Special survey! (Reblogs makes the survey more usefull)

Why is a story popular? THE SURVEY! 
Reblog this and get to understand a story's popularity. 











Random question: This doesn't have to be part of the survey, so you can reblog it if YOU want it to be reblogged.




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MedinaJoy #1
I will stop reading fanfics if the story is not interesting and there are the character i hate and too much wrong grammar including the basic one.
Cool survey~
Will you be blogging the results later? :)
5. If the description/foreword intrigues me, I will either check out a random chapter and scan through it to check on the language or start from the first chapter.

6. A good grasp of English. Flowery vocab doesn't make a difference for me, as long as the writing doesn't prompt me to want to stab the author.

7. Usually I get pissed off when the author brings in topics which need research but didn't actually read up on it. The inaccuracy of information makes me want to strangle him/her. Also, a smooth flow both in plot and words is necessary.

8. The writing is so good I can't stand it and get depressed LOL.

9. I don't actually search for fanfic actively anymore, because I can't be bothered to dig up the hidden gems.

10. I might click on the advertised story if the blurb has perfect English and catches my attention. As for featured stories... it depends.