❇ ⇝ they came from the stars || choi sunyoung

❇ ⇝ they came from the stars

( midnight_fantasy + here ) || ( midnight ) || ( activity level 8/10 )

choi sunyoung


❇ ⇝ you shine brightest at night

character name: Choi Sunyoung


  • Sunny | Called this by friends.

age: 20

birthday: August 1st


❇ ⇝ the stars are watching you

ulzzang name: Geum Hyo Min

HQ pics: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

backup ulzzang: Jung Roo

HQ pics: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

appearance: To begin, Sunyoung dislikes using a lot of make-up as she feels it makes her look too old, something that she isn't fond of. Nevertheless, she does put on perfume, eyeliner, and the like depending on where she is going; the more formal the place or event, the more willing she is to put on make-up. When it comes to casual clothing, the less restricting it is, the better. This is because Sunyoung dislikes feeling trapped/uncomfortable in clothing. Due to this, she enjoys wearing shorts, t-shirts, tank tops, and so on. If the weather is colder (around winter or fall), she tends to wear jeans and long-sleeved shirts, along with a jacket or coat if need be. It's hard for Sunyoung to feel cold, however; she often jokes that this is because her body temperature runs hotter than most.

In addition, Sunyoung enjoys wearing warm colours, like red or orange, but she doesn't mind wearing black or a dark blue, especially when it comes to jeans. She doesn't like standing out too much, and because of this, she dislikes wearing bright clothing such as yellow, light blue, etc. This also helps whenever she has to "camouflage" herself and blend in with a crowd of people in order to make a quick getaway.

other: Sunyoung has a tattoo on her right wrist. It's in the her native language and stands for "light in the darkness". Being a spiritual person (though not believing in a religion like those in Zaidou), Sunyoung believes that everyone is deserving of second chances if they are willing to reform/accept their shortcomings and mistakes. To remember this, she got the tattoo inked on her right wrist even though she is left-handed. Since her right hand is thereotically the "weaker" one, getting the tatto there represents one's shortcomings and mistakes.

Regarding piercings, she only has them on her ears. She has regular ones on her lobes and then a cartilage earring as well because she thought it would look nice. She didn't get another one because the first had been too painful for her, and while she has knowledge of pain due to her training regime, she still dislikes pain.


❇ ⇝ show me your true colors

the basics: intuitive, cautious, caring, and timid.

personality: Intuitive | Sunyoung is a person who is around people a lot and thus is rather well-versed when it comes to deciphering how a person feels/thinks. Because of this, it is easy for the girl to tell who likes her, dislikes her, is lying, needs to be comforted, and so on. This is how she learns to choose friends; the more she interacts with a person, the more she learns of them and understands them. Since she has a good memory of things, this allows her to remember important information and thus be able to use said information to her advantage. She knows how to act in certain situations because of her intuitive nature, whether it be comforting a friend or finding the physical/emotional weakness of an enemy.

Cautious | This ties in with Sunyoung's intuitivity as well as past experiences. She carefully gauges a situation before she enters it and dislikes entering a place or a crowded room of people, for example, if she hasn't scoped out everything (the people, entrances and exits, etc.) properly and with a critical eye. However, her cautiousness at times does not extend to her emotions regarding the people she loves. She tends to give relationships with friends and lovers alike her all even without meaning to, which has resulted in her being hurt by their words/actions before.

Caring | It pains Sunyoung to see someone she loves in emotional or physical pain of any kind. She can get very unlike her usual calm and collected self in these situations, which surprises many. Her young age then begins to shine through. Sunyoung finds herself confused, unsure of what to do, though also very willing to help out any way she can. If someone is physically hurt, Sunyoung tends to follow orders more than anything, flittering around nervously; if there is no one who can help but her, she does her best to stay focused and use her first aid knowledge. If someone is emotionally hurt, she immediately becomes physically close; holding their hand, their back, hugging them, and so forth. Sunyoung isn't sure what else to do but listen to their troubles, and is terrible at giving advice to aid them. Still, her caring personality shines through very well and makes the other aware of how much she loves them and the extent of which she is willing to help.

Timid | Around people she does not know, Sunyoung can be rather quiet. She is more talkative the more she knows someone, but it is difficult to get her to open up emotionally. It's hard for her to wholly trust someone in regards to telling them how she feels, though she is always willing to help out those in need. If someone tries to reciprocrate this by in turn attempting to help her out, Sunyoung's timidness will shine through; she most likely won't take the help and won't tell them what's wrong.


  • skinship; in other terms, she enjoys the physical comforts of having friends/a lover
  • enjoying the simple things that make up life
  • solving riddles/puzzles/clues; she enjoys passing time by doing these things
  • being around those she loves and who love her


  • isolation/being by herself for an extended period of time
  • being forced to step out of her comfort zone
  • being in physical pain (she doesn't have a low tolerance for it, however)
  • not knowing something important/being kept out of the 'loop'


  • training (exercising, learning new fighting techniques, etc.)
  • learning about humans (background, religions/customs, languages, etc.)


  • enjoys dyeing her hair different colours
  • is fascinated by humans and their behaviours
  • loves listening to music
  • if hurt emotionally by someone, she tends to keep quiet about it
  • swears in her native language a lot when angry
  • hates it when others look to her for guidance; she is more of a follower than a leader
  • her Zodiac sign is Cancer and her personality is very similar to those of a Cancer's


❇ ⇝ i shine for you, my love


love interest: Kim "Kai" Jongin


  • Jongin is a boy who has had a rough childhood. Though he is 19 years old, he has seen a lot of bad things happen both to others and to himself. This has caused him to grow up far too fast while also making him realise that there aren't many people out there willing to lend a helping hand without an ulterior motive. Due to this lesson, Jongin is an at times silent individual who likes to stay in the background. He has street smarts and is rather intuitive. While he has friends, Jongin is still a person who enjoys solitude as it is something he's known for a long time. Nevertheless, he is very loyal to those he loves and cares about. Stubborn, loud-mouthed when provoked, and sensitive to harsh words only when coming from friends, Jongin is a great ally to have. A skeptic and believing in solving his problems by himself, he doesn't believe in the Star Shower bringing "saviours" that will protect Zaidou from whatever is lurking in the Otherlands. There are times, however, when he finds himself wondering...


  • Jongin doesn't know much about his father due to the fact that he left before he was born, and so his mother is all he knows. He resents his father because he left his mother for another woman and so he dislikes thinking about him or talking of him to others. Jongin comes from a poor family and at times has to struggle to make ends meet, but since it is only his mother and himself he has to look after, money isn't always tight. He doesn't have any other family; his grandparents died when he was young, around 5 years old, and his mother doesn't have any siblings. Jongin doesn't know of anyone from his father's side, nor does he really care to. To Jongin, his mother is his family; for, in his perspective, she is the only family he needs.

relationship w/ him:

  • Since both of them are cautious, it took Jongin and Sunyoung some time to become closer, but once they did, it was smooth sailing from there. The two of them are almost like kindred spirits due to how similar they are, but nevertheless they are different. Jongin brings out the more adventurous, fun side in Sunyoung while Sunyoung brings out the intellectual, affectionate side in Jongin. The two enjoy spending time together and find themselves able to, with time, divulge information about themselves to each other. Since the they are such guarded people, this really makes them appreciate the other more.
  • Their relationship is a budding romance and isn't fast or wild or anything along those lines. They have a quiet love, one that they at times hide from even themselves. It's hard for them to admit to themselves that they are in love, but the more they get to know one another and help one another with their problems/situations, the easier it becomes to accept it. Jongin likes making Sunyoung let her guard down and accept his help while Sunyoung enjoys pulling Jongin away from his jobs and thus stress by exploring the wonders of Zaidou together.


backup love interest: Kim "L" Myungsoo


  • Myungsoo is a boy who has been pampered beyond belief but is, nonetheless, a quiet, caring individual. What he doesn't have in strength he makes up with his vast knowledge of various subjects, from history to influential people. He doesn't have a lot of close friends but is still an extrovert, though most think him to be a guarded person due to his reserved personality and cold, indifferent face. Despite how he looks and may act in front of those he does not know well, Myungsoo is a kind, witty 21 year old who tends to wear his heart on his sleeve. Due to his family lineage, not many want to mess with him, and this leaves him unknowing of how cruel people can truly be. Having read up a lot about the Star Shower out of curiosity, Myungsoo is unsure of the belief that the Star Shower will bring salvation. Still, he hopes that whoever the saviours may be, they can protect Zaidou from enemies that may be more powerful than anything the citizens have ever known.


  • Myungsoo comes from a rich, esteemed family of intellectuals. His father owns a bank well-known in Zaidou while his mother runs her own company that has a long line of female beauty products. Since The Great War, however, their companies have taken hits, Myungsoo's father more than his mother. While they still have a lot of money to fall back on, this is causing friction in his parents' married life (his father feeling less adequate because he is bringing less money to the dinner table, so to speak). Nevertheless, Myungsoo's father and mother act loving towards one another in front of friends and relatives while others firmly believe Myungsoo is going to be inheriting the bank his father runs. However, nowadays, Myungsoo is unsure what is going to come of the bank, much less his crumbling relationship with his parents the more his father and mother quarrel.


  • Because of his tense familial situation, Myungsoo needs the help of his friends, but with some of them being two-faced, he is unsure of who to turn to. Eventually, however, he meets Sunyoung: a stable, level-headed girl. As they grow closer, Myungsoo with his somewhat vulnerable nature and typical "heart on his sleeve" ways and Sunyoung with her almost motherly ways, they slowly begin to have romantic feelings for the other. Sunyoung provides a stability that Myungsoo needs; she is always willing to be there for him, always extending a listening ear when he needs it. For Sunyoung, Myungsoo is a sensitive individual who she loves to coddle, and soon, he begins to wear down her guarded nature.
  • Since the two of them are both smart, quiet people, they tend to spend a lot of time indoors together. Myungsoo tells her all about the subjects he's learnt and the people he knows of and Sunyoung listens to him very intently, absorbing all of the information he's willing to give about humans. Sunyoung eventually starts teaching him self-defense, considering the fact that Myungsoo is a sheltered person who never has had to fear robbers or the like before. Myungsoo enjoys being around her as his situation back home is so tense and Sunyoung enjoys being around him as he dotes on her, something she has never experienced before. This constant alone time together brings them even closer.


❇ ⇝ you are not alone

lee "iu" jieun: Jieun is a happy, light-hearted girl who dislikes thinking of the terror that has left Zaidou, along with the terror that the Otherlands may bring. While she is a cautious girl in regards to what dangers lurk around every corner ever since The Great War, Jieun chooses to see the best in people, but is not so stupid as to blindly trust someone. Dependable, loyal, constantly making awkward/weird jokes, and a generally caring person from the get-go, Jieun is a wonderful person to be acquainted with. When you first get to know Jieun, however, she can be very awkward and shy, but this slowly wears away with time.

  • When she is watching the Star Shower, she notices one of them land near her and so she rushes to find out if the saviours have finally come. She soon meets Sunyoung, who she helps by feeding, providing her a place to stay, etc. Sunyoung finds herself unable to be wary of such generous hospitality, and quickly, finds herself becoming friends with the girl. Because of the help Jieun gave her, the girl finds herself unable to be suspicious of her, though is not willing to bar herself to her either. Sunyoung lives with Jieun and her grandmother (since Jieun's father was killed in battle and her mother died during child-birth). Truthfully, it is never an ordinary day in the Lee household, especially with the newest addition, Choi Sunyoung, around.

kim jonghyun: Jonghyun is a quirky, live-life-to-the-fullest type of boy. For a while after The Great War, Jonghyun had been depressed due to the fact that his older brother had been killed in battle, and so, there are times when he becomes quiet and is a little withdrawn, but still is a great person to be around. He is very accepting of people, uncaring of their imperfections as long as they are good at heart who care for him the way he does for them. If his friends are in trouble, he will drop everything and help, and is typically a force to be reckoned with even though he is not very talented when it comes to combat. Overall, Jonghyun is fun person to be around.

  • Jonghyun has a confusing relationship with Jieun, considering the fact that they are friends who like each other romantically but don't do anything about it. Through Jieun, he eventually meets Sunyoung, and the two of them slowly become friends. At first, Sunyoung dislikes his frank nature, along with his somewhat erted jokes/behaviour. She warms up to him in time, finding him to be a good friend, even though he does at times flirt with her - it, however, doesn't mean anything (it's kind of obvious that he has eyes for Jieun, after all). While they do bicker every now and then, Jonghyun and Sunyoung enjoy spending time together and are always willing to help the other out.


❇ ⇝ light the way


  • mind control: This is the ability to control the actions of others by controlling their thoughts, really. Sunyoung is able to do this by having physical contact with them. Once her skin has touched theirs in one way or another (touched their hand with her own, for example), she is able to take control of their minds. She doesn't have to keep on touching them to do this, either. Also, once she has touched that person, she is free to control them whenever she wants. Sunyoung can't, however, control someone when she is far away; the farther away she is from the person, the less control she has over their mind.
  • power negation: This is the ability to cancel the powers of others for a certain period of time, making them completely vulnerable. Much like her mind control power, she has to first touch the person - there must have been skin on skin contact. Sunyoung is not able to use the other person's power, though is still able to take it away from them. The longer she takes it away, the weaker she gets. Eventually, the other person will get their power back, but hopefully by then, Sunyoung has defeated them.
  • duplication: This is the ability to create physical manifestions of oneself. In other terms, you can clone yourself any number of times. The more clones you create, however, the more difficult it is for them to be solid and "complete". It also takes a lot of power to create a lot of manifestations, so this can really weaken Sunyoung and thus make it difficult for her to properly fight in terms of hand-to-hand combat or even attempt to create manifestations again.

fighting style: Sunyoung attempts to plan ahead in terms of tactics when facing someone, knowing that any battle could be her last. Because of this, she does her best to use her power to her advantage, along with the environment around her if possible. While she has a power, she doesn't like relying on it too much should it ever fail or be completely useless when facing someone with a power stronger than hers. Due to this, she knows how to fight hand-to-hand. However, being the emotional person she is, there are times when well-aimed taunts can cause her to lose all sense of control. If this happens, Sunyoung begins to use her power far too much, uncaring of who sees her doing so depending on the taunt/s, and loses most if not all of her calculating nature.

color (highlight me): #ff3300

death: Yes, of course. I don't mind if it works well with the plot you have in mind.


❇ ⇝ the stars in your eyes say goodbye

comments: Can I just say how interesting this idea is to me? I really like the fact that it is the OCs/girls that are the "saviours" instead of the boy group members (as you can tell, I'm sort of a feminist OTL - plus, it's original than other stories!). And, while I have applied for your other fic, I decided that it would fun to apply for this one as well. So here I am! I hope my apply didn't have too much or too little information/details?

Also, I have to admit that I took a lot of creative liberty when it came to The Great War and Zaidou, as well as a bit with what's going on with the Otherlands and the Star Shower. I hope it didn't clash too much with your own view on things! If it did, you can very well change stuff from this apply around should you choose to use my character - I honestly won't mind.

ideas/scene requests:

  • Jieun introduces Sunyoung to Jonghyun, who immediately hits on her. Sunyoung is not amused, of course. Jieun sheepishly tries to salvage the situation by explaining to her that Jonghyun isn't as erted as he appears; this only makes Jonghyun take offense (though jokingly so).
  • When Jieun first brings Sunyoung to her house, she lies to her grandmother, telling her that Sunyoung is a friend who recently lost her only family, her father, to a disease, and needs a place to stay. Later on, Sunyoung speaks to Jieun's grandmother, about to tell her finally what Jieun told her was a lie, only to find out that Jieun's grandmother had already known Jieun lied to her. When told that she is from another planet, having come to Earth due to the Star Shower, Jieun's grandmother is humbled and asks her to protect Zaidou with the best of her abilities. Sunyoung, warmed by the woman's generosity, agrees to do just that.
  • (If Jongin is the love interest) Sunyoung, wanting to help Jieun and her grandmother with the bills, decides to try her hand at acquiring a job. At a nearby supermarket, she gets one *with the help of her mind control power*, and there she meets Jongin, who at first finds her weird as she doesn't seem to know a lot of phrases/objects that are normal to humans (a conveyor belt, the cash register, etc). Jongin is exasperated and frustrated when the manager tells him to show Sunyoung how to do her job more efficiently, but eventually grows to like this responsibility when they start to grow closer.
  • (If Myungsoo is the love interest) Jieun and Sunyoung go to the bank to take out a sum of money that Jieun has accumulated in a bank account for years, Jieun explaining to Sunyoung about how the Kim Corporation has been steadily losing money due to The Great War. Sunyoung accidentally bumps into Myungsoo, who is at the bank simply to take a closer look as to how it's run (his father forced him to, really). Not too much is said, as they both have something to do. Still, they remember one another once they meet again, when Myungsoo stops close to where Sunyoung lives to visit a more "middle class" friend. They slowly get to know one another better, meeting whenever Myungsoo comes to visit his friend - soon, however, he begins to visit simply to meet Sunyoung again.

music: ( they came from the stars )


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