❝♛ ╎ Park Jo Ah.❞

  Mulan—- Park  Jo Ah 

username: JungDongPark

nickname: Lou
activity: 10


name: Park Jo Ah
birthdate:  31.05.1994.  | age: 20
height: 167cm | weight: 51kg
bloodtype: B
ethnicity: Korean-Vietnamese American
birthplace: Garden Grove, California | hometown: Garden Grove, California
languages: English, Korean - Fluent | Vietnamese - Conersational

family: ( Dad | Park Jun Ho | 46 | Owner of CHROME | Quiet | Strict | Short-tempered | The two don't hang out with each other due to his work and because Jo Ah doesn't listen her dad well or live up to his expectations. Plus, he rarely was ever home so it never made since to her why she should care for him.  )

(Mom | Tran Thi | 43 | Stay-home Mom | Kind | Strict | socialable | Her mom is always on her back, she watches Jo Ah every move, to make sure she's safe, but she doesn't like that. She wants freedom, so therefore, Jo Ah doesn't hang out with her mom a lot. So the relationship between them is distant)

(Twin Brother | Park James | 20 | Funny; Outgoing; Prankster | The two are certainly very close, James and her liked the same thing that the other liked even if one was a boy and ones a girl. But sometimes they fight about who's older since they're both twins.)

friend: ( Lee Kyung Min | 20 | Part-time Cafe Worker | Funny; Loud; Out-going | Best Friends. the two click pretty well when he and Jo Ah first met.)

(Joon Hyun Bi | 19 | Student | Quiet, Smart, Patient | Hyun Bi and Jo Ah became friends being introduced to each other by Kyung Min.)


ulzzang name: Jung Minhee
Gallery oo1 | Gallery oo2
back-up: Park Sora
Gallery oo1 | Gallery oo2

style: Jo Ah likes to go out in public like a runway model. She can't ever go out in public looking like a mess or trash. She has to look pretty or fashionable in whatever she wears. It irks her if she has a bad fashion day. Casual;  oo1.oo2. | oo3. | oo4. | oo5.Formal;  oo1. | oo2. | oo3. | oo4. | oo5. | oo6. Date;   oo1. | oo2. | oo3. | oo4. | oo5.Sleep;  oo1. | oo2.oo3. | oo4. |

other: Tattoos on her left shoulder blade; "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man." Two diamond cartilage peircings on her left ear.


personality: She has a face as innocent as a five year-old, she has two face though - not personality wise but looks wise. Under the layers of her child-like face, she's erted and cocky. Cocky to strangers though. Whatever anyone says, she can change it and twist it into something dirtier than the actual meaning. She is really cocky and rude to strangers because it's extremely hard to become friends with her. But she covers that with her smart personality. She gets good grades, a straight-A student, excellent attendace, and many awards. Teacher's Pet, too.  She only uses this to appeal in front of adults or elders because she knows they don't like her being erted or cocky. 

Towards Jo Ah, you can ever piss her off, annoy her, make her mad or anything - she doesn't take bull from anyone - so do any of those things, she'll give you the rudest remark ever. She'll probably tell the truth about you, a bad thing about yourself. She doesn't care about if that person feels sad or gets hurt in a way. She's extremely impatient. She always has to do things on time or have someone meet her on time. It makes her piss if someone holds her back and she's late every second. Her being impatient is also something that is due to her being bored. She's quite a flirt too, picking that up from her dad's personality. She has a lot of charms that has guys to like her, it's not like she's trying to flirt. It just comes out that way. She doesn't care about what others say about her unless they just go over the top and create a lie about her. 

She's not the type of daughter anybody would like to have or take care of; 1) She never does her chores. 2) She talks back to people a lot and knows she's correct but people never shut up and let her explain. 3) She always daydreams about things her parents think aren't worth time to think about. 4) She opposes to whatever her parents try and do for her because she knows they're never going to end up right, but no, they don't listen so it ends in a mess all the time. She lives by two quotes; "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man." - Steve Harvey & "If you weren't here during my struggle, don't show up during my success."

background: Her parents own a very famous company in Korea called, "CHROME". As she grew up, being able to have her parents own a company and be very rich, she and her brother is always spoiled. Getting the newest products coming out all the time, as she grew up people hated her - like her cousins - didn't like her because she was spoiled and thought one day she'd grow up spoiled and rude, but she didn't. But she was always getting hit by her cousins secretly without her parents or aunts and uncle knowing.

She grew up and had secret relationships without her parents knowing, but had many guys break-up with her because she was a flirt, but it wasn't it was cause she was just friends with a lot of guys. She didn't care and moved on. Jo Ah also knew that they became friends with her because she was the daughter of someone who owned a huge company. 
persona: The Heedless Dweeb


- Skinship

- Bubble Tea

- Guitar


- Love Legends

- Movies

- Food

- Sleep


- Spiders

- Slow people

- Annoying people

- Fakes


- Spiders

- Insects

- Ghosts

- Chainmails


- Writing stories

- Playing her guitar


- Touching people

- Sniffing people

- Going to sleep late (ex; 4am)

- Cussing when mad or daily


- Left-Handed

- Lactose-Inolerate

- Fave actors; Jason Sudeikis | Adam Sandler | Chris Rock | Sean Hayes | Jackie Chan | Lee Minho | George Clooney | Hong Jonhyung

- Fave Actress; Shin Se Kyung | Shin Min Ah |  Sarah Jessica Parker | Angelina Jolie

- Ideal Guy; Shamu♥ She still can't tell whether it's a guy or girl, but she considers it a guy since to her it's so cute and looks
like a guy

- Has a husky names; MeMoo

- Knows how to box professionally

- Has more guy friends than girls.

- She drinks alcohol (influenced by her cousins - only when she's at a party)





  prince:   Shang
  love interest: Jang Dongwoo (INFINITE)

          birthdate + age: 22.11.1993. + 20
          major: Art; Dancing & Singing

  personality: Dongwoo has a fun upbeat personality. He's a dorky person who likes to mess around and prank people. He's weird laugh is found cute at times. He's always happy and doesn't frown much. Cries when it's such a happy and thankful moment or when someone dies. But he lives a positive and happy life no matter what. No one could make him sad, he's actually easy to become friends. 
  relationship: Between the two, Dongwoo was actually able to grasp her attention and become friends with ehr. The two have a nice love-hate relationship. At times they'll act happy and lovely as if they're a couple, but another time they'll fight for whatever reason, but make it up later by hugging each other. 

  back-up: Nam Woohyun (INFINTE)







company name: CHROME Inc.
focus of company: All type of technology products.

scandal(s): Jo Ah slept with her brother's best friend, an actor.

"interview time!"

1.) how do you feel about your parents sending off to a normal school so suddenly? 

A; ... Well, it was a surprise. But ain't nothing wrong going to a normal school. I could make more friends this way. Doesn't matter if it's a normal school or an expensive private school.
2.) what do you think of your new school? 

A; I guess it's cool, so far. But you know, I need to explore more - see if there's any es, jocks, nerds, etc.
3.) what class interests you the most?

A; P.E.
4.) when you finally take notice of your prince, how do you plan on telling him? or do you not tell at all? 

A; You know, I like to just leave hints because telling directly is just so direct and it could be awkward. Not telling him could really is annoying if I bottle it up, and my friends may tell him - so no no. I just leave hints.
5.) why did you fall in love with your prince? 

A; I fell in love with my prince because he was like my ideal type and he was really charming and different.

6.) of all students in the school, who peeves you off? 

A; The Queenka a.k.a the girl who thinks she's better than everyone.
7.) why do you decide to argue with your enemy? 

A; Because she's a who cakes her face with a lot of makeup. She's fake and she acts like she's better than everybody - like no. She's trying to be Barbie -.-
8.) how did you become enemies?

A; She makes rumors about me around school and I punched her for it.  


scene requests:

- Another scandal gets started between Dongwoo & Jo Ah

- She could get drunk at a party and kiss Dongwoo accidently

- The rest up to you author-nim c:
comments: Nothing else ~ I had a lot fun filling this out author-nim! Hope you like my character and consider her ~ ^.^ 




















































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