`〈 EDEN CREEK 〉 ↷ song minjung.


↷ back to eden.



song minjung.
your nickname : midnight.
how active are you? : 9/10.
plotline applying for : the rambunctious leader.
comments, questions : first off, i adore this idea of yours! it's original and so many things could occur, which is why i love it so much. best of luck with writing! i'll be sure to stick around even if i do not get picked!
scene requests :
  • minjung is uncomfortable about the fact that someone else is going to touch her baby so she insists on being there whenever joonmyun is working on her. joonmyun, fine with this, helps minjung learn the parts of a car, etc. as a way to make her more relaxed.
  • joonmyun finds out minjung named her car and teases her a little about it, though in good fun. he eventually admits that he has named his pick-up truck, which minjung in turn teases him about.
  • when joonmyun happens to see minjung's tattoo, she freezes up a little but eventually tells him about her ex-boyfriend and how the reason she went on a road trip was mostly due to him and so she could become a new and improved her. joonmyun warmly tells her that he likes how she currently is, but that he respects her decision. it gets minjung thinking about her relationship with kwangho and that maybe it was best they ended things.
  • minjung goes to visit her friend the fragile daydreamer only to notice that her love interest is constantly staring at her. she goes up to him, believing him to be some sort of a stalker/ert, and tells him to leave her alone, but then finds out that he likes her. she becomes his cheerleader of sorts and tries to help him out.
do you allow modifications to your app? : yes, of course!
password : herp.


 ho hey
character name : song minjung.
nicknames : leader | her friends call her this at times due to her bossy attitude. it's meant as a joke but when they refer to her by this nickname, it's usually with an air of disdain and mild irritation.
date of birth | age : 25/03/92 | 21.
place of birth | hometown : busan, south korea | busan, south korea.
ethnicity : korean.
languages : korean (fluent; native language), english (conversational; studied the language in school).
 all the pretty girls
ulzzang : jiji.
links : gallery.
back-up ulzzang : park "chany" chahun.
links : gallery.
height | weight : 169cm | 55kg
stylenow that it is summer time, minjung enjoys wearing light clothing that is loose and thus doesn't cause her to sweat excessively. she likes to wear cool colours, so nothing dark as it may absorb the sun's rays, making it hotter. minjung enjoys wearing shorts, graphic t-shirts, tank tops, and maybe even a light cardigan or the like on top. her sunglasses are always with her and she likes placing them atop her head when she doesn't need them (she thinks that it makes her look cool). she likes bringing a tote bag around to keep her things in and enjoys wearing bracelets and necklaces. dresses and skirts are something she may not wear as often, simply because she does want anyone to somehow manage to sneak a peek. most of the time, minjung wears sneakers/running shoes, as she never knows where she is going to go next in eden creek, so might as well try to have proper footwear that she will be able to wear just about anywhere.
extra : minjung has ear lobe piercings and a tattoo of the name 'kwangho' in cursive script across her right shoulder blade. she wears glasses as she is near-sighted but tends to only put them on while driving; otherwise, they only serve to irritate her as it is summer and sunglasses are a must during times when the sun is out.

 it's time

personality : on the surface, minjung is generous, people-pleasing, and spontaneous. she is a woman who lives in the now and thinks of the rest later, something that many seem to admire about her. she is friendly, an approachable person who enjoys making new friends whenever and wherever, and thus inclusive. often times she is willing to bend to others' will and let them have what they want, which she can, well, be inwardly annoyed about. while she may be happy and versatile, it certainly does not mean that she is cheery and positive 24/7. one may think this when having first met minjung, but get to know her better and you will begin to see the different sides of her.

to begin, minjung likes it when things go her way. she is an organized person, though she can also be rather scatter-brained and all over the place when distracted (and she gets distracted kind of easily). while she does like to be random and keep people on their toes, guessing her next move, she is surprisingly determined to make sure things go to plan. or, well, that is her intention at first; she usually ends up chucking the notes and whatnot she has made and go with the flow when the time calls for it, making her a rather flexible individual. of course, while she usually is up and about with no signs of stopping or slowing down, there are moments when her body finally catches up to her and she takes a much needed rest. this is when she becomes rather unmotivated and lazy, not willing to lift a single finger to do anything. this annoys many as minjung usually is rather bossy and likes to be in control, instantly making those around her go to her in times of need.

though one may not realize it at first, minjung's main goal is to, well, be appreciated and loved by those she holds most dear. there are often times that she will make sacrifices for those she respects and loves, and while she may act humble about it, she secretly wishes to get praised and be coddled for her attempts. it's not the only reason she does it, of course; minjung just wants to make people feel loved and happy, but she herself wishes to feel the same way as well. therefore, what she enjoys most is the feeling of being needed, being appreciated, and thus she dislikes being yelled at or being betrayed by someone she went out of her way to impress and pamper. what's even worse is if someone she holds most dear suddenly distances themselves from her for whatever reason, she can get rather possessive. during these moments, she gets uncharacteristically quiet, thoughtful, and mopey, only able to be roused out of this state after some much needed time and support of close friends and family.

the defining thing about minjung? her enthusiasm for just about anything. the woman tends to be eager and willing to do whatever whenever, as long as it is fun and a worthwhile adventure in her books. she likes to approach life with an optimistic view, a smile always on her face and laughter not far behind. many enjoy her company due to this and turn to her for guidance as her bossiness and quick-thinking makes her the ideal leader to follow and listen to; whether it be when one needs advice or when disaster strikes and everyone is unsure of what to do. after all, she is always a woman with a plan, no matter how improvised that plan may be.

likes :

  • TV shows (enjoys animes the most)
  • Internet (usually accessed from her laptop or cellphone)
  • skinship; physical comforts of friends/a lover
  • making friends
  • her microbus/vw
  • r&b music
  • chocolate and other sweets
  • summer vacation
  • amusement parks

dislikes :

  • movies/TV shows that have depressing endings
  • horror movies (too predictable)
  • reading books
  • being bored/having nothing to
  • studying (especially loathes that time just before exams)
  • getting up early in the mornings
  • not being in charge/control
  • not being able to get along with someone
  • feeling helpless

habits :

  • bites her lip when flirting
  • clicks her tongue when disappointed or disapproving
  • wiggles her toes and/or twiddles her thumbs when anxious
  • fiddles with jewelry she is wearing when waiting/bored

hobbies :

  • somewhat knowledgable in car mechanics
  • learns how to play different musical instruments
  • collects antique records (has yet to get a record player)

special talents :

  • plays the piano, flute, and clarinet
  • able to stay awake for long periods of time
  • usually able to tell when people are lying (by voice, facial features, etc.)

fears / phobias :

  • isolophobia: fear of solitude, being alone | minjung used to not be as friendly as she is now when she was a child, which meant that she could count the number of friends she had on one hand. however, as kids tend to be, they were mean and manipulative, and thus constantly were harassing her by being friends with her one day and deciding to stop being friends with her the other. minjung would constantly find herself with friends then without, and found that being without friends to be the scariest, saddest feeling ever experienced. a feeling she never wanted to go through again.
  • cockroaches and similar creepy-crawlies | when minjung moved into her own apartment, it had been infested with cockroaches, centipedes, and so forth. there were many times when she found herself too close for comfort with them, which caused her to fear them. she can't even come near them, much less look at them or think of the small insects.

trivia :

  • has taken psychology courses in high school and university
  • typically gets along well with adults
  • was the student body president in high school two years in a row
  • volunteered as a mascot during a charity mini golf tournament
  • dislikes texting because the buttons on her cellphone are too small
  • not very technology savvy but she does appreciate laptops, the Internet, and so forth
  • hates going 'regular camping' due to how primitive it is (no indoor plumbing or proper fatty food!)
  • likes wearing heels but doesn't like how her feet easily begin to ache in them
  • does not enjoy sleeping on a bed or anywhere else unless it is her bed at her apartment
  • is over-protective of her vw and loathes allowing someone else to drive/handle her vw
  • lovingly named her car 'soojin' which means treasure and excellence/truth
  • a bit self-conscious over her nose as she used to be teased about how big it was' when younger
 everything has changed
history : minjung comes from a conservative family, but to be honest, she is anything but conservative. at first, her father had done everything he could to ensure that she was more prim and proper, ever since she used to play in the mud. however, with time and some persistence from his wife, he got over his daughter's antics and even grew to find amusement from them. of course, minjung still grew up with certain rules in place, ones that she at first used to disobey but did the exact opposite later on (due to the constant punishments and time outs she got for breaking them). with her parents' positive encouragement, her mother's nourishment, her father's at-times strictness, and eventually her baby brother's need for someone to defeat the scary monsters in his closet, song minjung became the woman that she is today.
of course, life hadn't always been rainbows and butterflies for song minjung. when she had been in elementary school, the kids would relentlessly bully her whether it be about her facial features, her clothing, or regarding something she wasn't good at. this caused her to be withdrawn around the time she was younger, but she constantly yearned for proper friends. however, all she had were people who were often picky, being friends with her one day and then deciding not to the next. with time and advice from her mother, minjung slowly grew to become more talkative and outgoing, though it was difficult to ignore the kids' taunts. when they realized her shift in personality and as the years passed, many gave up on their petty bullying; some even slowly grew to properly befriend her. this was a time that minjung tends to think a lot about, though not only because of the bullying she had went through. she thought about this time because this was when she grew, when she realized that it was best to not avoid people like the plague if they hated you but more show them the more positive side of you (of course, this didn't exactly mean that her younger years didn't leave any lasting negative side effects on her). plus, her relationship with her mother further strengthened during these years as well.
high school was where minjung truly blossomed. she was always cheerful and friendly, so people gravitated towards her and she had many friends. it was a great time for her, and she got into many clubs and activities at school. thankfully, her time there was generally drama-free, and so she spent time socializing with friends and trudging through boring homework. although she didn't quite make long-lasting relationships here, more like spending time with people about school or gushing over cute boys, she thought fondly back to these years every time she cracked open her school yearbook or an incident/event reminded her of memories previously made.
having grown up mostly in busan, the decision to move to such a bustling place like seoul was one that had been difficult to make. but minjung was going to a top college there, still unsure of what profession she wanted to go into, and thus, with a heavy heart, she moved away from home and her family. at first, minjung had been rather lonely, as she had no friends and she lived alone, which was a stark difference from her life before. whenever her family would call, she tended to lie to them and say that she was doing just fine though she was doing anything but that. although, with time, minjung became more independent; she paid her own taxes and managed to vanquish any scary bugs encountered in the shower, even though her fear for them only heightened. and, due to her optimistic and cheery nature, she soon began to meet new people, whether they be in university or in high school (contrary to some of her friends' beliefs, no, she is not some sort of pedo noona—she's just very friendly, that's all!).
and then she met him: park kwangho, the man who eventually became her boyfriend. they hit it off extremely well, having met in a class they had together, and minjung had been hooked from the moment he admitted that he enjoyed watching anime. he brought out the romantic side of her, something she had believed she did not have, and when they finally got together after kwangho asked her out on a date, it was a dream come true. she even impulsively decided to get a tattoo with his name on it, floating on cloud nine. that is, for the first few months. soon, they began to grow apart as kwangho was more mature and borderline pessimistic. minjung? not so much either of these things. he eventually broke things off with her after four months of bliss, telling her that she was just too childish for him and minjung fell into a pit of self-loathing, self-pity, and overall laziness. she was often distracted by her past with him, by her belief that maybe she should have an attitude adjustment, and eventually, with her friends' help, decided that it was time to get over him.
her idea to do this? a road trip, just like the ones seen on TV and in movies. one with her close friends; just them and the road stretching on for miles ahead, and maybe even spending some time going from place to place. minjung impulsively bought gear that she believed would be necessary as well as a map of the world (she couldn't find any of just south korea). one day, she unrolled the map, laying it face-up, and closed her eyes. she placed her finger randomly down on the map and opened her eyes to see...a random city in america. not exactly what she was going for. so she tried again. and again. and then one more time. finally, her finger landed on a place she could actually drive to: eden creek. also a place she had never heard of, but she already knew right off the bat that it would be perfect. hence her practically forcing and peer pressuring her close friends to come along with her on their break from school and other arduous tasks, seating them in the precious volkswagen gifted to her by her parents just before she had moved to seoul.
it was time for a change of scenery and, hopefully, a brand new song minjung.
initial impression of eden : though eden creek seems like a quaint little town, it definitely is not the place for me. everything seems so...old, so back-in-the-day, if that makes sense. but it's a great vacationing spot and perfect to get away from materialistic society (even though i miss using my laptop...). i'm sure the others will grow to enjoy it, even if they may be a bit disgruntled at the moment! plus, it's not like they can go anywhere with soojin currently down for the count. oh, my poor baby.
family :
→ father | song yongjae | 49 | lawyer | rational and a quick-thinker, youngjae is a storm in the courtroom. at home, he is pretty much the same. a curt man who dislikes failure, he may be hard on his children academically, but is still kind and rewards them for their efforts. very traditional/religious and conservative. | though yongjae is often times winded and annoyed by his daughter's bright and eccentric personality, he is still a loving and doting father. he secretly is amused by her 'adventures' and has a soft spot for her. he may not always be pleased by her, especially due to her dislike for anything school-related, but at the end of the day he loves her all the same.

→ mother | song sunhee | 47 | freelance writer | sunhee is a woman who is constantly distracted; her head is in the clouds and she is always lost in thought. she is the ideal person to go to for good advice, and she is very warm-hearted and open when approached. sunhee is traditional and conservative to boot, though this is mostly because of her husband; she isn't that religious. | whenever minjung has a huge dilemma, she always looks to her mother for help, who has to be the only person that fully understands minjung. they have a very close, deep bond and sunhee dotes on her, though isn't afraid to be blunt and tell things like they are when it is necessary.

→ brother | song minki | 16 | student | hard-working, intellectual, though a bit on the lazy side, minki is more of a follower than a leader. he often lets other people, namely his parents or sister, do the talking, and can be found boredly staring off into space in the background. he is imaginative, very stubborn, and unwilling to bend to another's reasoning, even if it turns out they were right. | minki is the stereotypical type of brother who tries to make his sister's life difficult. he often 'bullies' minjung but at the end of the day he loves his sister dearly. often comes to minjung for help regarding homework and...well, relationship advice. while minjung also 'bullies' him back tenfold, she is fond of him and always willing to help him out or stand up for him.
new friends :
→ the hospitable sweetheart | minjung is grateful that she allowed them to stay with her, thus she can be found constantly thanking her and generally being around her. they grow to become fast friends.

→ the trapped bird | after getting to know her better, minjung encourages her to leave eden creek if that is her wish and follow her dreams. she also tries to help him with her boy trouble, chen being a good friend of hers.

→ the fragile daydreamer's love interest | once having figured out that he likes her friend, what else could minjung do but cheer him on? she knows that he could be good for her down-in-the-dumps friend, and vows to help them get together any way that she can.
other friends :
 kim hyoyeon | 23 | farmer's daughter | vivacious, spirited, and always looking for a good time, it's obvious that minjung and hyoyeon would hit it off immediately. hyoyeon isn't one to judge, being a kind-hearted person, though often does things for others due to a certain motive. she enjoys making friendly bets to pass time and is usually very laid-back. | when meeting up with the proud royal, her friend, at the farm she works at, sometimes minjung would encounter hyoyeon. often she would be planting seeds or out with the cows or something along those lines, a blissed out smile on her face, and minjung was intrigued by the sight of her. eventually, she couldn't help but go over and talk with the woman. the two immediately hit it off as they were practically kindred spirits and talked animatedly about many subjects. minjung often brings up the fact that hyoyeon is planning to tend to the farm for the rest of her life, strongly believing that someone like hyoyeon should leave eden's creek and live her life more freely. hyoyeon is cold and blunt with her every time she insists upon this, unwilling to speak further on the matter. apart from this, their friendship is as easy-going as their personalities.
enemies :
 jo aesook | 19 | mayor's daughter | quiet, polite, and respectful, though tends to be rather cold and scathing when angered. most of the time, however, she is reserved, level-headed, and picks her battles wisely. | ever since those pesky city kids swaggered in, eden creek has been turned upside down. aesook, one who loathes changes of any kind, hates them the moment she lays eyes on them, but nevertheless is forced to put up with them out of politeness. of course, when she comes across the lively minjung, she immediately is turned off. she tends to talk as less as possible with the woman, even though she constantly comes up to her and talks with such ease and off-handedness that aesook's blood boils. aesook is rather cold and short with her, and when minjung realizes the other girl's dislike for her, she is a bit uncomfortable but keeps on attempting to be friendly whenever their paths cross.
 anything could happen
love interest : kim joonmyun (suho).
back-up love interest : kim jongin (kai).

personality : joonmyun, for the most part, is a man who likes to keep to himself. though he is friendly, it isn't often that he actively goes out and makes friends. having long since finished high school, joonmyun spends his days helping his father out with the 'family business', this being tending to the only garage in eden creek. due to this, he meets many people and always is kind and lively, though often times it is just him taking care of the cars and answering phone calls from any residents with car trouble. he does get lonely, craving human interaction though stuck working the day away, but joonmyun loves and respects his parents and thus he tends not to inform them of his loneliness. while he doesn't have anyone to talk to, he is generally a push over, always willing to help no matter what the problem, be it car or something else, and a great listener. joonmyun is open-minded and secretly enjoys reading adventure books on what little time off he gets from the garage but cannot even begin to imagine a life where he isn't a mechanic and working for his father.

first impression : oh god. oh god. oh god. his body. his arms. his face. he is such a total hunk. and crap he's coming this way. what should i do? what should i say? no, no, minjung. don't panic. don't panic. it doesn't matter anyway what he thinks, right? i'm...i'm not over kwangho yet, after all. but i should be. maybe ogling other men in my vicinity is just what i need.



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