My Weirest Dream EVER!!! O.o

So this night I had the wairdest dream ever! Like seriously, and it's so weird that I remember it so clearly... I'm gonna have to get my mom to interpret what the dream means. Here's what happened in the dream:


It all happened in a forest, I was walking with a man, who I think was my boyfriens or lover or something. Anyway, as we were walking I found a baby, abandoned is the forest, a baby girl. We didn't know what to do so we took her with us back to our tribe. As we got there everyone assembled to take a look at the child and everything was peacefull. Then some time later, I dunno if it was the same day or days, weeks or years later.... But the tribe was invanded by these scary creatures, they were not human at all!! They wanted to take over our tribe so all the men send the women and children away with me, apparently I was the chief's wife and had to lead then to safety while our men faught with the creatures. It seemed like it took a few weeks to get to our destination, looks like our sister tribe and we wated there for our men to come back. And they did, they said that the creatures were dead and delt with an that it was safe too return back and that we did. Then everything was peacefull and I woke up.


If that's not a weird dream, I have no idea of what is....


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That was weird...
Well, that's the fun part about dreams. Dreams can be so weird, because it's a dream. But they can also seem so realistic, even though nothing makes sense...