J O ▲ H : Dating Agency » jung mira ; staff «

nickname - Laurie c:
activeness - 10

✗ Jung Mira  31 July, 1992  163cm & 50kg  female
background - Jung Mira was born into a family where she would've grown up listening to a sensible father and
a solemn mother; but instead, her parents passed away when Mira was no more than 2 years old, and Mira was
sent to live with her dorky uncle and his even-dorkier boyfriend at that is how Jung Mira ended up as the cheery
and eccentric oddball she is now, and not the diligent, studious prodigy she could've possibly become. They're
all one big happy family (including their baby bulldog Coco), it's such a cheesy and corny sight really.
personality traits - childish // quirky // easygoing // enthusiastic // imaginative

likes - greasy food // running // anything remotedly romantic // animals (especially bugs) // country or rap music
dislikes - tea & coffee // early mornings // cold weather // vegetables // cats
habits - being a clumsy idiot // talking to animals (esp. Coco) // avoiding eyes when lying
hobbies - playing otome games // reading shoujo manga // knitting things for friends
trivia -
she plays the ukulele // she is a horrible singer but thinks she's amazing (her uncles always lied to her
so they wouldn't hurt her feelings) // noob with technology // extremely messy // at cooking // when she was
little, she wanted to join the circus (still kinda does but hey a dating agency is cool) // often scares people away
because she comes on very strong, and she often clings to them after 2 seconds of knowing them // interprets every
relationship as a potential romantic relationship (eg: best friends? aw, how adorable. bitter enemies? naawwww.
a random guy you just met two seconds ago? you guys would look nice together. a guy you accidentally bumped
into on the bus? omg, that'll make a cute story on how you first met.)

✗faceclaim - Su Eun
✗links - ▲    
✗back-up faceclaim - Min Gee
✗back-up links - ▲    
✗style - Sweet and slightly old-fashioned; peter pan collars, demure dresses, and vintage chic is basically what sums
up her style. She flaunts her girly clothes shamelessly and happily. 

love interest - Park Kyung
personality traits - free-spirited // blithe // fun-loving // insouciant // honest
back-up love interest - Lee Howon
back-up personality traits - charming // confident // hardworking // witty // blunt

     - why did you decide to join J O 
 H : Dating Agency? ; 

    the dating agency is so, like, so cute and so adorable and fun and ARGH! (/fans her face) i wanted
    to join because even though i have like zero dating experience whatsoever - unless you count my
    games, then i've dated many men - i swear, i have mad skills. acting as cupid will be so fun. and the
    joy of seeing a happy couple together, ohmagawd. (/squealing)

     - matchmaking experience ;     
    two years, technically, but even before that i used to love to wingwoman my friends and find cute
   people for them to hook up with! (/beaming grin)

     - how many couples have you matched before? ; 
    a lot - oh gosh i ship everyone with everyone, i swear - but well, professionally i've matched exactly

    thirty-two couples! do you need me to list them? i can remember everyone. yeah? okay. so my first
    couple was aesook and jiho, oh gosh they were so cute. then there was yongsuk and haebyul, and-
    hm? you just wanted to know how many couples i matched? oh, okay, whoops! (/two thumbs up) 32~

     - status. if dating, state who & do you want to end up with this person? - 
    i'm dating yoh tomoe on starry sky, and- oh. i guess they wouldn't count, then? (/pouts) fiiine. i'm
    currently single. happy? (/fake-sobs)

CLIENTS ONLY (cross out if this does not pertain to your chara)
     - why did you come to J O 
 H : Dating Agency? ; (reason you came to get your lovelife fixed.)
     - dating experience ; (how long was have you dated. like, as in been in a relationship. ex. dating one
person for eight months and another for four months so your experience is one year. remember the age!)
     - any past relationships? if so, elaborate plz ; (who & why you broke up. remember, not all break ups
are tragic!)
     - status. if dating, state who & do you want to end up with this person? - (yeah...)

✗comments? - this was the shortest & fastest app i have ever completed, bless you. ; u ; sometimes i get so freaken
lazy applying tbh. anywayz, yeah i hope you enjoyed reading my app & yeah tell me if anything's wrong with it. cries
cos yeah i wanted trolldae but that's cool, i had a chance to use my non-exo biases who i kinda forgot about when i
began obsessing over exo so thankyou hahaha. \o/

✗suggestions? - i'll add them later! c:
✗password - J O  H



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