Another Helluva Weird But Cute Dream...


I had another weird dream last night, but this one acctually made more sense... In a way.... here it is:


I met a guy he was around 20 - 22 years old, he had military clothes. Apparently he was working in the military. His head was shaved like they have it in the military. He was buff (powerfully built), but not too much and he wasn't exactly fat either. Just right in size. It lookied like he had brown hair, but I couldn't see his eye color.

I was at school and he was visiting, it turns out that I've seen him before, because he recognised me. It again turnes out that I've been chatting with him online. We started talking together. He was really nice and I laughed a lot. We met a lot of times after that too and we got to know each other well. He had invited me out to eat too. He gave me flowers and we were on our way.

After the 'date' was over he followed me home, we chatted on the way. And when we reached the front door of my house he kissed me.


Then I woke up.... I was so dissapointed then....


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It's always disappointing to wake up from a romantic dream... Especially if real life isn't like that!