I am me, okay? D:

hay there, gais! c:

Just recently got back from my trip to Canada, so forgive me if it takes a while to respond to messages. I thought that I would have stable internet connection there, but apparently not. /shot. I have a lot of notifications though (lol) so I'm hoping to touch on everything that I missed soon. If I don't get back to you though, feel free to shoot me a reminder! I wouldn't be surprised if I forgot something. OTL.


On a more serious note, it's come to my attention that there's been some confusion going around. /shot.

My only aff account is this one. wishful. The shoppe that I own has an account as well ("wishfulthoughts"), but all it is used for is to post reviews in blog posts in order to create more stable links for our requesters since we frequently delete chapters when we feel like the list is getting too long. However, these are the only two accounts that I have access too. Anyone else who says they're me defintiely isn't.

I have two separate tumblrs: baekdlayz (personal) and baeksicles (where i post writing). I have two urls saved (xingluser and oghei), but they're locked so yeah. 

Yes, I own "The Wishful Thoughts Shoppe". No, we do not have a shoppe email address. All request forms are sent directly to my personal email, or to the personal email of one of my employees. The account "wishfulthoughtsshoppeaff@________" or anything similar to it does not belong to me and I have no idea who it belongs to. I can assure you that it doesn't belong to any of my staff either though, so if this person tries to contact you saying they'll hook you up with some graphics/trailers/reviews/one-shots, I'd be skeptical. Unless there's another Wishful Thoughts Shoppe on here. If there is, please let me know. OTL.

And regarding snapchat. My username is not "wishful" or "w15ful" or any variation of the word. /shot. I just recently made a snapchat and if you want my username for that, then go ahead and ask. But that account isn't me, so if you don't know the person, don't make any assumptions. ;3; It sounds stupid because we're all Internet friends, but I just want people to be careful.

My Facebook is deactivated as well; I don't have a Roleplay Republic; Don't use Instagram or Twitter either. I have a single livejournal account (baeksicles), a Skype, and a LINE, but that's about all I really use.


Ugh, I'm skyping with Bianca (biiancaz) and Tiffany (TheDividingTree) and they're using all this complicated musical vocabulary that I can't understand because I'm so undertalented compared to them OTL OTL OTL OTL

(my ulcer is also acting up owieeee.)


Hoping to make a more gradual return in the coming days. I'm not sure if my mum remembered my birthday this time around or not, so not too sure if I'll be going out today. /shot. I'd say that I'll be going to bed soon since it's almost 2 in the morning, but that's probably a lie since Tiffany and  Bianca are going to be keeping me awake with their pretty music. T3T

But I just wanted to say that I missed you all! Hoping to become more active while unpacking everything at the same time. LOLOLOL.

*glomps all of you for 5ever*


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sorry i just noticed this
"I'm not sure if my mum remembered"
(but she did remember and everyone else remembered which is a good thing)
omg dear i missed youuuu
no wonder i rarely saw you online

how was your trip?
i hope it went well c:
Hope your trip was good! :D