My Vixx Bias

Before my Vixx bias was either N or Ravi, but I heard Hongbin singing in G.R.8.U, and he sounded so sweet and innocent - and he looks gorgeous, that he became my Vixx bias. 

Hyuk is also the same ... 


I never really thought that Vixx had such amazing looking people in their group!

I've been going through all their MVs ... I've become addicted to them ...


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Excuse me hyuk is mine.
Initially, I noticed N because he looks like Seo In Guk abd Btob's Sungjae but N never made it on my bias list unlike the other 2. I love Leo so much.
I know that feels bro XD
My bias is N~
I never paid much attention to them but after on n on I was so addicted *-*