How Our Choices Get Affected (Survey)

Reblogged from Karmablogger :)


How a popular group affects or choices THE SURVEY!
Reblog this to make it usefull. 

I saw in the survey that most of us dermine to read the fanfiction by the popular group used. 
This survey is going to be about how a group affects the popularity of a fanfictions

WARNING!! It does not mean that  a story which writes a story according to the results of the poll might be good or popular. This survey is simply an intake on how popular groups tend to affect or choices in fanfiction. And Iove I Exo, don't misunderstand by doing this poll. 





















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These are good but there are some really good fics that just don't get th3 attention it needs because of the group the author uses. That might be a reason why there's so much exo as well.
Most of these questions are great. Man karmablogger is rolling with these surveys.