
Can anyone have a stab or a guess as to what Tao, Sehun and Kai put on for the cameras or what they're known by?

For Sehun I was thinking of his lisp, but I don't really notice it.

And for Kai I was thinking of his smirk.


I want to know their insecurities, if you can help ^u^

And btw, I'm not trying to be mean, I want to know for a purpose ^u^


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#1 two cents:
Tao- his flips and huge ego? Lol NOT THAT I HATE IT, but I mean he always manages to bring it up, so that must be his thing (besides Kris)...but meh. Mostly his kicks and flips.

Kai- of course he has a smirk, but I can't help but feel sometimes he stages his innocence a bit. He IS known for that too, but I could be wrong.

Sehun- His lisp and bored face, I think. It does seem to make everyone crazy sometimes (in both good and bad ways).

But I could be wrong about all these. You should ask personally ^^ LOL
leaderblankkymp #2
Tao: wushu. He was injured often due too myh doing flips. And if you watched weekly idol he was so scared about messing up..its just hes my bias so i noticed him a lot._.

Kai: i guess with the whole visual thingy and the megawatt confidence act. Like you say, his smirk. Or y acts.. He seemed uncomfortable about it and he seemed like he just want to dance and be himself.

Sehun: i dont really notice as well._. I cant seem to fish out his insecurities unlike the others-.- i guess hes hiding his true colors finely...?

/shrugs/ i hope it helps a bit^^
tao, his panda eyes.
kai, his "tan".
I can only think of the basic - Hunnie's the maknae, Jongin's the dancer. I guess strong points can be weaknesses.