[ZE:A Series] #65 ❦Happy Birthday Kwanghee❦ Solo Singing Clips~

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Today is Kwanghee's Birthday!

Happy 26th Birthday(Korean age) to Prince Kwanghee (as he call himself...lol)

so i shall dedicate this post to share Kwanghee's singing talents, though you might have seen 'em all anyway.


i did all those when i was tired of people saying kwanghee can't sing. there are still more, n part 4 was in planning but then i got busy with other random stuffs n doing such videos are just extremely time n energy draining/consuming. but i hope they're enough to make people see that Kwanghee is not any lower than other idol singers. His voice is actually one of my favourite in ZE:A. 

and some random bonus solo perfs in different countries.

^ in Malaysia (November, 2012)

^ in China (July, 2013) credits: candz6sp@youtube

http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTUwODU2OTQw.html (in Japan, March 2013)

those are just some. 

but anyway, Happy Birthday again Kwanghee, one of a kind in this world. amazing person, keep being amazing~! n don't ever think you're not good enough,that's not true at all T^T.



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