♡ Be mine, bad boy! || Seoyun's application

Be mine, bad boy!


( llamaluhan Heo Seoyun ) ( 21 ) ( half Korean-half Chinese)



( who's that girl )


character's name: Heo Seoyun || Shouyi || Syren

nickname; Queen Seo, called by most of her friends because of her "perfect" character || XiaoYi, a mix on xiao (small, young) and her Chinese name, Shouyi, called by her family members since she is the youngest

birthdate; 03/11/92

birthplace; Guangzhou, China

hometown; Seoul, Korea



is being pretty everything? )


appearance; ► ► ► ► ► ► ►  [Jung Roo]

backup appearance; ► ► ► ►  [Lee Da Som]

height; 165cm

weight; 51kg

hair color: Black

eye color: Blackish Brown

extra; Small mole below the corner of her right eye. Needs glasses, but often just wears graded contacts.

style; Her daily outfit would consist of shorts or skirts, and a comfortable top. During warmer weather, she would wear sleeveless shirts, topped with a crop top if she feels like it. The type to choose skirts over jeans, her general attire gives out a cute, yet gentle appearance. Surprisingly, she is more of a sneaker type than heels, but doesn't mind wearing the latter either. Cold weather means fur, big coats, and boots. ►  ► 



hey, you )


personality;  Syren grew up in a strict family; She was raised to be prim and proper at all times. She likes things neat and organized, and the worst thing you can possibly call her is a rule breaker. To people she is not close to, she may appear cold. Her smiles are calm, and rarely reaches her eyes. She is quiet, likes keeping things to herself, and knows when to hold her tongue in situations needed. She knows the basics of respect when it comes to elders and higher authority, and absolutely hates the idea of disappointing anyone. To people she has opened up to more, she relaxes a little. She is still careful with what she does, but she alsooften teaches her friends on what to do. She tells them how to do this, or say that, properly, but not in a bossy way. They call her stuff like Queen, or Your Highness, because of this.  

likes;  Cold weather + order + keeping things neat + icecream + cats + rules - like an outline + to help her know exactly what to do + books + warm blankets

dislikes; sand + salt water getting in her eyes + dark or thick make up + loud noises + jerks + rebels / rulebreakers + arrogant people + the colour green (specifically, these shades:                                    however, she is fine with this         ) + super neon colours hurts her eyes   

fears; scared of letting people down, or having them disappointed in her (especially her mother) || because she grew raised with the idea that she must please people

habits; tilts her head when confused + staring blankly at someone when in disbelief + puffs her cheeks when thinking + sometimes mixes in Korean, English, and Chinese when speaking, usually if flustered + blinks quickly when nervous

hobbies; paints + draws alot, usually clothes + cooking, usually Korean or Chinese recipes + writing on her journal

trivia; She has a cat named Vane, it's colour white with a black patch of fur at the end of its tail. + Her favourite ice cream brand is Haagen Daz, flavour is Vanilla Almond. + She knows how to speak English and Chinese, due to her Mother. + Prefers indie music than mainsteam music (lawl hipster) + She is used to getting no sleep when she has something to do. + Secretly wants to become a singer, but was forced by her mother to take up a business path. + Her favourite colours are white and light pink. + Really hates vegetables, but makes sure to eat them, as taught by her mother. 

languages; Korean || 10 + English || 8 + Chinese || 9

occupation: University student, taking a business management course


we never go alone )


background;  Seoyun was born to an Korean father and a Chinese mother. While her father was a kind man, she could not say the same for her mother. You can call her mother a perfectionist- she already instiled manners and discipline in Seoyun at a very young age. Seoyun was the child who  never ate unless told she could, always kept quiet unless spoken to, and the most important thing to her mother- she always got perfect grades. Ofcourse, growing up, it's not certain to always get perfect grades. Whenever she would get a score even just 1 point less than perfect, her mother would scold her. She would tell her that she is a disappointment, that she didn't raise her up to be so stupid. Seoyun grew up more mature than kids her age, even it terms of speaking, so it was difficult for her to make friends. 


Father | Heo Sangyu | 48 | Restaurant owner | 4

Mother | Wang Xinyi | 48 | Co-owner of restaurant | 3

Brother | Heo Seokwon (Shouwon/Syrill) | 25 | Dancer trainer at SME | 5

Brother | Heo Seokmin (Shoumin/Shander) | 18 | Student | 4


why did she have to move to an another apartment; The house the Heo family currently lived in was rather far from the university she had to attend. Her father noted that if she was late, there was a deduction in her grade, therefor she told Seoyun to stay at a much closer apartment. Her mother originally did not approve of the idea, but her father knew Seoyun could need the space, so she eventually agreed considering the grade deduction.


friends; Leon Tsang | 21 | University student | 4  + Park Yunmi | 21 | University student

rivals; n/a



bad boy )


name: Luhan, EXO

age; 23

occupation; University student

personality; He is a born trouble maker, and could be called two faced. While he may appear innocent in the eyes of others, he can easily turn devious once their back is turned. He's a rebel, a rulebreaker, and doesn't give a damn. He's got a sharp tongue, and isn't afraid of offending people. He's a free spirit, and believes everyone should be too. Everyone should be able to do what they want and say what they want, regardless of what others would feel or think. His nicer side is he's playful, and also knows how to make people feel at ease around him, often cracking jokes and what not. He will always be nicer at first, but once you mess with him, he does a 180 degree turn.

how did they meet; Seoyun walking to school when suddenly someone bumped into her and made her books fall. The person just ran off, but while he was running someone stopped him. That happened to be Luhan, telling the guy to apologize to Seoyun. Seoyun originally thought Luhan was the type of guy to be a savior. Instead, when the guy refused to apologize claiming he didn't do anything, Luhan threatened to hit the guy. Seoyun ended up stepping in, claiming it wasn't neccessary and that fist fights were for children, and walked off. 

does he know that she likes him; He has absolutely no idea, since Seoyun is the type to hide her feelings. 

how does he treat her; Luhan is rather forceful. Ever since the first meeting, he's been hanging around her. When he found out about her uptight personality, he made a vow to change her. Since then, he tries to ask her to join him for parties and such and does not take no for an answer. Even if they're not together, he's already rather possessive of her and easily jealous. Once, he saw her talking with her friend Leon, and he confronted her by practically pushing her on a wall claiming who Leon is and what he is to her. He can have a rather mean streak within him when he gets jealous. However, he's also easily regretful of what he does to her, and there are moments he's the sweetest type of guy. 


backup love interest's name; Huang Zitao

age: 20

occupation: University Student

personality; same

how did they meet; same

does he know that she likes him; same

how does he treat her; same



comments/suggestions: Tell me if I did anything wrong >< Goodluck choosing and thanks for considering~ The story plot seems so interesting OuO


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