- - ( Nam Mikyung ) from ( Brisbane, Australia ) - -

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` mimi 
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Username: yeahwut
Activeness: 10
What Should I call you? Laurie
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Birth Name: Nam Mikyung
Nickname/s: Mi, Mimi, Mimi Mouse, Koala GIrl 
Other Name/s: n/a
Birthday: October 31, 1997
Age: 16
Nationality: Korean
Birthplace: Brisbane, Australia
Hometown: Brisbane, Australia
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Height: 154cm
Weight: 46kg
Bloodtype: O-
Ulzzang Name: May
Back-up Ulzzang Name: Chom
Style: Mimi's style is simple and laidback. She likes wearing things that is comfortable to move around in: usually cute graphic t-shirts or maybe a hoodie with a pair of jeans. She's not a big fan of dresses and skirts since they're not all that comfortable to move around in, but she will wear it without fuss if the YG fashion coordinators tell her to. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
> She has faint scars on her knees from falling off her skatebord and skidding onto a ramp last year.
> She wears circle-shaped glasses from time to time (like in the first & last picture) but most of the time, she wears contacts.
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Mikyung is a vibrant and dynamic spirit; her abundance of energy and chatty mouth makes up for her lack of height. She is a bubbly girl who has a loud and cheerful disposition. She is a people-person and enjoys the art of conversation: she is extremely talkative and sometimes people think she is quite a blabbermouth. She is a free-spirited girl who is still quite young, and thus she can be quite a bit childish and rather naive. She never thinks before she acts and often charges into things before thinking about the consequences; she is a very impulsive, curious and spontaneous person who lives in the moment; she can make very stupid decisions in the heat of the moment without looking at the logical side of the situation. She has a low attention span as she is always jumping on from one thing to the next.
Mimi is a complete extrovert; she enjoys making friends and being under the limelight. She has a fear of being lonely, often craving attention, and she can often comes across as clingy. She always wants other people's company, and she is extremely affectionate towards other people. Mimi is overly-trusting and loyal, and can be described to be like a playful puppy. She is an outspoken girl whose only motive in life is to have fun. Her proactive #yolo nature can either be seen as reckless stupidity or admirable bravery. Even though she is quite an airhead and not very smart - she almost failed tenth grade - she is a very passionate person when it comes to music.
> Sweet food (especially chocolate milk)
> Food in general really (except for anything bitter!)
> Disney movies
> ANIIMMAALLS (when she was younger she wanted to be a zoo-keeper)
> Soccer (she used to be on her school's soccer team)
> Pizza (especially Hawaiian pizza)
> Little kids
> People who cook/buy food for her
> Video games
> Being piggybacked
> Anything maths-related
> Anything school-related honestly
> Reading
> Realy cold/hot weather
> Lightning & thunder
> Bossy people
> Bitter food
> Being hungry
> Arrogant people
> Coffee
 > eating 
> playing the ukulele
> skateboarding
> watching movies
> playing video games
> skyping her brothers back in Australia
> Snoring in her sleep, occasionally sleep-talking.
> Glomping her fellow Rosetta members and friends.
> Addressing all her friends informally.
> Talking really fast when she's nervous.
> Photobombing & making derp faces in unofficial photos.
> She is noted for having a big stomach despite being a little girl; people have commented on how much she eats yet never seems to grow.
> The only instrument she knows how to play is the ukulele.
> She can speak fluent English & Korean.
> She still sleeps with her childhood teddybear, Gom-Gom.
> She is extremely good at tolerating spicy food.
> She really really really at cooking. Really.
> She would like to travel to New York one day.
> It is easy for her to fall asleep quickly.
> She knows a lot of random fun facts about all sorts of animals!
> She has a really weird, high-pitched laugh that often gets other people laughing at her.
> When she sneezes she sounds like a mouse.
> She is scared of clowns.
> She is very self-conscious of her dancing skills.
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Mikyung was born on Halloween in Brisbane, Australia as a middle child and only daughter in her family; she had two elder brothers, a twin brother, and a younger brother. As a result, she was brought up to be a bit of a tomboy despite her mother's attempts to make her daughter more feminine. Her mother would dress her up in cute little outfits when going out, but Mikyung always would end up getting it dirty or torn. By the time Mikyung was 5, her mother gave up and just let her do what she want. 
Mikyung was 13 when her parents told her and her brothers they were going to move to Seoul, South Korea. Mikyung knew Korean pretty well from conversing with her parents at home, but other than that she spoke complete English. Despite this, Mikyung was excited about the move and making new friends in a whole different country. At her new school, she was known as the short English-speaking, skateboarding girl.
For the most part of her life, Mikyung wanted to be a zoo-keeper; however, when she moved to Australia, she became immersed in the Korean music industry and became fascinated with the idols (in fact, she'd say that through MVs they kind of taught her Korean!) Rather than the vocals or choreography, Mikyung was always awed with the rapping. When Mikyung was 14, the opportunity arised for her to go to a YG audition and that was the kickstart of her road to fame.
Nam Jinwoo | 53 | Father | Cardiac surgeon | Gentle, understanding, sympathetic | Mikyung and her father may be complete polar opposites, but she's a daddy's little girl who always got what she wanted from him.
Nam Heeyeon | 52  | Mother | Nurse Headstrong, sassy, kindhearted | Mikyung and her mother are even more like sisters than mother-daughter; her mother jokes because that they are the only two girls in the family, they should stick together.
Nam Daesun | 24 | Elder brother | University student (fine arts) | Protective, gregarious, humorous | Daesun and Mikyung used to pull many pranks on each other when they were younger. Daesun still often teases his little sister, but he always means well; he always has her back. (In addition, he told Mikyung to give his phone number to Taeyeon.)
Nam Kyuhwan | 19 | Elder brother  | University student (engineering) | Studious, sarcastic, witty | Mikyung always looked up to Kyuhwan as a child, and she still does. Kyuhwan taught her and Minsoo how to skateboard.
Nam Minsoo | 16 | Twin brother (younger by 4 minutes) | 10th grade student; YG trainee | Shy, laidback, good-natured Being the elder twin, Mikyung used to boss around Minsoo quite a bit (and she still sometimes does.) The two of them are best friends up to this day.
Nam Yoonshik | 14 | Younger brother | 7th grade student | Daring, spoilt, rebellious| If asked about Yoonshik, Mimi would say affectionately that he is a spoilt little brat, but she loves him anyway. Yoonshik is a troublemaker, and his elder sister doesn't exactly stop him from causing mayhem.
Choi Rinah 16 | Best friend | 10th grade student Wise, sweet, docileRinah is the girl who has stuck by Mikyung ever since Mikyung moved to Seoul; both girls are pretty much like sisters.
( + her twin brother. c: )
Kim "Suho" Junmyeon | 22 | Friend | EXO-K's Leader | Gentle, amiable, caring Suho is not just another brother to Mikyung, but practically another father (she even says he reminds her of her dad!) Suho dotes on Mikyung a lot, he joked once in an interview that he'd let no boy near her.
Jeon Jungkook | 16 | Friend | BTS's Maknae | Mischievous, playful, audacious | Mentioned in the Love interest section.
( + the other girls in the group c: )
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Love Interest: 
Choi "Zelo" Junhong 17 | October 15, 1996 | Member of B.A.P | Fangirl/crush
Zelo is a fun-loving and cheerful, half-glass-full kid; initially, he comes across as shy but when you get to know him you find him to be quite a mischievous and dorky friend to have. He is a strong-willed and good-natured person who likes to have fun just like Mimi does; their personalities are rather similar, he is still basically just a kid. He's very charming and fun-loving.
How You Met? 
( I want this to take place in the story, not before the story if that's cool? Like, they meet each other & the interviews happen during the story. If I get accepted of course >u<;)
Mimi was a bit of a fangirl of Zelo when she was a trainee and he debuted in B.A.P. When Mimi debuted in 2013, it somehow in the media that she was a fangirl of Zelo (much to her embarrassment) and some people even began shipping them together. Zelo was totally unaware of this, and one day he was asked in an interview about the maknae from Rosetta. He was completely caught offguard and everyone laughed. However, after that, he went to find this supposed fangirl and that is how Mimi and Zelo first met.
Relationship towards each other. 
After their meeting, Mimi and Zelo kept in touch; they find out they have quite a lot in common; and they eventually become very close friends. They skateboard a lot together and sometimes Zelo gives her tips on rapping. They are pretty good friends now according to Zelo, but Mimi still privately maintains her fangirl-crush on Zelo (who is very oblivious to it; he thought the media was exaggerating about her adoration for him.) The other members of B.A.P tease Zelo about her.
Back-Up Love Interest: BTS's Jungkook
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Stage Name: Mimi
Persona: The Childish Tomboy
Rolemodel: Kim Taeyeon, because she is such an awesome leader to SNSD!
"A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous." - Coco Chanel
Personal Fanclub name: Koalas
Fanclub Color:   alice blue
 Main Rapper, Main Dancer
Lead Vocalist, Sub-dancer
Main Dancer, Vocalist
Lead Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Lead  Dancer, Sub-rapper
Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer
Talents: Skateboarding & knowing random fun facts about animals.
Side Jobs: None. She would like to be a MC, though.
How did she get into YG Entertainment? She auditioned when she was 14 years old; her charming and talkative personality played a major influence since her rapping wasn't very good at the time.
Trainee Experience: Although Rosetta is a somewhat dance-orientated girlgroup, learning the choreography never came naturally for Mikyung and it still really doesn't. She's an extremely dorky dancer, in all honesty; she dances for fun the way she likes to, and she doesn't like having to follow particular movements. Her choreographed dances are often a little rigid, and she will receive a lot of criticism for this. As a trainee, she found the dancing particularly hard and there were days when she was sore all over (as a result of forgetting to stretch before and after every session.) She's still kind of amazed she made it into Rosetta.
Trainee Years: 2 years
( singing/rapping skill depends on position being chosen ) 
Singing Skill:
Dancing Skill: 
Rapping Skill: 
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Killer Question: 
>> Why did you choose to apply in Rosetta? <<
because it's so pretty! o u ob Plus, idk, you seemed like a reliable author.
Questions? Why is there no "lead rapper" position? orz;
Suggestions? Weekly idol hehe.
Comments? Hope you liked Mimi, please tell me if there's anything wrong with my app & I'll fix it ^ ^ HAHAHHA her dancing style is really dorky I know. XD
Scene Request? A lot of kawaii fluff scenes please! Plus how Mikyung & Zelo first meet hehehe, and interview questions to the two of them about the other. Keke.
Haeng un eul bi leo yo !



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