MNET 20's Choice Awards. -Best of the Night.

--My two favorite performances of the night (and best stages of the night) goes to... *Drumrolls*


Infinite: Despite the little set backs, like Dongwoo's cursed mic! (he looked so frustreated t.t) Everything was freaking flawless. My babies are back. *dies* But that's not the point. The point is, that they did an amazing job. I'm really in love with Destiny, the song, the clothes, the video, the concept, the dance. It's all so freaking good. I haven't felt this way about an Infinite song since BTD. Notice the little trands in what kinds of songs I like from them. Their performance level has not dropped down an ounce and I feel that they're better than ever. I really love this look on them. This is, in my opinion, the best they've all ever looked. From hair to outfits. Sungyeol is so yum with his haircut and I like this more masculine look on Sungjong. (The two of them even have more parts) And my two favs: Sunggyu and L... Oh dear. Let's not get into that shall we. Instead, let us all enjoy the epicness that is Infinite.

2NE1: First off, KWON TWIN ABS GALORE!!!!!!!!!! And now that that is out of my systerm, lets begin. I know I have said it before, and I'll say it again... these girl truly are the best. When it comes to showmanship and charisma and demanding attention while owning the stage, no one beats them. And this isn't coming from a biased perspective but from the perspective of an American concert goer. People don't understand that the reason they appeal to Americans in some way or another is because they have that factor. In America, you can't just be a pretty face. If you don't own the stage and command it and grab the attention of your audience, then you''ll flounder. I've been to dozens of concerts and festivals and know for a fact that there are two types of performers... the type that doesn't go against the grain and sticks to what they know and the more daring that isn't afraid to give their all on stage. 2NE1 is the second type and that's something that YG has over everyone else. Just like when people comment how CL is screaming... she's not, she's hyping. Big difference. (I don't see why people are suddenly complaining now when she's always done it) Go to a concert, every performer does it to hype the crowd and it works. That's why people always praise her energy and the way she works the stage. Think of it as if she were joining in her own fanchant. 


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I have only one really.... that crowd. Holy crap did it . No offense intended, but I noticed that the younger teenage Korean crowds normally have no idea how to just let loose and enjoy themselves. I find that that older crowds are the ones who have their heads on straight. Usually that's the crowd that attends festivals and concerts from overseas artists. I  can understand why Korean artists feel overwhelmed when they tour other countries. Like how BigBang practically cried on stage during the last stop show in Jersey last year. I know because I was there. They weren't expecting us all to know the lyrics to Haru Haru and when everyone sang it, despite the language barriers, despite the difference in cultures, when they heard that crowd join together and sing that song as one, they were genuinely overwhelmed. Korean fans don't really know how to appreciate those award shows and don't know how to show any respect or consideration to any other artist except their bias. It's really sad and unfortunate.



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TheOddOneGiggles #1
I love those performances also ^^
I didn't like the crowd either (--3--)
CL is amazing for doing that; other idols don't get the crowd hype only in their concets and that's sometimes
If I was there i would be singing and dancing busting out my glow sticks xD