Ever had that feeling you forgot something important...

So I have had this feeling many many times before. (Like that time I had midterms and when I checked my schedule I found out that the test I had that day had already started and I was still at home. I came in half an hour late- But that's a different story!)

So today, this afternoon at 15:06 to be exact, I took the train back to my appartment in the far west of my country, this because my university starts tomorrow and I wanted to spent the night there. Before I left I did a check of my most important stuff: Money, check. Debit card, check. ID, check. University class card, check. ... I remember frowning and thinking 'Didn't I have more important things to check?', but nothing got in my mind; because I had little time I quickly went on to get my suitcase and rush to the train station.

Let me tell you one thing: taking a train from the far east of a country to the far west is no funAt all.

(I also had a little accident with the elbow of the person who got in the train before me. At first I didn't notice anything at all, until I felt blood trickling down my chin. Yup, my lip is cut and it looks as if I have fought someone. ... Kinda awesome right? Anyone got any suggestions for cool stories about 'how I got' the cut? I was thinking about a story with a very big and strong man who I was able to fight off...)

So two and a half hours later, after having had the most grumpy business men seated next to me, I was only five minutes away from my destination. I was so relieved that finally, finally I would be able to go to the bathroom. Because yes, that was the only thing on my mind the whole train trip. ( I don't like using those dirty train toilets. I'd rather wait a few hours and be able to use my own.) But the moment I got off my train and searched for my keys in my purse- It hit me.

I knew what I forgot - the image of the object on the counter flashed through my mind. The place where I had put them the evening before.

I had forgotten the keys to my appartment.

Out of all the things I could forget I forget the keys. 

I literally froze in the middle of the platform - in the middle of all the people who were quickly heading home from work. 

And the worst thing of all was that I had no choice in what to do next. I could only go back and retrieve my keys, because no one else in my neighbourhood had keys.

So I called my mom and dad, asking whether or not they wanted to pick me up again, in the evening. My mom immediately knew what I was talking about and she tried hard to supress her laughter (I would've probably done the same if I were her.).

What was left for me to do but hop on the next train having the worst mood ever and head back home?

So, yeah. Woop-dee-doo. It was time for me go back home, time for another 2-3 hour trip by train. (Fun part: I get to go back again very very early tomorrow morning. Yay me.)

Moral of the story?

Always, always, take your keys with you. ALWAYS.

That's all sweeties. I'm off to dreamland now, let's see if I can those full eight hours of sleep by falling asleep in five minutes.

Good night~!


ps. Turns out my father had the same thing when he was a medic student. Only thing was that he went to a university in a neighbor country and he arrived at 1 am, which was also when he found out he forgot his keys. Haha, guess it's in the family...


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MolotovCocktail #1
HAHA! ahww :( echt klutee man hahaha alsjdflkjsdf