(just read)

I know a lot of people on this site have, or if they don't have one, they ask others questions on it.

However, I'm going to ask everyone not to be mean or rude to someone just because you can ask things on anon.

It was in the paper this morning - another person killed themselves because of Just, please, think before you write.

And don't be harsh ... I'm sick of seeing suicides or attempted suicides in the paper because of people who don't think and don't care about others ....

The parents in my country are trying to get it banned. The makers of know about the deaths, but they don't care - all they want is their $18,000 from ads a day. I find that sick. 

Just be careful on, alright? And don't be too harsh to others.

Actually, scratch that, not just on, on anywhere. I'm all for people expressing their opinion because I like seeing what others think and why they think like that on a certain topic, and I like seeing from all sides.

BUT, don't hammer someone or insult them just because they don't agree with you.

Just be civil...

To quote Tablo, “Robbing someone of their smile and putting it on your own face doesn't make you happy.



On another note, you have no idea how weird it was to see internet expressions in my paper. They said stuff like: People were "trolling" users, etc., etc.....


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How silly -_- But I don't be think hard. Its come from us. Must be pure, then so :)
This is why I disable anonymous users like on Tumblr -__- Anons are nothing but cowards. They wouldn't have the guts to say it to the person's face, so they go online to harass instead.
That's disgusting.
I don't know how people could be so cruel to one another, it's awful.
cyber bullying?
that's very sad to know..