Let's Play A Game {{Seoyun's Application}}

the lovely application~ 


Username: llamaluhan
Activeness: 9 :3
Name: Rae :D

Character Basics--

Full Name: Heo Seoyun || Chinese; Shouyi + English; Syren 
Nickname(s): Queen Seo; Called by her closer friends, due to her sometimes queenlike demeanor and personality. || XiaoYi; Family members call her this cuz she is the youngest
Birthday + Age: 11/03/97 + 16
Race: Half Chinese; Half Korean
Appearance: You used Yeobin alreaaady. Going with Jung Roo then, found here (gallery) :  || Her skin is pale, except for a small tint of pink on her cheeks. She has straight, black hair and a full set of bangs. She does not feel comfortable with her bangs up, at all. Her eyes are catlike, with long lashes framing it. Her lips are naturally light coloured as well, so she often uses a pink lipgloss for it. She has glasses (horrible, horrible eyesight), but if she needs contacts, it'll often be in gray. Overall, she could be mistaken as a vampire. heh.
Style: Casual || Her daily outfit would consist of shorts or skirts, and a comfortable top. During warmer weather, she would wear sleeveless shirts, topped with a crop top if she feels like it. The type to choose skirts over jeans, her general attire gives out a cute, yet gentle appearance. Surprisingly, she is more of a sneaker type than heels, but doesn't mind wearing the latter either. Cold weather means fur, big coats, and boots. + Formal || If we're talking extremely formal, she will wear a gown, usually in dark colours. Matched with some jewelry and heels. Her usual dresses are atleast knee-length to above the knee, varying from cute looking to a bit more ladylike. Makeup is kept to a minimum at most, she doesn't like looking too caked. Shoes vary from heels to flats, she atleast knows not to wear sneakers for formal events xD 
Personality: Friends || Generally, Seoyun was raised strictly, making her actions and words seem rather mature for a girl her age. She could be considered motherlike, never hesitating to help her friends, whatever the cause. They can also expect her to scold them, though not harshly, when they do something wrong. She gives off a very calm aura, and holds herself like a queen, thus giving her the nickname of Queen. She's very loving to her friends, and smiles alot more around them than strangers. At times, she does know when to loosen up a little and join the crazy antics. + Enemies || She's colder than cold, that can be for sure. She would much rather ignore the person, perhaps even glare at them occasionally. If speaking is a must, she does not hesitate to talk back and always has snappy comebacks and remarks. She never loses her temper, which makes her scarier with that calm voice that's obviously dripped with hate. + Crush || Seoyun was raised with the rule that she can only date once she has reached the legal age of 18, so she is rather cautious with things like love or even crushes. When she knows she might be falling for someone, she tends to stay away from them more. But ofcourse, still being a girl, she is prone to daydreams and fantasizing, things like "What if..." and scenarios she would like to happen. She tends to keep it to herself though, maybe only tell one or two people, and will generally live with denial when faced with it. She will be silent around him, shyness taking over, and would stutter over her words when spoken to, a complete change from her usual collected demeanour. 
Background:  Well, fun fact is she was born in LA and lived there for 7 years prior to moving to Korea, so her English is alright. Her mom is the one with the Chinese blood, and she's a very, very, VERY strict woman who raised her up to be prim and proper from the start. I guess those are the only important details regarding her ^^;
Likes: icecream + the colour light pink + cats + cute things + wearing skirts + boots + order + cleanliness + rules, to keep things in place + she's a fan of Boyfriend (bias is Kwangmin!) 
Dislikes: sand + salt water getting in her eyes + dark or thick make up + loud noises + jerks + rebels / rulebreakers + arrogant people + the colour green (specifically, these shades:                                    however, she is fine with this         ) + super neon colours hurts her eyes   
Hobbies: paints + draws alot, usually clothes + cooking, usually Korean or Chinese recipes + writing on her journal
Habits: tilts her head when confused + staring blankly at someone when in disbelief + puffs her cheeks when thinking + sometimes mixes in Korean, English, and Chinese when speaking, usually if flustered + blinks quickly when nervous
Phobias: scared of letting people down, or having them disappointed in her (especially her mother)
Family:  Can the relative be a Seventeen member? If yes then O1. Yao Ming Ming + 17 + Her cousin, as for the personality, I guess that's up to how he is in your story? But if that's not allowed, she has two older brothers too~ O2. Heo Seokmin (Shoumin / Shander) + 22 + Eldest brother, cares for her alot, but is careful not to spoil her. Works as a dance trainer at SME. O3. Heo Seokwon (Shouwon / Syrill) + 19 + Second brother, cares for her too, playful and funny. Still studying, but part-times as a barista. 
Model Infoo1: Girlier clothing, stuff like skirts and things with frills, heels or flats, sneakers are cool. She's not a big fan of jeans, but it doesn't matter much when it comes to it. Definitely not okay with dark makeup, and more boyish or rocker type clothing. She tends to stay away from green as well. + o2: Definitely takes orders well, and listens as much as possible. If she does have something she dislikes, it only shows in her expression, though it'll only be for awhile. She was raised to respect and follows elders, and she does that even in modelling. + o3: The Queenly Model
Partner; #1, Wen Junhui + 17 || #2, Kim Mingyu + 16
Others: JOSHUA HONG IS A LIFE RUINER, OMG IKR. I was suppose to apply for him too, but I am fineee with Junhui. Goodluck with the story~ ^^



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Heyyy~ Yes the relative can be a Seventeen member, so no worries there~ ^^