` ( the grand — Hong Jin Hoa


the grand at seoul

Hong Jin Hoa


check in


username: JungDongPark
name: Lou
activity level: 10

character name: Hong Jin Hoa
nickname(s): -none-
dob: 05/31/94
age: 19
ethnicity: Korean - Vietnamese
place of birth: Garden Grove, California
hometown:  Garden Grove, California
languages: English & Korean - Fluent

ulzzang: Jung Minhee
gallery: Gallery oo1 | Gallery oo2
back up: Park Sora
gallery: Gallery oo1 | Gallery oo2

appearance: Her appearance and everything is the same, but her height is 167cm


1 - 2 - 3


1 - 2 - 3


1 - 2 - 3 - 4


1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6

extras: A Tattoo on her left shoulder blade saying, "Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man." Two diamond cartilage pericings at her left ear.


elevator races


persona: The One Night stand
personality traits: Witty | Enthusiastic | erted | Versatile | Intellectual | Indecisive

personality: She has always had always two-face, maybe not a personality wise, but the mind and looks. Her face is as pure as a five year-olds, but underneath that, it's all ertedness and cockiness - In front of strangers at least. Though she is erted like that, she hides it in front adults with her school attitude. She's always been a Straight-A student, never did fail once. The thing about her is that she always has to succeed or else if she fails, she'll slowly cry on the spot. she has great attendance and plenty of awards. Because she's always the teacher's pet, she thinks highly of herself, sometimes. If people were to annoy her or piss her off, she doesn't take anybody's bull at all, she just comes back with a straight-up rude remark about that person. Sarcastic too. she's a kind person too, she'll do any favors for anybody. But doesn't want anything in return, - unless you ask her so frequent. She likes to change her mind often every couple minutes, sometimes just to make people angry. But that's her own charm, at least she thinks so.

She's a flirt, too. Just like her dad, Like Father Like Daughter ~ She doesn't flirt, - or try too, but it always comes out that way. So people would think she's leading them on, but nope. It's just a misunderstanding. She had many relationship problems because of her personality, so it's not really knew to her if she gets into a break-up. Many people, including her family (aunts, uncles,etc.,), saw her as a bad influence. Because 1) she doesn't do her chores (even though her parents created the rule, 'If you get good grades then you don't have to do chores.', 'If you get bad grades and do chores, it's fine.') 2) she tended to daydream about the stupidest thing (in their opinion) that was worthy of to be thinking about.  3) she had opposed everything her parents would try and do for because they thought they knew what's best for her. But they didn't, since she knew her ownself more than anyone else. 4) She will debate with anyone in any type of conversation and will shoot them down enentually until she wins. She always lived by two quotes, "Act like a Lady, Think like a Man." - Steve Harvey & her own, "Yes, I'm fake, but don't judge a book by it's cover." But in the end, she's just a sweet girl with a tough attitude.

likes: Skinship ( alot) | Coffee | Art | Photography | Love Legends | 11:11 | shooting stars | Alcohol | Night Clubs

dislikes: Spiders | Animals | Insects | Chainmails | Ghosts | People who complain constantly | Annoying people 
habits: Sniffing people | Touching people | Going to bed really late | starves self during lunch and dinner and eats at midnight
hobbies: Composine songs | Play the guitar | Play the piano | Take photographs | Painting | Collecting chopsticks | Collecting rare alcoholic drinks


- Lactose Intolerate

- Instagram; JinniJinHoa_

- Twitter; HoaJin_Hong

- Faecbook; Jin Hoa Hong

- Heavy alcohol drinker

- Learned to do y dances when she was only 13, that's why she's a huge partier now

- Known as someone who had a lot charisma and iness since age 13

- Extremely good at flirting and seducting people. Explaining all her ex's

background:  As, jin Hoa grew up she was bullied right away once she had started Kinder. From that she learned how to stand up for herself, and bullied them back. Her dad later shows her some artists from Korea like Fin. KL, H.O.T., Seo Taji & Boys, etc. She was interested in their music, as well as some artists from Vietnam her mom had shown her. Then on she loved music, her parents frequently took her back and forth to Vietnam & Korean to visit and do pageants during their trips. When she reached the age of eight, she modeled. She sang in a little group from ages 8 to 11. Then went duo with only her and her younger cousin. Of course, when she modeled, at the time of age 14 she went out to plenty of parties. She had fun but she turned into a party animal. She had plenty of fun for her age, just making out at parties.

As she turned sixteen, her parents wanted her to stop doing modeling and singing. Probably because they were aware whatever was going on with her if she continued to model or sing. Then wanted her to become a doctor, or a lawyer. Even her older brother wanted her to become a doctor. Jin Hoa said 'no' to her parents' desicion for her. She locked herself in her  room day and night composing music, and singing. She and her family later opened a little cafe. Jin Hoa was in there 24/7 earning money for many things she was ready for, like a model school or a music industry school. She was happy with her older brother, her parents and her life. But, Hae Do was dumped by plenty of guys, it was because they always tend to think she was player, always flirting with other guys. Which wasn't true, she just felt that she was always more connected to guys. She waved them off and moved on knowing they only liked her for her looks.

family: Hong Jin┊48┊Professional Chef┊strict - short-tempered - mean ┊Between Jin Hoa and her dad, she and him don't ever get along well. For one because she hates how he controls her life. The two fight like cats and dogs, he always 'thinks' he knows what's best for Jin Hoa, but it always ends up into a mess which makes her angrier than before. )

(Nguyen Thuy | 42 | Stay-home mom | strict - short-tempered - caring | Between Jin Hoa and her mom, they aren't close either. The two also fight like cats and dogs. When they fight though, Jin Hoa always wins, but her mom always acts as if Jin Hoa is child and still doesn't know anything. Only because she doesn't want someone younger than her knowing more things than her)

(Hong 'Jason' Lee | 22 | Student @ USC | Caring - Funny - Bright | Jason always wanted a little sister and he got himself one. He cared for Jin Hoa plenty since she was the only sister her ever had, well at least until the other one came, but whatsoever, he always supported Jin Hoa for whatever, even if he thought it wasn't right. He just wanted his sister happy and never wanted to fight with her)

(Hong 'Maylee' Min | 16 | Student | Cocky-Rude-Bossy | The druggie sister. Maylee is the one who's been doing drugs since age 14, but had to quit because her parents threatened to kick her out. Jason and Jin Hoa aren't ever close to her. But if anything were to happen to Maylee with the drugs and all, Jin Hoa is the one who's always taking care of. And the thing Jin Hoa hates most is taking care of someone when it's not even her fault or mistake) 


poolside chillin'

use this template: ( name┊age┊occupation┊personality in key words, or four sentences┊relationship with your chara ; max 2 )

bestfriends: (Kim Hyuna | 21 | Model | Bubbly ; Bright ; Cute ; Positive | Best friends)
friends: (Lee Minhyuk | 22 | BTOB | Prankster ; Witty ; Smart | Close Friends)

(Alison Ahn | 19 | Bartender | Bubbly ; Bright ; Positive | Childhood friends)

others: The Vacation Sweethearts
rivals: Alison falls for the same guy Jin Hoa fell in love for, but they don't know he slept with the both of them. 



we found love at a buffet

Oh Sehun




kokoro goes doki doki


persona: The Mysterious Bartender

love interest: Oh Sehun

backup: Lay
personality: Sehun (& Lay) is extremely mysterious. He doesn't talk much when he's serving. He just nods and serves it to us. Just looking at him and he gives out that cold aura that makes people want to stay away from. But once people finally do really get close to him, he'll open up and smile. Talk freely and normally to you too.

relationship: It's rare for them to be seen together doing anything. Jin Hoa is always usually at the bar by Sehun, drinking shots after shots. Sehun would join insometimes, but the two aren't ever seen together other than only at the bar together.
first meet: Obviously, Jin Hoa was drunk when got out of the elevator walking towards her room. She didn't have a guy with her that time, because no one was good-looking enough for her, - well for her drunk eyes. Sehun was walking out a room, dressed in a nice sleek black vest and a nicely dressed white shirt under it. Jin Hoa didn't know and accidently bumped into him. She bowed and apologized with a little slur in her voice. But he just nodded and was going to leave, until she stopped him. The two were in front her room, she had unlocked the door and led him into her room. After that, it was all sparks and fireworks.


enjoy your stay, i guess.

` ( the one night stand — 

 the prey bait - "I usually party at any party my friends drag me too, or clubs, I find my temporary beau usually anywhere. They just gotta be good-looking,"
something about you. — "I didn't leave him for a reason, was because I guess, I don't know what happened the night before, but when I looked at him, I had that 'three seconds to fall in love' thing going on in my head."
other people. — "Haha, those other people. My god, I get so drunk easily and get dragged by men or I drag men in so easily. But um.. I only remember a few, uh, damn. It was T.O.P, Taecyeon, oh my god! Haha, all these memories are flowing back. And maybe Bang Yongguk...? That's all I could remember."


comments/suggestions: I had a lot of filling this out ~ ^-^ Hope you like and accept her !


- Alison boasts about the guy she had 'it' with the other day, (aka Sehun) but she doesn't say who it was, since he left so quickly. (It was on the same night Sehun was dragged by Jin Hoa

-Sehun invites Jin Hoa out to dinner for the first time, and there Alison walks up to Sehun and just touches his shoulder. Jin Hoa clueless.

- The rest is up to you author-nim ~ ^-^
password: (
The Grand)




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