[ZE:A Series] #58 ;random; HeeWan: "ZE:A Five is ZE:A"

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okay...sorry for my laziness that leads to this random post...i hope you don't mind that i'm just sharing what i watch without video cut or pic or some solid translation whatever...

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So, this is during a concert/fanmeet...and they played a game onstage where the ZE:A members were divided into two teams and had to collect some items from the audience. the teams are TeamA- Kwanghee/Siwan/Kevin/Heechul and and TeamB- Minwoo/Hyungsik/Taehun/Dongjun while Junyoung as usual, accomodates hosting. and one of the items in TeamA's list is ZE:A CD and they got a CD that looks like DD Dance CD to me...and Junyoung checked the item..saying they're requested for a ZE:A CD but that's ZE:A Five CD...(okay..i didn't know DD Dance was from ZE:A Five...i thought it's Kevin/Hyungsik/Dongjun n the rappers...i didn't remember hearing any Siwan...unless it's a different ZE:A Five)

anyway, the four Team A members were almost left speechless, but then something came to Siwan and Heechul immediately picked up the idea too and they both complained (fiercely?) at the same time that ZE:A Five is ZE:A too! and Junyoung had to admit defeat.

aww, you two...<3 (note that Heechul is member of subunit ZE:A4U while Siwan is member of subunit ZE:A Five besides both are ZE:A members obviously...duh)

just thought of sharing that since i find it heartwarming and since these two are like my 2nd place OTP



ps: something i wanna tell you guys in advance...i'm going to stop/end ZE:A Series soon okay...maybe not that soon...but most probly, until #100(no promise though,i'll try), and i'll probly won't spazz or comment anything much like right now in ZE:A Series and just post the things i wanted to share. but of course you can still spazz on my wall or message if you like to. it's not like i'm gonna stop spazzing ZE:A duh...just not in this series maybe. well,...see 'ya soon~ ;)

oh..and if you want to request anything particular...like any picspam/video/cover perf/interview/any memebr or coupling you want to be shared here...etc.etc....just feel free...because i need lots of ideas to reach 100 fast. Thanks n keep supporting n loving ZE:A~



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