XOXO: Girlfriend Rental.com :: application form :: Seo Baek Joo

xoxo:girlfriend rental

username: JungDongPark

activeness: 10

what should i call you: Lou



Seo Baek Joo


name: Seo Baek Joo

date of birth / age: 05/31/94 + 19

ethnicity: Korean - Vietnamese

birthplace: Garden Grove, California

hometown: Garden Grove, California

height; 167cm

weight: 51kg

language: Korean & English - Fluent | Vietnamese - Conversational

personality; She has a face as innocent an pure as a five year old. She is a little two-faced, thought - not personality wise but face wise. Underneath her innocent face is layers of erted and cockiness - well cocky in front of strangers. Anything anybody says she can twist it into something grosser and dirtier than the actual meaning. But in front of adults, elders, she covers that with her smart additude. A Straight-A student, no absenses and many awards. She's always been the Teacher's Pet no matter what. She's quite a flirt, too. Picking that up from her dad's trait. 

But she's no girl that anybody get mess around with. She has an extremely short-temper. Piss her off, annoy her, don't listen to what she has to say or anything - she'll tell you off. She doesn't care if you're her best friend or whatever. She won't care if it hurts their feelings. People usually don't mess with her because she knows she doesn't take from anybody.

She's more likely to be hanging out with guys whenever people see her because she's never been able to connect with girls a lot. She has a few girl friends but more guy friends. She's not the type of daughter people would love to take care of; 1] she doesn't do her chores. 2] She thinks of useless things that shouldn't even be thought of. 3] she constantly talks back with her parents because she knows she's correct and people won't shut up and let her explain her side of the story. She's always lived by her favorite; "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man." - Steve Harvey

background; Seo Baek Joo was born into a normal family, to a Korean dad and a Vietnamese mom. It was a strict family that she lived in. Her and her older brother were taught discipline and to respect others. But her dad was so 'tough' at times, he liked to exaggerrate by saying 'unless you hate them, just punch them. You don't need to respect them.' But it was only a joke until Baek Joo and her older brother went to learn how to fight, and got into some serious trouble fighting some kids that bullied Baek Joo. But it was worth it for Baek Joo as she grew up.

When she was in her second year in high school, when she had moved over to Korea to live with her grandma, her cousins were huge troublemakers in the family and they taught Baek Joo everything she need to know.  Well, mostly how to be street smart. Baek Joo used the things her cousins had taught and what her family had taught and combined it together. She became independent after that. But she wasn't that bad of a child, it's only due to her temper.   

ulzzang name: Jung Minhee Gallery oo1 | Gallery oo2

back-up ulzzang name: Park Sora Gallery oo1 | Gallery oo2


  • Skinship... alot
  • Bubble Tea
  • LoveLegends
  • Photography
  • Music
  • Boxing
  • Shooting stars
  • Writing stories
  • Clothes
  • Sleep
  • Food


  • Spiders
  • Chainmails
  • Ghosts
  • Animals (besides cats)
  • Plants
  • Annoying people
  • People who complain
  • Slow people
  • Haters
  • Fakes


  • Writing stories
  • Playing her guitar


  • sniffing people
  • touching people
  • making erted jokes
  • staying up late (ex; 4am)


  • She has a tattoo on her left shoulder blade saying, "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man."
  • She has a pet cat named MeMoo
  • Fave Actors; George Clooney ; Robert Downey Jr. ; Lee Minho ; Lee Hyun Woo ; Lee Byung Hun
  • Fave Actress; Shin Se Kyung  | Shin Min Ah | Emma Stone | Emma Watson
  • She is Lactose Intolerate
  • Left-handed
  • Buddhist
  • Goes to the boxing arena when mad
  • Knows how to fight
  • Cusses nearly 80% of the time of whatever that comes out of .
  • Drinks from time to time - like a party or whatever. Influenced when she was seventeen. But not a constant drinker but can't hold her liquor

best friend: Romantic Playboy

how you guys interact each other: They're quite close together. The two likes to crack jokes at time and make jokes about each other and never get offended. The two just have fun freely with each other and a little carefree sometimes.









client: Kris Wu

occupation: University Student - Part Time Cafe Worker

personality: Kris is cold and doesn't ever talk much. He's only more comfortable around his friends. He gives people the cold shoulder whenever girls try to come up and talk to him. He usually doesn't take time to listen to whatother says and be nice to them unless you have the time to convince him that you're great enough to be his friend.

how you guys interact: When the two first met, of course would be thinking that Baek Joo would run away from him. But because Baek Joo is friends with all sorts of guys, it didn't occur to her that he'd be any different despite his good lucks. The two gave each one cold look and not talk for a little. Until Baek Joo talked to him. He was surprised that he actually found her different and easy to talk too, once they've opened up. The two hang out together and become closier day by day. She had treated him as her actual boyfriend.

back-up client: Lay

rival / love rival:Lee Na Hae (OC)

occupation: Univerity Student

personality: The rudest ever. Spoiled at birth . Rich and conceited. Everybody loves her but Baek joo. She is cocky and she looks down on people who aren't as 'good' as her. 

reason of rivalty: The girl who's a spoiled brat since birth is nothing but trouble. She's always tried to do whatever to get guys to hang out with her like how Baek Joo does. But when she found out Kris has a girlfriend and it's Baek Joo, she went crazy and continued to hate Baek Joo.

how you guys interact: Sometimes fighting when one calls the other out. But a total to each other.

back-up rival: Tiffany (SNSD)

chosen plotline: Cold Loner

why you want to join into xoxo? 

You know, XOXO seemed like sooo fun! So really hanging out with boys on daily bases and then seeing more is nothing new. It's just that being around guys is more comfortable and protected. But, I always felt bad whenever I saw a guy without a girl friend or at least a lady friend with them. *chuckles* so I that's why I joined XOXO ~ 

occupation when you're not taken: University student ; Part-Time Cafe Worker ; & helping out old people at the nursing homes whenever she has time.

suggestion: Song suggestions? ;o Um.. EXO's Growl c: ; B.A.P's Badman ; VIXX's G.R.8.U ; 2ne1's Do You Love Me

comment: I HAD FUUUUUNNN Filling this out author-nims c: Idk, but hope my character's good enough for you! :D 

scene request:

  • Baek Joo could give Kris a small kiss
  • Another guy could start liking Baek Joo and Kris gets a little jealous
  • uhh... the rest is up to you author-nim ~ ^-^




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