☬ Obscure; The Paradox Application » Otsuka Tokutaro

O B S C U R E ; O T S U K A   T O K U T A R O ; T H E   R I G H T H A N D M A N

username: yeahwut activity level: 5


Who Am I?

Name: Otsuka Tokutaro // 大塚徳太郎
Taro: his full name is quite the mouthful, with or without his surname; thus he introduces himself as Otsuka Taro. Many don't even know the fact that Taro is a nickname rather than his real first name; only those close to him do.
 Tokki: out of the close acquaintances who do actually know his full name, the Korean ones thus christen him a cute and fluffy nickname (meaning bunny) as a play on words with the "Toku" he left out. Close enough. It's a means of irony, since come on, he's as cute and fluffy as a fire-breathing dragon.
           Tofutaro: also used by the close acquaintances, obviously a nickname combining "tofu" and his full first name.
           The Brat//Jerk/Smart-/etc: it's so common among the members of Obscure for using such insults to refer to him (eg "Have you seen the asshat?"), that it's become a kind of nickname. He doesn't give a though. ("Honestly, can't they come up with anything more creative?")
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: Japanese
Date of Birth:  06/08/1991
Age: 22
Blood Type: AB
Height: 183cm // 6ft
Weight: 64kg // 142lbs
Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan.


It's Only A Mask

Apperance: Park Jaehyun
Links: [
1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

Back up: Park Tae Jun
Links: [
1] [2] [3]


Casual: [1] [2] [3]
 [1] [2] [3]
Formal: [1] [2] [3]

Other: Tokutaro has a piercing on the lobe of his left and right ears, simple black studs for both; he also has a long, pink scar running diagonally on his left rib. In addition, he has a dimple on his right cheek which shows when he genuinely smiles (rather than his usual smirk.)


Into The Depths of Me


 In a nutshell: brusque, snarky, macho, hot-headed, perfectionist, trustworthy.

When he first landed himself in Obscure, Taro was a solitary and private kid who was mute for months before he finally eased into the community. Now, he's hardly recognisable from the quiet loner he once was because he. Never. Shuts. His. Mouth. In describing Mr Otsuka, his fellow team members would call him an asshat - and that's them putting it nicely. Taro is an extremely snarky loudmouth who, on many occasions, often comes across as haughty and rude. All in all, more or less, the rest of Obscure have gotten used to putting up with him and his . He has an endless supply of sarcastic witticisms up his sleeve, which are more than often uncalled for. Wry and mocking, he holds an attitude problem and repels people from him with his sharp tongue; but don't take it too personally, because he just has major trust issues in general. With a complete lack of respect for authoritative figures, he's hard-headed as he chooses to only listen to himself and himself only (with an exception to The Leader, that is; they're bros.) Taking care of himself is but second nature for him, and he only steps back when he completely trusts the person he's enabling himself to obey; you must be a helluva worthy person to have won his trust.

Brutally blunt and honest, he's not one to sugarcoat his words and tact is not his forte; he tells it as it is and keeps it real. Posessing undeniably brilliant eloquence and a rather high amount of intelligence, Taro is a strategist who analyses situations and ideas extremely well. Though he may be unpopular with his fellow Obscure members, they would begrudgingly admit that he is pretty damn smart and his power is pretty damn amazing. But while he is a smart cookie, his best mate The Leader has got it all down pat and balanced out, while Taro's large and sensitive ego holds him back from being true leadership material. It's easy to bruise his dignity and he can be quite sensitive, leading to a rather mercurial and short temper. He hates looking weak and tries to appear strong and masculine. With a temper as hot as the fiery pits of hell, light his fuse and you'll find that kitty's got claws. Add that to his impulsive and impetuous nature (he never thinks thoroughly while seeing red) and you find it to be a disastrous equation. All his good sense and logic flies out the window, as his emotions take rein of him; the heart is but stronger than the mind. Reckless and brash when he's pumped with frustration, he has a tendency to make decisions in the moment which are not always the best. 

So yes, he is a pain in the but when Otsuka Taro is serious then do take notice. When he means business, he means business. Quite the perfectionist, Taro never very satisfied until something is completely flawless; he can be somewhat harsh and strict at times to the other members, which is ironic considering how he himself dislikes being bossed around. But he never means harm to them. Peel away his fiery nature, and you see that Taro really has a good head on his shoulders; he always has good intentions in his mind, always trying to do what's best. He's the classic tsundere type; actually extremely awkward in expressing kindness, he does so in little and subtle ways which often go unnoticed. Being charming and nice is not his strong suit; he isn't a major people-person, that's for sure. But generally, Taro has your back. He's loyal and trustworthy, even though he may act otherwise.  Obscure is his family. Now, anyone outside the gang who tries to harm them? Yeahno, you're going down. Only he's allowed to treat them like , tyvm.


→ Witty humour: he lives and breathes on it, and appreciates anybody who can keep up with him.
→ 80's rock music: it energizes him, what can he say? The classic rock stuff: Led Zeppelin, Metallica, The Rolling Stones, AC/DC, Nirvana, Guns n Roses, Queen, Kiss... a surefire way to get him pumped up.
→ Caffeine: he loves his caffeine, it helps him stay awake during the day (and he is NOT a morning person.)
→ Sweet foodTaro has a major sweet tooth, a somewhat contrasting trait to his tough demeanor. He loves his sugar, got a problem?
  Dogs: A man's best friend, they say; and they're right. Taro has a love for these creatures, and his soft side shows in regard for that of the canine persuasion.


→ Taller peopleit makes him feel dominant being the taller one, and he dislikes it quite a lot when it's the other way around.
→ Being bossed aroundunless it's The Leader; but other than that, no one tells him what to do. No way José.
→ Looking weakwell, who likes looking weak?
→ Being treated as inferior: You either treat him as an equal or treat him as a god, okay?
→ CatsWhile Taro is a dog lover, he's definitely not a cat person; and cats all hate him too, for some strange and weird reason; he can't be in the proximity of one without acquiring a few scratches.


→ Annoying fellow Obscure members
→ Exercising & sports
→ Reading


→ Scowling/smirking a lot (it's usually one of the two expressions.)
→ When he's pissed, he takes his anger out on objects near him (eg: smashing chairs, throwing things, etc.) He'll never hurt people, though.
 His whole body visibly shakes whenever he feels nervous or scared. ("What? I'm shaking? Well, I guess it's just cold in here.")


Who Is This Family You Speak Of?


→ Father | Otsuka Takashi | 51
Mother | Akimoto Misora | 45
→ Brother | Otsuka Ryuu | 19

Family History:

Born in Tokyo, Japan as the eldest son of the Otsuka family (hence the name "Tokutaro" - virtuous first son) he grew up as a member of your typical wealthy, high-class family. The Otsuka family had a fine reputation, but underneath the surface was strain and tension; they had to work hard to get at where they were, and they weren't going to let go of it. Because of this tireless facade of flawlessness, Tokutaro learnt to become a strict perfectionist as a result of his parents' influence. Sent to the best, prestigious academy in Japan alongside his younger brother, people concluded that his profound knowledge came from the schooling. He remained under the radar for only a little while, and sooner or later it was realised that he was a certified child prodigy when he was no more than the age of 13; the ripe age of growth and development, and essentially when his powers began fully take place. Rather than disgust, his parents were overjoyed; their son was a genius, for Christ's sake. They would brag about it at conferences and among their friends; Taro was even called for television and newspaper interviews. He was Japan's little brainchild; the Einstein of the future. And then - rather than his parents casting him out - Taro ran away from home a few weeks into the fuss; it had been too suffocating for him. As soon as his runaway status was put in headlines, an Obscure member used enhanced tracking to find the child genius and offered him to stay at their headquarters.

As aforementioned, Taro was a silent kid during his first days in Obscure; preferring to keep to himself, he didn't interact with many of the others at all. This was as a result of the rise-to-fame thing; he was apprehensive about opening his mouth in the case that people would regard him with awe and not treat him normally. Trust issues had developed in him from fake friends who wanted to befriend him in order for him to do their homework and so they can say that they were friends with a real-live famous person. But Taro did, eventually, ease his way into Obscure after overcoming these issues and placing his trust in his new family. Now he's practically unrecognisable as he rose to the top, a changed man: he was now proud of his power to the point of arrogance, even. And the rest is history.


My Only Real Family

Best Friend:

→ The Leader | depends on applicant | leader of Obscure | close friend; like a brother | Calm, laid-back, stern, firm.

Friends: LOL pls no sane person wants to be his friend


It's Supernatural

Position: The Right-hand Man
Power: Intuitive Aptitude
In Particular: He turns green and muscly His eyes turn a golden-amber colour.

Fears: Claustrophobia (the fear of having no escape & being in confined spaces), Monophobia (the fear of being alone), Nyctophobia (fear of the dark), atychiphobia (fear of failure), fear of the unknown. Yep; although he may act brusque, he isn't fearless. Put them all together and you've got one terrified Taro.
Weakness: His short temper & impulsivity which comes along with it.
Advantages: Physically strong & intelligent (obviously.)


See You In The After Life

Comments/Suggestions/Questions?: not really ~ good luck with your story, i'm excited for it! OCxOC is cute. Hope you liked Taro & he wasn't too far from what you had in mind LOL orz even so, I hope you could fit him in your story somehow.

Password: Obscure (lol even though i'm cool with reading horror, i hate HATE horror movies omfg ;A;)




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