,Michigan. Her parents owned a resturant but 2 years after she was born , they closed the resturant and moved to Chicago. In Chicago , She went to school and tried pursuing her dreams of being a singer but her parents where doubtful that it could happen. Her parents were very supportive and knew she could make it and she did have one big supporter. It was her big sister Dannie, Whom she looks like a spitting image of.

through out middle school , Aleah was picked on for being bigger than the other girls. Guys would play with her making her think they liked her and accepted her. She also hung out with a crowd of girls who were all about being skinny and "naturally" beautiful, but when she found that the boys were just playing with her and those friends weren't real friends. She shut herself away and lose weight and became pretty. and when people finally began noticing , she realized her real friends. She had finally started not caring about what people said she started to bring her career somewhere. Her sister was a famous model , So her sister helped her.


— we are family

relation — Daniel // 45 // Factory // funny , caring ,   not strict // father

relation — May // 42 // Nurse // strict,narrow minded , cold // mother

relation — Dannie // 28 // model // bubbly, supportive,lvoing // sister


— i got all my sisters with me

relation — Lyn // 18 // trainee under YG // humble ,humorous and loving // best friend

relation — Gina // 18// songwriter under YG// quiet,supportive ,caring,loving // best friend

relation — David // 20 // Rapper under YG // funny,quiet,caring // childhood friend


— they are important too

relation — Beyonce // 34 // singer // wise,generous,caring // like a mother

relation — Jay-Z // 45 // rapper,producer // caring,openminded//like a father

relation —Nicki Minaj // 32 //singer/rapper// caring,loving,nuturing // like a sister

chosen plotline

— a quote that represents your character

Plot — divalicious Queen , Leader,main vocalist , lead rapper



TALKING TWIN Nicole Scherzinger

TRAINEE LIFE — Aleah focused hard on her training days. Her and her best friends , all roomed together as they trained. They all stated close and made sure there was no tempation. Aleah never talked to guys and she always wrote songs,She constantly wanted to impress beyonce.

PRE-DEBUT EXPERIENCES — Aleah helped producer a bunch of songs and she co wrote songs. Since she loved fashion and all that , she helped style some music videos. She sang back up a few times but she never made it to the bog screen.
FUTURE EXPERIENCES— She finally got to go on tour, she made it internationally and she got to producer and put out a lot of her work as royalities.

SCANDALS Rumored to have been dating B.I of Ikon (True) , Dissed Ariana Grande (True) ,



B.I , Hanbin kim

— Mino of Winner

personality — When you see B.i. you'd think he's very distant. But when he's comfortable , or in situtaion where he should be comfortable he will make you feel welcomed. He tries to be cheerful but he's really focused on his career. He shuts people out and doesn't notice what people do in order to make her him and make him happy. He shuts himself and doesn't like to fall for tempation.

relationship — Aleah and B.I have a Korean Drama relationship, They have their moments , but They are both so blind , She cant see that he's trying, but he doesn't see that she cares and wants to be there for him. He pushes her away assuming it will hurt him and her less but it doesn't and he tries to get his mind of everything by moving on , but he can't. she tries to make B.I see but , she slowly gives up and mino was her super hero. But they finally begin to see each other.

history — B.Icompletely unaware of Bo$$ joining YGE , They were both strangers but becoming allies in the same company, they began to work with each other and they spent a lot of time together more than they thought.

other — nopeee , not that i can think of yet.

Mino , Song Minho

— D.O of Exo

PERSONALITY — Mino is the life of the party. He's funny and likes to make everyone happy. He's the moodmaker of winner and he makes everyone smile. He is bubbly and can be quite dizzy at moments. He's unique and different from everyone, yet he has his manly sides.

RELATIONSHIP — Mino is a great friend of B.i. Winner and ikon are brother groups but Mino tried helping Aleah get over b.i and he , himself has a crush on aleah, So in that process, it sparked some jealously.

HISTORY — B.I and Mino were still friends despite the Aleah dispute , but things are a bit different than they used to. Though B.i has always been tough on winner, B.I almost delcares war between the two groups.

OTHER — nopeee

Lee hi

— Jennie Kim

PERSONALITY — Lee hi is bubbly, dizzy and cute. She's the type of girl guys love to be around. She funny and she makes everyone smile with her cuteneess

RELATIONSHIP — B.I and Lee hi had gotten together and started dating after B.I tried getting over Aleah , which upsetted Aleah, and Aleah , is the jealous type. So she did get jealous and lee hi , being the girlfriend didn't want to lose him.

HISTORY — B.I and Lee hi have been in the company but B,I never saw a interests in lee hi , while she was crushing on him.

OTHER — nopeee.




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