〈 EXO // PROJECT IRIS AND HERA ↷ park eunah



yeahwut | 5 | laurie
BIRTH NAME / Park Eunah ( 박은아 )
DOB & AGE / August 8, 1994 / 20 years old.
BIRTH PLACE / Seoul, South Korea
HOME TOWN / Seoul, South Korea
LANGUAGES / Fluent Korean, conversational English.
ULZZANG / Kang Sura
STYLE / Eunah doesn't pay too much attention generally to what she wears; just as long as it's comfortable, clean, and conservative. Her wardrobe consists of mainly sweatshirts, jumpers and hoodies; she doesn't like exposing her arms, although onstage she obviously has to let her pet peeve aside. A typical outfit of Eunah's would be a knitted sweater over a peter-pan collar, good jeans (replaced by shorts or a skirt if it's a particularly warm day) and a pair of Chuck Taylors (she has an impressively wide collection of Converses at her disposal.)
HEIGHT & WEIGHT / 164 cm / 50 kg
OTHERS / Park Eunah isn't the shortest nor tallest of the girls of EXO, nor does she find herself particularly special in any way compared to them. She believes herself to be of stunningly average appearance, really. Eunah has dark brown, slightly wavy hair that cascades down to the middle of her back. She has a round, oval face with a healthy pink glow to her cheeks and kindly dark eyes. Her physique could be more described as lithe and athletic rather than petite and slim. She has no tattoos, scars, piercings or any mark on her body to speak of - she privately wishes for them, for her lacklustre body would tell such a story - but she does treasure wearing a ring on her left pinky finger.
SHORT BIO / Born in Seoul, South Korea and staying in Seoul for the whole twenty years of her life, Park Eunah may never have left her city but sure did she crave the spotlight. Born to a family as the only child, her parents had high expectations for their only daughter to do well. At school, she was a studious student who blended in with the crowd. A typical wallflower with impeccable marks. Eunah didn't make any effort to stand out, fearing people judging her. The only extra-curricular activities she participated in at school were school plays and musicals, where she was able to become a completely different person from the shy, bumbling awkward turtle she believes herself to be. She's a truly dynamic, graceful stage performer when she loses her mind into the arts; but other than that, Park Eunah seems like your typical, average young adult who's trying to find a place in the world.
QUOTE / "No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonerful legacy to leave behind." - Taylor Swift
Just as Park Chanyeol is the happy virus and Oh Sehun is the lispy poker-faced child and Kim Junmyeon is the mother hen, Eunah is also seamlessly categorized by EXOtics in such a way. Stereotypically, she's known as a sweet-hearted flower because she is dubbed as a genuinely generous person; thinking about Eunah, one may picture a fairy princess. Unicorns are said to be attracted to fair, pure maidens. If she's not a fair and pure maiden, then she's nothing. She and Lay are counterparts of one another as a homage to the mythologies. Eunah has an ethereal presence and is seen as an angel with a sweetkind-hearted temperament that typically makes her seen as D.O's twin (though she's certainly not as much as a neat freak.) Eunah oozes gentleness and loveliness, as she's always polite and mild-manneredShe treats everyone with respect and constantly worries over the littlest things such as a scratch on somebody's knee or a small sarcastic comment. "Are you okay?" are words which constantly pop out of , and you'd probably never witness her speaking one cruel word to another person. She doesn't understand why people can't just cut each other some slack and live peacefully; because if anything, Eunah is nothing if not a pacifier; she hates conflict in any shape or form. Eunah is in tune with other people's emotions; being extremely empathic and able to quickly understand other people's feelings, always the first to tell if something's wrong with someone. She's a sensitive person who - cliché but true - cares a lot about other people more than herself. But don't think that she's always calm in addition to nice. She's a delicateemotional soul who can be a bit of a crybaby as her emotions are rather fragile. You'd catch her eyes watering when watching a character death in a movie, or reading the ending of a book - if it's happy, she'll cry (from joy) and if it's sad, she'll cry harder. Eunah is overall a charitable person who genuinely cares for the wellbeing of other people; the members of EXO all regard the girl with a protective sort of feeling. Because really? Eunah's persona is the epitome of sugar, spice, and everything nice; and it's a facade she learns to adapt to.
Park Eunah is pretty sure she's just an average girl who got lucky in becoming a K-idol; she honestly is still in a shock that she's living her dream, even now. Nothing special - that's how she would describe herself. However, she is a hard-working and dedicated person; well of course. Every successful person must be to get to where they are. But if while other people will put 120% of their effort, she will try her best to put even more. She strives for the best, being a perfectionist who's extremely hard on herself. In fact, her greatest enemy is not other people's judgement but rather, her own judgement. She never finds herself being enough, and she works hard to achieve her goals quietly and diligently. Though she never dares show it, she privately envies the dynamic, compelling natures of the extroverts in EXO and admires them very much. However, it's difficult for her to attain the charismatic approach, never coming up with witticisms that are good enough or jokes that are funny enough, and especially she can never muster the confidence to deliver them. Just because she's ambitious doesn't mean that she's confident. Still, she does try her best to boost her self-esteem and act as though she's got it all sorted out (even if she's far from it.) Though she may be multi-talented, she doesn't find herself particularly witty or exuberant, or endearing in any sort of way really. Though she has a passion for performance and dance, when it comes to talking she's rather soft-spoken. But she can be nice. Anyone can be nice. Thus, Eunah sticks with being a sweetheart; kindness is underrated.
Deep beneath her benign demeanor, there is more to Park Eunah than her persona of kindness; it stems from one reason, that reason being the trait which is her definition and her bane: she is an extremely insecure mess. She's a perfectionist because of her insecurity, and she's a sweetheart because of her insecurity. Indeed, she cares a lot about other people; but even more, she cares a lot about what other people think. Especially about her. Scared of being laughed at, scared of being hated, scared of being criicized, scared of people being angry at her, scared of being lonely; what do her major fears have in common? They all involve other people. Indeed, Eunah's deepest fear is of other people. Ironic, given her compassionate nature; but rather, her nature derives from her fears as over-compensation. She admires and wishes that she would be like the people who seem as though they don't care about what others think of them and does whatever they want. This is why she is an indecisive push-over; not because she wants what's best for other people (as her persona may suggest) but because she doesn't want to be hated, or disliked in any way for that matter. Another irony is how the cynical EXOtics who are anti-fans of her dislike her particularly because of her overly-sweet nature, believing it to be a fake act. Well, you can't have everything.
Park Eunah was born in Seoul, South Korea. Her father was a dentist and her mother was a consultant for a big business company. Both parents loved their daughter dearly, but that didn't change the fact that they were serious traditionalists; wanting Eunah to become something of the law or medical persuasion, maybe commerce, but not anything in the path of music. Music was merely a recreational activity; Eunah was given private tuition for piano lessons from the age of 6 and violin lessons from the age of 12. Raised to be a proper lady, Eunah was taught to respect her elders and to behave demurely; and these virtues stick with her up until now, being a rather prominent factor into the way her personality has been shaped. As a girl, Eunah was clucked over by adults and loved by the neighbourhood kids whom she babysitted occasionally; but she had particular trouble in conversing with people her own age. She wasn't one to play on the playground with all the other kids - she'd rather to sit and read, or daydream alone. Still, if somebody would fall off a swing, she would run over to help. If she saw somebody being bullied, she would go tell an adult.
As she got older, though, Eunah did begin to crave friends her own age but was struck by one major obstacle: she was extremely shy. As a major pushover, other kids would take advantage of her and sweet-talk her into giving them her yummy dosirak or copying off her homework. She was okay with it, believing that it meant they were friends. However, when she turned 7, she was confronted with a horrifying nightmare-come-to-life: nobody attended her birthday party. The flashback still traumatizes her when she thinks of it: waiting on the porch of her house, waiting for guests who would never come in her blue party gown and silver crown on her head. Her mother and father got angry at the other parents, and it was through this that the children sheepishly apologised to Eunah the next day. Eunah accepted their apologies, and all was forgiven and forgotten; second-graders don't hold grudges for too long, not when they're desperate for friendship.
Middle school came and went, Eunah devoted her time studying and made the conscious effort of friends at her new school (thankfully, a private school away from all the tiny menaces.) She made a careful note not to be taken advantage of, and she made a careful note to be nice to everybody and anybody. This went on until high school, and Eunah became well-liked because who cannot like a girl who is nice? She may not be particularly funny, she may not be particularly bizarre, she may be boring and dull: but she's nice, so that was okay.
Maybe Eunah was going to set off and become a doctor or something; but when she reached the age of 13, she developed her first celebrity crush on none other than Rain and began finding herself lured in by the industry. She craved attention, she craved the spotlight, she craved being spectacular. Taking up singing and dance lessons outside of school despite her parents' disgruntlement. She began taking part in the school musicals and choir, devoting her time to things other than studying. After 3 arduous years of  preparation, she auditioned for SM entertainment 2 times (when she was 16 she failed, when she was 17 she got in.) Her parents were certainly not impressed by their daughter's ambition, but they decided to let her do it since she juggled her double lives brilliantly; still achieving straight-As despite so. Like every wallflower's dream, she became the talk of her school and people began noticing her.
▲ sunsets
▲ children
▲ rom coms
▲ spicy food
▲ milk
▲ harmony
▲ cleanliness
▲ sweet food
▲ the cold
▲ jokes at other people's expenses 
▲ practical jokes
▲ wasps
▲ being sick
▲ being condescended
▲ practising
doing random acts of kindness
hanging out with the other members
 Covering when laughing/eating food
 Using phonetics a lot, using respectful & formal language even around close friends.
 Covering her face when she's embarrassed.
 Googling herself up a lot, just to see what other people are saying about her.
 Freezes when she's panicked or nervous.
Eunah knows how to play the piano (14 years) and violin (8 years.) She wishes she knew how to play the guitar, however.
 She cannot cook to save her life.
 She has a weird, high-pitched giggle when she laughs.
 Her role model is EXO-K's Suho, she really looks up to him a lot.
 Her Mandarin is horrible but she makes a valiant effort to communicate with Yixing & the other Chinese members.
 If asked, she would say that the cutest guy in EXO is her counterpart; but if the interviewer will push her to choose  somebody else, she'll say Kyungsoo. (because he is adorable.)
▲ She sleeps with her childhood teddybear, Gom-Gom.
▲ Park Dongwon | 48 | highschool teacher | father | reserved, distant, conventional, sensible.
▲ Park Junhee | 49 | lawyer | mother | strict, meticulous, determined, firm 
▲ Do Kyungsoo | 21 | EXO member | good friend | dependable, considerate, friendly, gentleman.
▲ Park Chanyeol | 21 | EXO member | good friend | cheerful, lively, exuberant, energetic.
The most fiery & dynamic  of the other chosen characters | age depends on chosen applicant | EXO member | passionate, headstrong, ambitious, charismatic (idk, it depends.. will edit if Eunah's chosen & the other members are revealed if that's ok OTL )


LOVE INTEREST / Kim "Kai" Jongin
BACK UP LOVE INTEREST / Kim "Chen" Jongdae
Kai Perfection on legs; that is what Eunah believed of Kai, as she watched him from afar with awe when she would spot him in training. As trainees, there were a couple of sessions in which she noticed his raw talent in dance; other times, she was too busy focusing on her own. Mainly he was just another guy in the room of cute boys. But already, Kim Jongin was a name among the trainees when they placed bets on who would debut first; Eunah made sure to steer clear from them, because she felt such gambling was cruel. Kai and Eunah never quite talked, not until they were informed they were going to debut together as EXO. That was when they started getting properly acquainted with each other.
▲ Chen A mischievous troublemaker and that was that. Eunah's first impression of Chen was not the best; she knew him from his frivolous and outlandish jokes during practice, always hearing the guffaws from the other end of the room. She never knew of his name until the cluster of to-be EXO members were gathered and told that they were going to debut as a 24-membered group. Still, she was adamant to believe there was more to the joker than it seemed.
▲ Kai Though both are somewhat stunning performers onstage, it doesn't dismiss the fact they're serious awkward turtles around each other offstage. Clumsy, soft-spoken conversation and small smiles pretty much make up the relationship between the two members. They're two sides of the same coin; but their relationship is not even a friendship as of yet, at most it is barely an acquaintanceship. Their relationship seems as though it will have to progress quite slowly, unfortunately.
▲ Chen She did try to believe that he had a more profound being beneath his jolly facade, but it was extremely difficult for her to find it because everytime they were together he would spring yet another wisecrack onto her and catch her offguard. You know how they say that when a little boy likes a girl, he makes fun of her? Well, that's how Kim Jongdae operates apparently. But Eunah does glimpse his more serious side and as time goes by, she's shedding his arrogant front as he also helps her let go of her insecurities.
TRAINEE HISTORY / Eunah was a trainee for 3 years; she generally stuck to business. Rapping was definitely not her thing, so she stuck with dancing and singing. Training was arduous but well worth the sore body she would wake up with the next day (oh, she always forgot to stretch before and after practice) and her closest friends as a trainee were 2 other girls who are also now in EXO! (will edit this if Eunah gets chosen & girls are revealed. OTL) It was all like an after-school class on weekends and such. She was acquaintances with other EXO members; specifically, Tao and Sehun and they would occasionally engage in chitchat from time to time.
PERSONA / The darling angel
POWER & BADGE / Invisibility 
SPECIALTY / Singing.
REQUESTS / mm..  will be added later because i'm braindead atm .__.
SUGGESTIONS / i'm so sorry! i'd love to contribute but i don't listen to girlgroup songs OTL
QUESTIONS & COMMENTS / yeah i know the password is simple but it really is my fave part.. it's such a powerful move, you know?? asdfghjkl. ; u ; anyways yeah, i am so in love with your fic & i hope you liked eunah! c: sorry because this was rushed & it is getting really late, I was super excited for this fic. If you choose Chen as her love interest, could Kai be like her crush at the start? o u ov
PASSWORD / (✿ ⌒‿⌒)



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coeurvoisier #1
i feel like hugging her srsly
p e r f ok. and kang sura is cute too, totally fits the personality