▶ axis mundi ↷ character name






( change the picture of the ulzzang girl to your character's designated ulzzang [keep the width 360], as well as sehun's gif with a picture or gif of your love interest [keep the width 265]. if sehun is your love interest, then keep the gif if you want, haha.

also, remember to delete all of my hints in parenthesis to you before entering your app and submitting it. )

username: ( add a hyperlink to your profile )

nickname: ( what do you want me to call you? )

activity: ( from 1 to 10, 1 being rarely and 10 being always, how often are you online? )

plotline: ( state the citizen number and/or title of your plotline )

name: ( last name, first name )

nickname(s): ( optional. be sure to tell me who used it and make it realistic, please )

date of birth // age: dd | mm | yy // 00 - and remember, your age has to match your plotline if it's alluded to! )

place of birth // hometown: ( can be two different places depending on your plotline )

ethnicity: ( once again, realistic; the simpler it is, the better )

language(s): ( state fluency and how she learnt it )

ulzzang name: ( who your character looks like, basically; no doll-like ulzzangs, please! )

visual: ( 6+ hyperlinks or gallery )

back-up ulzzang name: ( should there be any problems with your first ulzzang )

visual: ( 4+ hyperlinks or gallery )

miscellaneous: ( piercings/tattoos/scars/beauty marks? if any, they are to be listed here )

personality: ( at least two paragraphs )

background: ( at least one paragraph )

likes: ( 3+ bullets )

dislikes: ( 3+ bullets )

hobbies: ( 2+ bullets )

fears: ( 2+ bullets )

other trivia: ( 5+ bullets )

response to the supernatural: ( meaning: what is your mindset regarding what happens in cheongug regularly? rely on what is written in your plotlines for this answer. would you deny its existence even if it is staring you in the face? run away screaming? be used to it? doesn't have to be long and can be in third or first person point of view )

family: ( filled out like this: position (father, mother, etc.) | name | age | occupation | alive or deceased | personality (in keywords) | relationship with character )

friends: ( 3 maximum. can be both within cheongug for those living in the town most of/their whole lives. can be both inside and outside of cheongug for those recently moving. fill out like this: name | age | ocupation | alive or deceased | personality (in keywords) | relationship with character )

rivals: ( 2 maximum. optional; be sure to explain why they are your rival. this can be another applicant, an original character, an idol, etc. fill out like this: name | age | occupation | personality (in keywords) | relationship with character )

love interest: ( exo, super junior, infinite, or shinee only )

back-up love interest: ( exo, super junior, infinite, or shinee only )

plotline: ( state the citizen number and/or title of your plotline )

personality: ( at least one paragraph )

background: ( optional )

relationship with character: ( at least one paragraph )

questions/concerns/suggestions: ( anything you'd like to ask? anything you'd like to say? anything you'd like to suggest? all goes here )

comments: ( anything you'd like to add? anything you'd like to tell me? all goes here )

scene requests: ( go crazy for this section. i'll do my best to use these! )

modifications: ( if there are any problems, is it alright for me to fix/modify your application to suit the needs of the fic? yes or no? you are not obliged to say 'yes', nor will i weigh your app less than the others because of it )

and now: ( anything come to mind? if not, read the town guide once again )

 back to town.


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not quite finished yet, but hope you like it so far ^^