❝ 장미 ❞ Seoyun's Application

photo 4fac84e7-81a3-4c06-a4b7-6d8d11173da5_zpseb45900f.jpgHeo Seoyun
                                                               ( main rapper - 19 - Queenly Perfectionist )




nickname: Rae :DDDD or Llama
profile link:
activness: 9~
name: Heo Seoyun
nickname: Queen Seo || Chinese: Shouyi , English: Syren
age: 19
D.O.B: 03/11/1994
bloodtype: A
nationality: 1/2 Korean, 1/2 Chinese.
birthplace: Guangzhou, China
hometown: Seoul, Korea
languages: Korean + Chinese || Fluent + English || Semi-Fluent
height: 165cm
weight: 52kg

ulzzang name: Jung Roo
back-up ulzzang name: 
picture links: o o o o o o o
back-up picture links: o o o o o o o
favourite hair colour: Brown o

personality: Syren grew up in a strict family; She was raised to be prim and proper at all times. She likes things neat and organized, and the worst thing you can possibly call her is a rule breaker. To people she is not close to, she may appear cold. Her smiles are calm, and rarely reaches her eyes. She is quiet, likes keeping things to herself, and knows when to hold her tongue in situations needed. She knows the basics of respect when it comes to elders and higher authority, and absolutely hates the idea of disappointing anyone. Due to this, she is great at changing herself to match the wants of others. To people she has opened up to more, she relaxes a little. She is still careful with what she does, but she alsooften teaches her friends on what to do. She tells them how to do this, or say that, properly, but not in a bossy way. She is careful not to offend anybody.
likes: Cold weather, order, keeping things neat,  icecream, cats, rules - like an outline, to help her know exactly what to do, books, warm blankets
dislikes: Rebels / rule breakers, things being unorganized, rude people, arrogant people, sand,  loud noises
flaws: Hates disappointing people; Because of this, she's not sure of who she is. She is used to following what people want, and what they expect from her.   || Hides her emotions; Whenever her mom would scold her when she was younger, she would cry. But, that would only make her mother scold her all the more. Because of this, she rarely lets people know her true feelings. 
fears: Disappointing other people
trivia: She has a cat named Vane, it's colour white with a black patch of fur at the end of its tail. + Her favourite ice cream brand is Haagen Daz, flavour is Vanilla Almond. + She knows how to speak English and Chinese, due to her Mother. + Prefers indie music than mainsteam music (lawl hipster) + She rarely uses the internet, therefore the only account she has is a facebook (/SeoyunHeo) with hardly anything in it, and a twitter for entertainment purposes (HSY1103) + She's a fan of Boyfriend, Teen Top, and Super Junior. Biases are Kwangmin, Chunji, and Kyuhyun respectively. + Her favourite colours include light pink, skyblue, and white. She dislikes the colours green and orange. + She has two brothers named Heo Seokwon and Heo Seokmin, aged 24 and 21. + She cannot sleep with any form of light in her room. + She does not eat unless told she could, as taught by her mother. Usually makes sure elders go first. + She loves books by John Green. 

photo 4fac84e7-81a3-4c06-a4b7-6d8d11173da5_zpseb45900f.jpg
love interest: EXO's Luhan
back-up love interest: Super Junior's Kyuhyun
relationship: Luhan || Friends / Kyuhyun || Fangirl
personality: Luhan || Kind and caring, friendly from the start. Adorable despite his age, but also knows how to be serious and mature. Hardworking and does his best in everything. / Kyuhyun || Snarky, and will always have a witty comment to say. Avid gamer. Does have a kind side, but doesn't show it easily, or shows it in less obvious ways.
how you act together: Luhan will always be the brighter of the two. He will be the one smiling, laughing, and cracking some jokes. Seoyun would be a little more reserved, but she can't help but smile in his presence. His cheerful aura is just too strong. Seoyun does act a bit shyer around him, blushes easily, more careful with her words and actions, while Luhan is his carefree self. Luhan does his best to get atleast one laugh from Seoyun per day, not satisfied with her usual smiles. || Seoyun is a huge ELF, so around Kyuhyun she is most of the time speechless. Kyuhyun on the other hand, is not used to so much silence. He would prod her to speaking more, especially speaking out her mind, but still Seoyun will not. Kyuhyun's usually the one doing the complaining talking, occasionally asking Seoyun for her thoughts. The only time Seoyun does have alot more to say is when they talk about music.

stage name: none 
persona: Queenly Perfectionist; The way she walks, acts, and talks is much like a reserved Royal person. Prim and proper aura. She is a perfectionist is everything she does, and will not stop until she is satisfied. 
position: main rapper
singing links: o o || o
dancing links: o o
rapping links: o o

anything else you'd like to share: Well, her Mom is the one with the Chinese blood and she's really like reaaaally strict, and the number one person Seoyun would hate to disappoint. Her older brother (Seokwon) works at SM as a dance trainer. Yeah I guess that's it xD 
comments for moi: The application is so cute ♥ XD Goodluck with the story~ ^^ Tell me if I need to change anything ><
suggestions for debut album: Bloom? In connection to how a rose blooms-- XD 



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