☼ paradise resort — lee eunkyung.








username. midnight_fantasy.

name. midnight.

activity. 9/10.

name. lee eunkyung.

nicknames. kyungie; often used by friends out of playfulness.

birthdate. october 22nd, 1993.

age. 19.

ethnicity. korean american.

languages. korean (fluent), english (fluent), chinese (fluent), japanese (conversational), and taiwanese (conversational).

ulzzang name. lee dasom.

links. one two three four five six seven eight

backup ulzzang name. choi seohee.

links. one two three four

others. she has earlobe piercings, having been forced by her older sister to get them since her wedding was coming up soon. she was forced to keep the holes open, and so usually only wears one pair of earrings. eunkyung really can't be bothered with it.


due to the fact that eunkyung was born in a family with three children, love wasn't exactly something that was distributed a lot. her younger sister was coddled by her parents (though mostly by her mother) much more than her and her older sister got most of her father's attention because she was to be the one to further the "lee legacy". this left eunkyung with the feeling of abandonment and she struggled constantly to stand out from her sisters, to be appreciated more. her mother spent as much time as she could with her before getting sidetracked with something else while her father berrated her on her grades.

eunkyung's grades were...lacklustre, to be frank. she was good in physical education (gym/health class) and somewhat okay in geography, but apart from this, her grades were terrible. she wasn't a poet, nor was she amazing at biology and science-y things like her mother, nor was she a mathematician like her father. this left her unsure of what she wanted to be in the future as she wasn't good at much nor did she like many things and so eunkyung struggled a lot with feeling good about herself for some time.

regarding her parents, their relationship always confused her: why had her feminist mother married a korean man who felt that males were superior to females? from her mother's words, eunkyung's father jungho had been much worse when they had first started dating and apparently was now less conservative. her parents fought often during the course of the years but joyce usually won the arguments, whether it be talk about her older sister jinri's grades, what her younger sister, erin, should wear to school, or what profession eunkyung should go into in the future. maybe their love (no matter how strained) for each other kept them together, in spite of their shortcomings.

nevertheless, her background isn't as sad as it seems. regardless of the fact that her parents seemed to pay more attention to her sisters, there were many happy memories made. her life wasn't all that bleak; plus, she enjoyed spending time with her sisters who certainly weren't biased or hateful or anything along those lines. since her older sister was stressed with trying to get better and better grades (this because of her father), eunkyung spent more time with her younger sister, which was how she grew to adore children.

eventually, however, eunkyung grew up and had a decision to make: go into university or go into college? her father wanted her to make a name for herself, to choose a profession like a doctor or a lawyer, while her mother was completely fine with whatever she chose. eunkyung's grades spoke another story entirely: it was obvious that her grades were not fit for university. but she had no idea what she wanted to be so instead she decided not to pursue an education after high school. instead she wanted to travel the world, something she had wanted to do ever since she was young, and maybe one day be able to settle down somewhere she liked and find a job that would interest her.

this wasn't something her parents expected, and while her mother took it in stride, her father was livid. although, with some coaxing, he ignored her and allowed her to do whatever it was she pleased. he still wasn't happy about it, one year into her travelling, but they talked over the phone often. eunkyung also kept in contact with her mother and sisters, more so than her father, and while she missed them terribly at times, she knew that the decision she made was the right one. she visits them from time to time as well.


eunkyung, for the most part, is an assertive, reserved individual. this is mostly because of her father's constant ranting about her grades and her character and her "choices in life". this gave her a thick skin; it was easy for her to stomach rude, negative things being said about her, even to her face. she usually is outwardly calm though she does have a temperamental streak when riled up enough. of course, this is hard to conjure up due to her amazing self-restraint.

the biggest thing about eunkyung is her desire to succeed, to prove herself, to be better than others. she wants to be better, stronger, faster, smarter--another thing spurred on by her father and her terrible grades. while this drive improved her grades, it wasn't enough to boost her marks enough for admittance in university. this has made her somewhat bitter and only made her want to excel worse. this makes her a very competitive person in the long run. this can be bad, as she is willing to do whatever it takes and stay up as long as she must if she feels that this will help her complete whatever task at hand.

her failures, however, have also changed her positively. eunkyung is willing to talk to others about her past or what is troubling her with relative ease after getting to know them better. while this makes her trust people rather quickly, which can be a bad thing, this also makes her a sensitive, caring individual. she enjoys talking to people and showcasing her talents, but she is able to pinpoint her failures as well, with accuracy even. she can relate to others and is willing to give them advice if need be. although, the fact that she can identify her talents and her failures sometimes makes her too focused on herself.

furthermore, while most of her attributes have come from jungho, her father, there are some that eunkyung has gotten from her mother. first and foremost, eunkyung is a huge feminist; she dislikes any sort of misgyonistic behaviour or badmouthing of women ( shaming, generalization, objectification, etc.) which is why she hasn't had a boyfriend for a long time after her first and only boyfriend had been misoygnistic and, thus, verbally abusive.

of course, this doesn't exactly mean that eunkyung hasn't dreamt of romance or participated in so-called "feminine" things such as cooking or cleaning. truthfully, eunkyung is a huge romantic and often thinks of having the perfect boyfriend. she has a flair for dramatics due to this and this want for someone to love her "flaws and all" often blinds her from thinking about anything else.

the thing about eunkyung is that she has no idea if she has a set personality, a purpose; she feels as if she is missing something. she believes that this is why she has a want to travel apart from seeing new sights, people, and cultures; it's cliche but eunkyung believes that travelling will help her "find" that something she is missing. and maybe, somewhere along the way, she can also be able to uncover a profession/job that she is interested in.

persona. the travelling individualist.



  • crowds/people in general
  • traveling around the world
  • learning new languages
  • things going to schedule
  • having something to do
  • interacting with children
  • watching movies
  • cooking/baking
  • insects


  • boredom
  • not having people around her
  • bullying
  • spicy food
  • cold beverages apart from pop
  • being unhealthy or not being active
  • being ignored
  • misogyny & misogynistic people
  • loud, sudden noises

other trivia:

  • is afraid of water and thus hasn't learnt how to swim
  • knows taiwanese, chinese and japanese because she has gone to countries where these languages stemmed from
  • lived in china longer than any other place, hence her fluency in chinese
  • enjoys hiking and running
  • she has no ideal type, though the boys she likes tend to be those who are fit and/or generally good-looking


lee joyce | 47 | doctor | mother | independent, arrogant, caring, intellectual yet comically dense at times.

lee jungho | 48 | accountant | father | stubborn, opinionated, temperamental, conservative and receptive.

lee erin | 16 | student | younger sister | outgoing, moody, compliant, imaginative and self-absorbed.

lee jinri | 24 | nurse | older sister | talkative, opinionated, optimistic, compliant and self-conscious.


park chanyeol | 20 | eunkyung and chanyeol get along because chanyeol is such a lively, usually-optimistic person. while eunkyung finds herself able to talk freely with him and even joke around, chanyeol is more level-headed and enjoys helping her interact with jongin, though his plans mostly fail in some way than succeed. they first started talking because eunkyung wanted to know more about jongin but slowly they grew to become friends, talking of other subjects and becoming more at ease with one another.

do kyungsoo | 20 | eunkyung and kyungsoo get along fabulously as they believe one another to be two of few "normal people" at Paradise Resort. they often spend time outside of work, able to talk of their past experiences and whatnot with ease. eunkyung often comes to him to moan about jongin and how she managed to make herself look like a fool or say something stupid in front of him. kyungsoo is one of few who realizes that she only likes him for his looks and disapproves of her crush because of this.

kim junmyeon | 21 | eunkyung and junmyeon hit it off rather well. much like kyungsoo, the two are comfortable around one another and talk often whenever they see each other around the theme park. they aren't very close, but still enjoy having a quick conversation here and there. junmyeon often laments over the craziness at the resort while eunkyung shares her own sob story (usually regarding incidents at the pool coughjongincough).

jo seukhye | 19 | freelance journalist | seukhye is eunkyung's best friend and virtually the only person apart from family she kept in contact with after high school. she often calls her to talk about old times, what's currently going on, boys, and so on. seukhye is happy-go-lucky and crazy optimistic; she tries to show eunkyung the bright side whenever she is down, no matter how dreary the situation is or how absurd seukhye's attempts are.


kim "chen" jongdae | 20 | eunkyung and jongdae have an...interesting relationship. things started off bad between them due to the fact that jongdae simply made fun of her crush on jongin and subsequently her. ever since then, eunkyung has been unable to properly befriend him, her fellow co-worker, and honestly doesn't even try to. though they do bicker and he often makes fun of her, jongdae and eunkyung somewhat enjoy the banter. not that either would ever admit it, of course. jongdae is another person who recognizes that eunkyung likes jongin for superficial reasons.

why do you want to work at the Paradise Resort? 

"well, apart from the obvious fact that i would like to have a job where i earn money so i can make a living, i would say that i enjoy interaction with people. this would be easy to achieve at the Paradise Resort, as there are great workers to be a part of and a plentiful amount of guests. i have actually been here before, during my travels, and the hospitality here is one that i have yet to have found at any other resort, hotel, or what say you."

which section of the resort do you want to work in and why? 

"i would like to work at the theme park because i like to interact with children. i have a younger sister so i believe that i can handle them. i don't mind interacting with them if i need to, and children usually don't mind me as well. plus, the theme park is a bustling place and i am comfortable in crowded areas and being around a lot of people if need be. if not the theme park then i am also comfortable with the hotel, as interacting with people is something i believe i am good at."

what job positions interest you?

"first and foremost, the position of flexible cashier at the theme park insterests me. the second position would be the front desk clerk at the hotel. i also wouldn't mind being a hostess at on location restaurant there."

what is your specialty?

"i'm good at organization and communication. while these two things don't exactly go hand-in-hand, it is highly necessary when it comes to a cashier, front desk clerk, or hostess. i believe that i should be hired and become a part of the Paradise Resort staff because i enjoy doing work, as it keeps me occupied, and when i have my mind set on accomplishing something, i work tirelessly towards completing it. i would bring further organization, a cheerful disposition, and another helping hand."

what kind of people do you work the best with? the worst with?

"i work well with people who are open-minded, enjoy to coming to work every day, and are willing to do their jobs with the best of their abilities. due to this, i think working at the Paradise Resort will be opportune for me since i'm sure many of the aforementioned people work here. however, i work worst with those who don't take their jobs seriously and are terrible with customer service."

love interest. kim "kai" jongin.

job position. lifeguard.


it all starts when eunkyung comes to her first staff meeting and lays eyes on jongin. it's not love at first sight, more like lust at first sight. like any other girl, eunkyung acknowledges the fact that jongin is good-looking and romantic fantasies immediately burst forth. the entire meeting, for eunkyung, is spent surreptitiously glancing over at the tanned boy, wondering who he is, what he enjoys doing, his favourite colour, etc. one could say that she is slightly boy-crazy, and one would be right.

over time, she begins to gather as much information as she can regarding kim jongin. she knows of his "nickname" being kai, that he works as a lifeguard at the pool (the place she loathes visiting or even looking at due to her fear of water), and that he, well, is somewhat of a narcissist. most of this information comes from chanyeol and jongdae, the two boys who work with jongin, though jongdae often times feeds her wrong information (he's into muscular women, kicks puppies as a hobby, and so on) though she stopped believing him after he first tricked her into believing that jongin was homoual.

after their first, er...conversation, jongin doesn't feel too hot and bothered for eunkyung. for the most part, he believes her to be unable to stop stuttering and finds her kind of creepy, completely unaware of the fact that she has a crush on him. jongin continues his job, unknowing of her existence once more, until eunkyung begins tentatively hanging around the pool when chanyeol suggests it, believing that the boy would like her more if he got to know her better.

and chanyeol is, for the first time in his life perhaps, right. jongin will often notice eunkyung talking and interacting just fine with chanyeol, and even with jongdae. he begins noticing that she only acts weird around him, which makes him intrigued and somewhat miffed. jongin believes that perhaps the girl doesn't like him and begins his quest of trying to get her to like him, which meant that he will often come up to her and strike up a conversation, eunkyung stuttering and stammering constantly while jongin slowly becomes frustrated by her hesitance around him.

this changes, however, the more eunkyung gets to know jongin. she sees the person behind the narcisissm and the good-looks. jongin may be more handsome than "regular, adverage" males out there but he has qualities that make him human and not a greek god to be placed up on a pedestal and admired. she likes these qualities of his, which is how she slowly manages to stop being so star-struck around him and treat him like a proper individual. she begins to like him for his personality instead of just his body.

jongin, glad that eunkyung has finally loosened up around him, learns more about her as well. he comes to enjoy talking with her because of the empathetic person she is. he finds it easy to interact with her and all of her quirks and flaws are bearable, even likeable. he finds that talking to her about serious subjects is just as easy as well and he likes the fact that she is so open about herself and her experiences. slowly, and without realizing it, jongin begins to develop a crush on her.

and, like this, lee eunkyung's feelings towards kim jongin are finally reciprocated.


eunkyung and jongin start off awkward and unsure of one another. their interactions are not exactly frequent and not much talking is done; eunkyung constantly stutters, embarrassed and nervous, while jongin is somewhat weirded out by her and uncertain what to make of her. they know nothing of one another at this point.

soon, however, jongin is determined to get to know her better when he believes that eunkyung is uncomfortable around him and doesn't like talking to him. due to his somewhat narcisisstic beliefs, he is surprised by her behaviour and strives towards "fixing" it and making her like him. he engages her in conversation and tries to talk to her, divulging information about himself and setting up times for them to meet up after work. eunkyung is flabbergasted by his sudden interest and is often quiet; not sure what to say and constantly stuttering.

but this "phase" passes and eunkyung becomes less scared to talk to him when she realizes how normal of a guy someone who looks like jongin can be. she begins to talk to him more, quickly divulging information about herself and hanging out with him in a more laid-back manner, something which jongin at first is surprised to see. but jongin likes this change, glad that he has finally made progress, and the two from then on can be seen talking to one another, walking one another to work, sitting next to each other during staff meetings, and so on.

because eunkyung so eagerly makes new friends and talks of her past and her troubles, they become close at a pace that may seem a bit too quick for some. jongin is a bit taken aback by her willingness to talk about painful subjects but this makes it easier for him to talk to her about his own experiences that he is usually hesitant to reveal at first. this connects them in a more emotional way, which is one of the reasons that jongin finds himself developing a crush on the girl.

they are good for each other, despite their weak interaction when they first met and eunkyung's original reason for seeking the boy out. jongin unleashes a more talkative, optimistic side in eunkyung while eunkyung manages to help jongin be less of a misogynist and instead become more emotional.

backup love interest. wu "kris" yifan.


  • chanyeol tries to give eunkyung a pep talk right before she is to go up and talk to jongin, but jongdae keeps on interferring and saying things that make eunkyung paranoid and self-conscious. she ends up stuttering a lot or saying random things, leaving jongin confused/creeped out.
  • when they become a bit closer, jongin learns of eunkyung's fear or water and insists on helping her out. embarrassment ensues as eunkyung can't stop thrashing in the water and jongin turns out to be a terrible teacher. chanyeol and jongdae laugh their butts off the entire time, while pool go-ers just give them concerned/weird looks.
  • originally, eunkyung decides that she will work at Paradise Resort for a little while, as long as she wants to stay at Jeju Island. however, after getting to know the staff there better--befriending them--and harbouring a crush on jongin that slowly is evolving into something more, she decides to stay there for a longer time.
  • a few scenes where people around eunkyung say misogynistic things without meaning to ("you hit like a girl!" etc.) and her immediately getting offended. it could be a running 'joke' maybe?

suggestions. you were pretty thorough, to be honest. perhaps some sort of club, where adults go to dance and whatnot? the staff could go there to hang out or something along those lines. having a scene where all of them are interacting would be pretty funny and interesting~

questions. none atm. c:

comments. concerning jongdae and labelling him a rival, i just wanted to point out that he isn't an outright terrible person. teasing people is something jongdae does often, though sometimes he can go too far and really hurt eunkyung, which he knows isn't right; this is why he tends to apologize to her in his own unusual way (randomly complimenting her, attempting to say "sorry" but almost phsyically unable to, something along those lines) whenever he realizes his mistake. while they are listed as "rivals", i don't consider them to be actual, serious rivals. they aren't outright enemies; they just don't get along well due to their personalities.

also, if by some twist of fate you choose eunkyung, being friends with other exo members and/or applicants is a-okay with me! i would honestly love a few scenes where she interacts with other people than the ones i listed in this application.

anything else? kai.



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