so freakin tired

It's like 01.00 over here and I'm so freakin tired! I spent my time from 21.30 to draw my arts project and I'm not even halfway done. I just finished drawing the well, some trees and bushes and the freakin girl which took 1 hour the previous day to make. My paper is still filled with blank spaces!!! Any idea what to fill that space with? No more big objects omg, maybe give me some type of flowers? I'm using my phone btw, I am not allowed to use my computer until tom evening TT


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Pretty much what everyone below suggested. xDD
hm...maybe a rose? :)
good luck you can do it!! jiayou! /hugs
draw EXO faces in that space :))))))))))))
draw a swing hanging from the trees, draw some daisies here and there, not sure if you are drawing some kind of theme? or what do you have in mind drawing?
Daisies are nice. But tulips are simpler to draw.
Birds and a bus stop xD I am not sure ...
Clouds and birds?