H.E.A.R.T SM New Girl Group [Kelly Wu Yi Hui]






Hello Hello
Character name: Kelly Wu Yi Hui
Nicknames:Small eyes, Kel, Huihui, Ice Hui, Freeze Princess, Cold girl
Birthdate:1989 January 1
Hometown:Guangzhou, China
Birthplace:Guangzhou, China
Languages you can speak:Fluent Chinese, Fluent English, Fluent Korean

I knew you were trouble when you walked in
Personality: Unlike her brother who's all fabulous, she's colder than ice, quieter than mice.That's what it seemed like.But it's not true.Yi Hui is actually a warm hearted girl and a great listener.But when she has her own problems, she tends to keep them to herself.And for people that aren't very very close to her, they'll find it difficult to understand or know if her feelings as she's quiet all the time, and she hardly smiles.Even when she's happy, her smile isn't obvious.Which means there's only a handful of people that really know her.Which would be her brother, bestfriends, and of course, people that would be living with her for years, her members.
As a noona, although she's only a year older than Kris, she cared for him alot, but it doesn't show.Kris understands, but the others always thinks that she doesn't care for her brother.She looks strong like diamond, but actually is easily hurt.That's why Kris cared for her alot, and tried different ways to bring back the happy Yi Hui, but he couldn't.

Background:Yi Hui was born in Guangzhou,China and about a year later, her little brother Kris was born.And when she was 2, her parents met with a car accident and passed away, which was why she ended up in the orphanage with her brother.She also hated school because her classmates would laugh at her and bully her.There was even a point of time when her brother didn't want to acknowledge her as his sister, which was why she became so cold and reserved.She didn't have a friend.Not even one.

When Kris' friends found out their relationship, they all ignored him, and their friendship ended.In the end he only had Yi Hui.He had no choice but to apologize.And only then, he realized his sister was very different.He felt very sorry and promised to protect her no matter what happens.

After sometime, the two of them got adopted by a Chinese-Canadian couple, so they moved to Vancouver.

After a few years, Kris and Yi Hui moved to Korea to start their training, but somehow lost contact with their 'parents'.They had moved away and the two of them couldn't find them no matter what.

Likes: -Guitar
-Her Ipod
-Black and white

Dislikes: -Dolls

Hobbies:-Playing the guitar
-Dancing alone

Habits:-Mumbling when she's daydreaming
-Rapping in her sleep
-Sleeping with eyes opened
-Give people suprise backhugs randomly

Trivias: -She has a poodle named Ice Cream
-Cameo in SHINee's dream girl
-Cameo in Super Junior-M's Super Girl
-Cameo in Henry's 1-4-3
-She once was scratched by a cat

Ah Saranghaeyo
[Kris Wu Yi Fan|Brother|10|Singer(EXO)|Alive|23]

Love interest:Xiumin/ Kim Minseok
Age+birthdate:23, 1990 March 26
Personality/How he behaves around you:
He's a bubbly and adorable boy.Even if he is younger than Yi Hui, they don't feel awkward with each other.In fact they have been friends since the day Yi Hui entered SM.It's really weird as Yi Hui is a reserved person who doesn't make friends easily, but became friends with Xiumin just on the first meeting.He seemed to be the only person that could 'open' Yi Hui, and whenever they're together, Yi Hui would be smiling, and she talks alot when she's with him.

Backup Love interest:Ryeowook
Age+Birthdate:26, 1987June 21
Personality/How he behaves around you:Ryeowook is a kind-hearted and sweet guy that Yi Hui idolizes.Everyone knows that Yi Hui is a huge E.L.F. Ever since SJ's debut, she has been liking Ryeowook.Even though she is in SM, it's still difficult to see him because of their schedules.Ryeowook doesn't really know her, but blushes when he sees her at times in the company or at the backstage during SMTOWN concerts.




Luhan | 23 | EXO | Cute, Kind-hearted

Onew | 24 | SHINee | Silly, Caring


Himchan | 23 | B.A.P | Caring, Mother-like

Park Bom | 29 | 2NE1 | Loud, bubbly

Friend's Name | Age | Group | Personality

Friend's Name | Age | Group | Personality


Rival's Name | Age | Group | Personality | Why were you two rivals?

Mirror Mirror
Faceclaim name:Yeon Jihee
Picture links:gallery
Backup faceclaim's name:Mikki Lee Yeon Ju
Picture links:gallery

Shine bright like a diamond
Stage name: Ice
Style: Yi Hui thinks that as long as her clothes are comfy, It's alright.They don't have to look very eye catching or whatsoever.As long as they are comfortable, she's okay with anything.
❤ ❤ ❤  

          Formal: ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ 
          Dorm: ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ 
          Airport: ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ 
          TV Shows: ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ 
Personal Fanclub: Freezer
Personal Fancolour:                    turquoise
Position: Leader, Main Vocal, Rapper:)
               Visual, Lead Dancer
               Main Rapper, sub-vocal
               Lead Dancer, Rapper
               Maknae, Lead Vocal

Your trainee story:When she found out Kris was going for the SM audition, she went together with Kris, not expecting to be accepted.But both Kris and Yi Hui were accepted in the end, so they became trainees.Although they don't train together and trainings were tough, they both worked hard and never gave up.Seeing Kris debut, Yi Hui felt happy, but envious as they both began training at the same time but Kris got to debut first.But she didn't want to give up and she believes that she will eventually debut.

Any suggestions?:
   H.E.A.R.T.'s fanclub name:True Love
   H.E.A.R.T.'s fanclub colour:
#ff3366                       #cc0000



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